16.5. Returning a Pointer to a Particular Element in an Array


You need to create a method that accepts a pointer to an array, searches that array for a particular element, and returns a pointer to the found element.


The FindInArray method, shown here, returns a pointer to an element found in an array:

public unsafe int* FindInArray(int* theArray, int arrayLength, int valueToFind)
    for (int counter = 0; counter < arrayLength; counter++)
        if (theArray[counter] == valueToFind)
            return (&theArray[counter]);

    return (null);

This method is strongly typed for arrays that contain integers. To modify this method to use another type, change the int* types to the pointer type of your choice. Note that if no elements are found in the array, a null pointer is returned.

The method that creates an array of integers and passes a pointer to this array into the FindInArray method is shown here:

public void TestFind( )
        int[] numericArr = new int[3] {2,4,6};
        fixed(int* ptrArr = &numericArr[0])
            int* foundItem = FindInArray(ptrArr, numericArr.Length, 4);
            if (foundItem != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Not Found");


The FindInArray method accepts three parameters. The first parameter, theArray, is a pointer to the first element in the array that will be searched. The second parameter, arrayLength, is the length of the array, and the final parameter, valueToFind, is the value we wish to find in the array theArray.

The second parameter, arrayLength, informs the for loop when the last element is reached. We cannot determine the length of an array from just a pointer to that array, so this parameter is needed. Many unmanaged APIs that accept a pointer to an array also require that the length of the array be passed.


We could pass a pointer to any element in the array through the theArray parameter, but in doing so, we calculate the remaining length by subtracting the element location from the length of the array and passing the result to the arrayLength parameter.

The loop iterates over each element in the array and looks for the element that has a value equal to the parameter valueToFind. Once this element is found, a pointer to it is returned to the caller. We could have returned the actual value or the index value (Counter), but by returning a pointer to the element, more flexibility is offered to the calling method. A pointer can be dereferenced to get the value pointed to or it can be manipulated to point to the next or previous elements in the array using simple pointer arithmetic.

The FindInArray method could also be written as follows:

public unsafe int* FindInArray(int* theArray, int arrayLength, int valueToFind)
    for (int counter = 0; counter < arrayLength; counter++, theArray++)
        if (*theArray == valueToFind)
            return (theArray);

    return (null);

This version of this method uses pointer arithmetic to obtain the correct element in the array to be returned by this method.

Note that it is possible to return null from this method even though the return value is a pointer to a primitive type. If it were simply a primitive type and not a pointer to one, we could not return null from this method.


Make sure you check for null pointers on return when calling a method that may return a null pointer. Proper exception handling can also mitigate this.

See Also

See the “unsafe” keyword in the MSDN documentation.

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