About the Authors

Hi, my name is Bill Sempf, and I am a software architect. Although I used to hate the term architect, it's clearly the only thing out there that def nes what I do. My breadth of experience includes business and technical analysis, software design, development, testing, server management and maintenance, and security. In my 17 years of professional experience, I have participated in the creation of well over 200 applications for large and small companies, managed the software infrastructure of two Internet service providers, coded complex software happily in every environment imaginable, and made mainframes talk to cellphones. In short, I make the technology products that people are using every day play nicely together.

I started playing with computers in 1979 and haven't looked back since. In 1985 I was helping my father (also named Bill) manage Apple IIe systems at the local library. Since then I have built applications for the likes of Bank One, Lucent Technologies, Nationwide Insurance, and Sears, Roebuck and Co. I am the author of Visual Basic 2008 For Dummies and Visual Basic 2005 For Dummies; a coauthor of Effective Visual Studio.NET, Professional ASP. NET Web Services, and Professional VB.NET; a frequent contributor to MSDN, Builder.com, Hardcore Web Services, Cloud Computing Journal, Inside Web Development Journal, and Intranet Journal; and have recently been an invited speaker for the ACM and IEEE, DevEssentials, the International XML Web Services Expo, and the Association of Information Technology Professionals. I am a graduate of The Ohio State University with a bachelor's of science degree in business administration, a Microsoft Certif ed Professional, a Certif ed Internet Business Strategist, and a Certif ed Internet Webmaster. My company is Products Of Innovative New Technology (usually called POINT), and you can reach me at .

Chuck Sphar escaped the Microsoft C++ documentation camps after six years of hard labor as a senior technical writer. You can reach Chuck for praise and minor nits at . His C# material Web page (references throughout the book) is csharp102.info.

Stephen R. Davis, who goes by the name Randy, lives with his wife and son near Dallas, Texas.

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