Adaptable Functors and Function Adapters

The predefined functors in Table 16.12 are all adaptable. Actually, the STL has five related concepts: adaptable generators, adaptable unary functions, adaptable binary functions, adaptable predicates, and adaptable binary predicates.

What makes a functor adaptable is that it carries typedef members identifying its argument types and return type. The members are called result_type, first_argument_type, and second_argument_type, and they represent what they sound like. For example, the return type of a plus<int> object is identified as plus<int>::result_type, and this would be a typedef for int.

The significance of a functor being adaptable is that it can then be used by function adapter objects, which assume the existence of these typedef members. For example, a function with an argument that is an adaptable functor can use the result_type member to declare a variable that matches the function’s return type.

Indeed, the STL provides function adapter classes that use these facilities. For example, suppose you want to multiply each element of the vector gr8 by 2.5. That calls for using the transform() version with a unary function argument, like the example shown earlier:

transform(gr8.begin(), gr8.end(), out, sqrt);

The multiplies() functor can do the multiplication, but it’s a binary function. So you need a function adapter that converts a functor that has two arguments to one that has one argument. The earlier TooBig2 example shows one way, but the STL has automated the process with the binder1st and binder2nd classes, which convert adaptable binary functions to adaptable unary functions.

Let’s look at binder1st. Suppose you have an adaptable binary function object f2(). You can create a binder1st object that binds a particular value, called val, to be used as the first argument to f2():

binder1st(f2, val) f1;

Then, invoking f1(x) with its single argument returns the same value as invoking f2() with val as its first argument and f1()’s argument as its second argument. That is, f1(x) is equivalent to f2(val, x), except that it is a unary function instead of a binary function. The f2() function has been adapted. Again, this is possible only if f2() is an adaptable function.

This might seem a bit awkward. However, the STL provides the bind1st() function to simplify using the binder1st class. You give it the function name and value used to construct a binder1st object, and it returns an object of that type. For example, you can convert the binary function multiplies() to a unary function that multiplies its argument by 2.5. Just do this:

bind1st(multiplies<double>(), 2.5)

Thus, the solution to multiplying every element in gr8 by 2.5 and displaying the results is this:

transform(gr8.begin(), gr8.end(), out,
        bind1st(multiplies<double>(), 2.5));

The binder2nd class is similar, except that it assigns the constant to the second argument instead of to the first. It has a helper function called bind2nd that works analogously to bind1st.

Listing 16.16 incorporates some of the recent examples into a short program.

Listing 16.16. funadap.cpp

// funadap.cpp -- using function adapters
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>

void Show(double);
const int LIM = 6;
int main()
    using namespace std;
    double arr1[LIM] = {28, 29, 30, 35, 38, 59};
    double arr2[LIM] = {63, 65, 69, 75, 80, 99};
    vector<double> gr8(arr1, arr1 + LIM);
    vector<double> m8(arr2, arr2 + LIM);
    cout << "gr8: ";
    for_each(gr8.begin(), gr8.end(), Show);
    cout << endl;
    cout << "m8: ";
    for_each(m8.begin(), m8.end(), Show);
    cout << endl;

    vector<double> sum(LIM);
    transform(gr8.begin(), gr8.end(), m8.begin(), sum.begin(),
    cout << "sum: ";
    for_each(sum.begin(), sum.end(), Show);
    cout << endl;

    vector<double> prod(LIM);
    transform(gr8.begin(), gr8.end(), prod.begin(),
              bind1st(multiplies<double>(), 2.5));
    cout << "prod: ";
    for_each(prod.begin(), prod.end(), Show);
    cout << endl;

    return 0;

void Show(double v)
    std::cout << v << ' ';

Here is the output of the program in Listing 16.16:

gr8:      28.0   29.0   30.0   35.0   38.0   59.0
m8:       63.0   65.0   69.0   75.0   80.0   99.0
sum:      91.0   94.0   99.0  110.0  118.0  158.0
prod:     70.0   72.5   75.0   87.5   95.0  147.5

C++11 provides an alternative to function pointers and functors. It’s called a lambda expression, another topic discussed in Chapter 18.


The STL contains many nonmember functions for working with containers. You’ve seen a few of them already: sort(), copy(), find(), for_each(), random_shuffle(), set_union(), set_intersection(), set_difference(), and transform(). You’ve probably noticed that they feature the same overall design, using iterators to identify data ranges to be processed and to identify where results are to go. Some also take a function object argument to be used as part of the data processing.

There are two main generic components to the algorithm function designs. First, they use templates to provide generic types. Second, they use iterators to provide a generic representation for accessing data in a container. Thus, the copy() function can work with a container that holds type double values in an array, with a container that holds string values in a linked list, or with a container that stores user-defined objects in a tree structure, such as is used by set. Because pointers are a special case of iterators, STL functions such as copy() can be used with ordinary arrays.

The uniform container design allows meaningful relationships between containers of different kinds. For example, you can use copy() to copy values from an ordinary array to a vector object, from a vector object to a list object, and from a list object to a set object. You can use == to compare different kinds of containers—for example, deque and vector. This is possible because the overloaded == operator for containers uses iterators to compare contents, so a deque object and a vector object test as equal if they have the same content in the same order.

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