Other Forms of String Literals

C++, recall, has the wchar_t type in addition to char. And C++11 adds the char16_t and char32_t types. It’s possible to create arrays of these types and string literals of these types. C++ uses the L, u, and U prefixes, respectively, for string literals of these types. Here’s an example of how they can be used:

wchar_t title[] = L"Chief Astrogator";  // w_char string
char16_t name[] = u"Felonia Ripova";    // char_16 string
char32_t car[] = U"Humber Super Snipe"; // char_32 string

C++11 also supports an encoding scheme for Unicode characters called UTF-8. In this scheme a given character may be stored in anywhere from one 8-bit unit, or octet, to four 8-bit units, depending on the numeric value. C++ uses the u8 prefix to indicate string literals of that type.

Another C++11 addition is the raw string. In a raw string, characters simply stand for themselves. For example, the sequence is not interpreted as representing the newline character; instead, it is two ordinary characters, a backslash and an n, and it would display as those two characters onscreen. As another example, you can use a simple " inside a string instead of the more awkward " we used in Listing 4.8. Of course, if you allow a " inside a string literal, you no longer can use it to delimit the ends of a string. Therefore, raw strings use "( and )" as delimiters, and they use an R prefix to identify them as raw strings:

cout << R"(Jim "King" Tutt uses " " instead of endl.)" << ' ';

This would display the following:

Jim "King" Tutt uses instead of endl.

The standard string literal equivalent would be this:

cout << "Jim "King" Tutt uses " \n" instead of endl." << ' ';

Here we had to use \ to display because a single is interpreted as the first character of an escape sequence.

If you press the Enter or Return key while typing a raw string, that not only moves the cursor to the next line onscreen, it also places a carriage return character in the raw string.

What if you want to display the combination )" in a raw string? (Who wouldn’t?) Won’t the compiler interpret the first occurrence of )" as the end of the string? Yes, it will. But the raw string syntax allows you to place additional characters between the opening " and (. This implies that the same additional characters must appear between the final ) and ". So a raw string beginning with R"+* ( must terminate with )+*". Thus, the statement

cout << R"+*("(Who wouldn't?)", she whispered.)+*" << endl;

would display the following:

"(Who wouldn't?)", she whispered.

In short, the default delimiters of "( and )" have been replaced with "+*( and )+*". You can use any of the members of the basic character set as part of the delimiter other than the space, the left parenthesis, the right parenthesis, the backslash, and control characters such as a tab or a newline.

The R prefix can be combined with the other string prefixes to produce raw strings of wchar_t and so on. It can be either the first or the last part of a compound prefix: Ru, UR, and so on.

Now let’s go on to another compound type—the structure.

Introducing Structures

Suppose you want to store information about a basketball player. You might want to store his or her name, salary, height, weight, scoring average, free-throw percentage, assists, and so on. You’d like some sort of data form that could hold all this information in one unit. An array won’t do. Although an array can hold several items, each item has to be the same type. That is, one array can hold 20 ints and another can hold 10 floats, but a single array can’t store ints in some elements and floats in other elements.

The answer to your desire (the one about storing information about a basketball player) is the C++ structure. A structure is a more versatile data form than an array because a single structure can hold items of more than one data type. This enables you to unify your data representation by storing all the related basketball information in a single structure variable. If you want to keep track of a whole team, you can use an array of structures. The structure type is also a stepping stone to that bulwark of C++ OOP, the class. Learning a little about structures now takes you that much closer to the OOP heart of C++.

A structure is a user-definable type, with a structure declaration serving to define the type’s data properties. After you define the type, you can create variables of that type. Thus, creating a structure is a two-part process. First, you define a structure description that describes and labels the different types of data that can be stored in a structure. Then you can create structure variables, or, more generally, structure data objects, that follow the description’s plan.

For example, suppose that Bloataire, Inc., wants to create a type to describe members of its product line of designer inflatables. In particular, the type should hold the name of the item, its volume in cubic feet, and its selling price. Here is a structure description that meets those needs:

struct inflatable   // structure declaration
    char name[20];
    float volume;
    double price;

The keyword struct indicates that the code defines the layout for a structure. The identifier inflatable is the name, or tag, for this form; this makes inflatable the name for the new type. Thus, you can now create variables of type inflatable just as you create variables of type char or int. Next, between braces are the list of data types to be held in the structure. Each list item is a declaration statement. You can use any of the C++ types here, including arrays and other structures. This example uses an array of char, which is suitable for storing a string, a float, and a double. Each individual item in the list is called a structure member, so the inflatable structure has three members (see Figure 4.6). In short, the structure definition defines the characteristics of a type—in this case, the inflatable type.

Figure 4.6. Parts of a structure description.


After you have defined the structure, you can create variables of that type:

inflatable hat;               // hat is a structure variable of type inflatable
inflatable woopie_cushion;    // type inflatable variable
inflatable mainframe;         // type inflatable variable

If you’re familiar with C structures, you’ll notice (probably with pleasure) that C++ allows you to drop the keyword struct when you declare structure variables:

struct inflatable goose;      // keyword struct required in C
inflatable vincent;           // keyword struct not required in C++

In C++, the structure tag is used just like a fundamental type name. This change emphasizes that a structure declaration defines a new type. It also removes omitting struct from the list of curse-inducing errors.

Given that hat is type inflatable, you use the membership operator (.) to access individual members. For example, hat.volume refers to the volume member of the structure, and hat.price refers to the price member. Similarly, vincent.price is the price member of the vincent variable. In short, the member names enable you to access members of a structure much as indices enable you to access elements of an array. Because the price member is declared as type double, hat.price and vincent.price are both equivalent to type double variables and can be used in any manner an ordinary type double variable can be used. In short, hat is a structure, but hat.price is a double. By the way, the method used to access class member functions such as cin.getline() has its origins in the method used to access structure member variables such as vincent.price.

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