Using new to Create Dynamic Structures

You’ve seen how it can be advantageous to create arrays during runtime rather than at compile time. The same holds true for structures. You need to allocate space for only as many structures as a program needs during a particular run. Again, the new operator is the tool to use. With it, you can create dynamic structures. Again, dynamic means the memory is allocated during runtime, not at compile time. Incidentally, because classes are much like structures, you are able to use the techniques you’ll learn in this section for structures with classes, too.

Using new with structures has two parts: creating the structure and accessing its members. To create a structure, you use the structure type with new. For example, to create an unnamed structure of the inflatable type and assign its address to a suitable pointer, you can use the following:

inflatable * ps = new inflatable;

This assigns to ps the address of a chunk of free memory large enough to hold a structure of the inflatable type. Note that the syntax is exactly the same as it is for C++’s built-in types.

The tricky part is accessing members. When you create a dynamic structure, you can’t use the dot membership operator with the structure name because the structure has no name. All you have is its address. C++ provides an operator just for this situation: the arrow membership operator (->). This operator, formed by typing a hyphen and then a greater-than symbol, does for pointers to structures what the dot operator does for structure names. For example, if ps points to a type inflatable structure, then ps->price is the price member of the pointed-to structure (see Figure 4.11).

Figure 4.11. Identifying structure members.



Sometimes new C++ users become confused about when to use the dot operator and when to use the arrow operator to specify a structure member. The rule is simple: If the structure identifier is the name of a structure, use the dot operator. If the identifier is a pointer to the structure, use the arrow operator.

A second, uglier approach to accessing structure members is to realize that if ps is a pointer to a structure, then *ps represents the pointed-to value—the structure itself. Then, because *ps is a structure, (*ps).price is the price member of the structure. C++’s operator precedence rules require that you use parentheses in this construction.

Listing 4.21 uses new to create an unnamed structure and demonstrates both pointer notations for accessing structure members.

Listing 4.21. newstrct.cpp

// newstrct.cpp -- using new with a structure
#include <iostream>
struct inflatable   // structure definition
    char name[20];
    float volume;
    double price;
int main()
    using namespace std;
    inflatable * ps = new inflatable; // allot memory for structure
    cout << "Enter name of inflatable item: ";
    cin.get(ps->name, 20);            // method 1 for member access
    cout << "Enter volume in cubic feet: ";
    cin >> (*ps).volume;              // method 2 for member access
    cout << "Enter price: $";
    cin >> ps->price;
    cout << "Name: " << (*ps).name << endl;              // method 2
    cout << "Volume: " << ps->volume << " cubic feet "; // method 1
    cout << "Price: $" << ps->price << endl;             // method 1
    delete ps;                        // free memory used by structure
    return 0;

Here is a sample run of the program in Listing 4.21:

Enter name of inflatable item: Fabulous Frodo
Enter volume in cubic feet: 1.4
Enter price: $27.99
Name: Fabulous Frodo
Volume: 1.4 cubic feet
Price: $27.99

An Example of Using new and delete

Let’s look at an example that uses new and delete to manage storing string input from the keyboard. Listing 4.22 defines a function getname() that returns a pointer to an input string. This function reads the input into a large temporary array and then uses new [] with an appropriate size to create a chunk of memory sized to fit to the input string. Then the function returns the pointer to the block. This approach could conserve a lot of memory for programs that read in a large number of strings. (In real life, where many of us live, it would be easier to use the string class, which has the use of new and delete built in to its design.)

Suppose your program has to read 1,000 strings and that the largest string might be 79 characters long, but most of the strings are much shorter than that. If you used char arrays to hold the strings, you’d need 1,000 arrays of 80 characters each. That’s 80,000 bytes, and much of that block of memory would wind up being unused. Alternatively, you could create an array of 1,000 pointers to char and then use new to allocate only the amount of memory needed for each string. That could save tens of thousands of bytes. Instead of having to use a large array for every string, you fit the memory to the input. Even better, you could also use new to find space to store only as many pointers as needed. Well, that’s a little too ambitious for right now. Even using an array of 1,000 pointers is a little too ambitious for right now, but Listing 4.22 illustrates some of the technique. Also just to illustrate how delete works, the program uses it to free memory for reuse.

Listing 4.22. delete.cpp

// delete.cpp -- using the delete operator
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>      // or string.h
using namespace std;
char * getname(void);   // function prototype
int main()
    char * name;        // create pointer but no storage

    name = getname();   // assign address of string to name
    cout << name << " at " << (int *) name << " ";
    delete [] name;     // memory freed

    name = getname();   // reuse freed memory
    cout << name << " at " << (int *) name << " ";
    delete [] name;     // memory freed again
    return 0;

char * getname()        // return pointer to new string
    char temp[80];      // temporary storage
    cout << "Enter last name: ";
    cin >> temp;
    char * pn = new char[strlen(temp) + 1];
    strcpy(pn, temp);   // copy string into smaller space

    return pn;          // temp lost when function ends

Here is a sample run of the program in Listing 4.22:

Enter last name: Fredeldumpkin
Fredeldumpkin at 0x004326b8
Enter last name: Pook
Pook at 0x004301c8

Program Notes

Consider the function getname() in the program in Listing 4.22. It uses cin to place an input word into the temp array. Next, it uses new to allocate new memory to hold the word. Including the null character, the program needs strlen(temp) + 1 characters to store the string, so that’s the value given to new. After the space becomes available, getname() uses the standard library function strcpy() to copy the string from temp to the new block. The function doesn’t check to see whether the string fits, but getname() covers that by requesting the right number of bytes with new. Finally, the function returns pn, the address of the string copy.

In main(), the return value (the address) is assigned to the pointer name. This pointer is defined in main(), but it points to the block of memory allocated in the getname() function. The program then prints the string and the address of the string.

Next, after it frees the block pointed to by name, main() calls getname() a second time. C++ doesn’t guarantee that newly freed memory is the first to be chosen the next time new is used, and in this sample run, it isn’t.

Note in this example that getname() allocates memory and main() frees it. It’s usually not a good idea to put new and delete in separate functions because that makes it easier to forget to use delete. But this example does separate new from delete just to show that it is possible.

To appreciate some of the more subtle aspects of this program, you should know a little more about how C++ handles memory. So let’s preview some material that’s covered more fully in Chapter 9.

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