Chapter 1. Introduction to TCP/IP Networking

This chapter covers the following exam topics:

1.0 Network Fundamentals

1.3 Compare physical interface and cabling types

1.3.a Single-mode fiber, multimode fiber, copper

1.3.b Connections (Ethernet shared media and point-to-point)

Welcome to the first chapter in your study for CCNA! This chapter begins Part I, which focuses on the basics of networking.

Networks work correctly because the various devices and software follow the rules. Those rules come in the form of standards and protocols, which are agreements of a particular part of how a network should work. However, the sheer number of standards and protocols available can make it difficult for the average network engineer to think about and work with networks—so the world of networking has used several networking models over time. Networking models define a structure and different categories (layers) of standards and protocols. As new standards and protocols emerge over time, networkers can think of those new details in the context of a working model.

You can think of a networking model as you think of a set of architectural plans for building a house. A lot of different people work on building your house, such as framers, electricians, bricklayers, painters, and so on. The blueprint helps ensure that all the different pieces of the house work together as a whole. Similarly, the people who make networking products, and the people who use those products to build their own computer networks, follow a particular networking model. That networking model defines rules about how each part of the network should work, as well as how the parts should work together so that the entire network functions correctly.

Today, TCP/IP rules as the most pervasive networking model in use. You can find support for TCP/IP on practically every computer operating system (OS) in existence today, from mobile phones to mainframe computers. Every network built using Cisco products today supports TCP/IP. And not surprisingly, the CCNA exam focuses heavily on TCP/IP. This chapter uses TCP/IP for one of its main purposes: to present various concepts about networking using the context of the different roles and functions in the TCP/IP model.

“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz

Take the quiz (either here or use the PTP software) if you want to use the score to help you decide how much time to spend on this chapter. The letter answers are listed at the bottom of the page following the quiz. Appendix C, found both at the end of the book as well as on the companion website, includes both the answers and explanations. You can also find both answers and explanations in the PTP testing software.

Table 1-1 “Do I Know This Already?” Foundation Topics Section-to-Question Mapping

Foundation Topics Section


Perspectives on Networking


TCP/IP Networking Model


Data Encapsulation Terminology


1. Which of the following protocols are examples of TCP/IP transport layer protocols? (Choose two answers.)

a. Ethernet


c. IP

d. UDP


f. TCP

2. Which of the following protocols are examples of TCP/IP data-link layer protocols? (Choose two answers.)

a. Ethernet


c. IP

d. UDP


f. TCP

g. PPP

3. The process of HTTP asking TCP to send some data and making sure that it is received correctly is an example of what?

a. Same-layer interaction

b. Adjacent-layer interaction

c. OSI model

d. All of these answers are correct.

4. The process of TCP on one computer marking a TCP segment as segment 1, and the receiving computer then acknowledging the receipt of TCP segment 1 is an example of what?

a. Data encapsulation

b. Same-layer interaction

c. Adjacent-layer interaction

d. OSI model

e. All of these answers are correct.

5. The process of a web server adding a TCP header to the contents of a web page, followed by adding an IP header and then adding a data-link header and trailer, is an example of what?

a. Data encapsulation

b. Same-layer interaction

c. OSI model

d. All of these answers are correct.

6. Which of the following terms is used specifically to identify the entity created when encapsulating data inside data-link layer headers and trailers?

a. Data

b. Chunk

c. Segment

d. Frame

e. Packet

7. Which OSI encapsulation term can be used instead of the term frame?

a. Layer 1 PDU

b. Layer 2 PDU

c. Layer 3 PDU

d. Layer 5 PDU

e. Layer 7 PDU

Answers to the “Do I Know This Already?” quiz:

1 D and F

2 A and G

3 B

4 B

5 A

6 D

7 B

Foundation Topics

Perspectives on Networking

So, you are new to networking. Like many people, your perspective about networks might be that of a user of the network, as opposed to the network engineer who builds networks. For some, your view of networking might be based on how you use the Internet, from home, using a high-speed Internet connection like digital subscriber line (DSL) or cable TV, as shown in Figure 1-1.

A figure shows a perspective of internet use. In one case, an ethernet cable from a home PC connects to a cable model which connects to the internet cloud through a CATV cable. In the second case, a wireless connection from a home device connects to a cable model, which further connects to the internet using a DSL line.

Figure 1-1 End-User Perspective on High-Speed Internet Connections

The top part of the figure shows a typical high-speed cable Internet user. The PC connects to a cable modem using an Ethernet cable. The cable modem then connects to a cable TV (CATV) outlet in the wall using a round coaxial cable—the same kind of cable used to connect your TV to the CATV wall outlet. Because cable Internet services provide service continuously, the user can just sit down at the PC and start sending email, browsing websites, making Internet phone calls, and using other tools and applications.

The lower part of the figure uses two different technologies. First, the tablet computer uses wireless technology that goes by the name wireless local-area network (wireless LAN), or Wi-Fi, instead of using an Ethernet cable. In this example, the router uses a different technology, DSL, to communicate with the Internet.

Both home-based networks and networks built for use by a company make use of similar networking technologies. The Information Technology (IT) world refers to a network created by one corporation, or enterprise, for the purpose of allowing its employees to communicate, as an enterprise network. The smaller networks at home, when used for business purposes, often go by the name small office/home office (SOHO) networks.

Users of enterprise networks have some idea about the enterprise network at their company or school. People realize that they use a network for many tasks. PC users might realize that their PC connects through an Ethernet cable to a matching wall outlet, as shown at the top of Figure 1-2. Those same users might use wireless LANs with their laptop when going to a meeting in the conference room as well. Figure 1-2 shows these two end-user perspectives on an enterprise network.

A figure shows a sample enterprise network.

Figure 1-2 Example Representation of an Enterprise Network


In networking diagrams, a cloud represents a part of a network whose details are not important to the purpose of the diagram. In this case, Figure 1-2 ignores the details of how to create an enterprise network.

Some users might not even have a concept of the network at all. Instead, these users just enjoy the functions of the network—the ability to post messages to social media sites, make phone calls, search for information on the Internet, listen to music, and download countless apps to their phones—without caring about how it works or how their favorite device connects to the network.

Regardless of how much you already know about how networks work, this book and the related certification help you learn how networks do their job. That job is simply this: moving data from one device to another. The rest of this chapter, and the rest of this first part of the book, reveals the basics of how to build enterprise networks so that they can deliver data between two devices.

TCP/IP Networking Model

A networking model, sometimes also called either a networking architecture or networking blueprint, refers to a comprehensive set of documents. Individually, each document describes one small function required for a network; collectively, these documents define everything that should happen for a computer network to work. Some documents define a protocol, which is a set of logical rules that devices must follow to communicate. Other documents define some physical requirements for networking. For example, a document could define the voltage and current levels used on a particular cable when transmitting data.

You can think of a networking model as you think of an architectural blueprint for building a house. Sure, you can build a house without the blueprint. However, the blueprint can ensure that the house has the right foundation and structure so that it will not fall down, and it has the correct hidden spaces to accommodate the plumbing, electrical, gas, and so on. Also, the many different people that build the house using the blueprint—such as framers, electricians, bricklayers, painters, and so on—know that if they follow the blueprint, their part of the work should not cause problems for the other workers.

Similarly, you could build your own network—write your own software, build your own networking cards, and so on—to create a network. However, it is much easier to simply buy and use products that already conform to some well-known networking model or blueprint. Because the networking product vendors build their products with some networking model in mind, their products should work well together.

History Leading to TCP/IP

Today, the world of computer networking uses one networking model: TCP/IP. However, the world has not always been so simple. Once upon a time, networking protocols didn’t exist, including TCP/IP. Vendors created the first networking protocols; these protocols supported only that vendor’s computers.

For example, IBM, the computer company with the largest market share in many markets back in the 1970s and 1980s, published its Systems Network Architecture (SNA) networking model in 1974. Other vendors also created their own proprietary networking models. As a result, if your company bought computers from three vendors, network engineers often had to create three different networks based on the networking models created by each company, and then somehow connect those networks, making the combined networks much more complex. The left side of Figure 1-3 shows the general idea of what a company’s enterprise network might have looked like back in the 1980s, before TCP/IP became common in enterprise internetworks.

A figure displays the historical progression of the proprietary models in 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s.

Figure 1-3 Historical Progression: Proprietary Models to the Open TCP/IP Model

Although vendor-defined proprietary networking models often worked well, having an open, vendor-neutral networking model would aid competition and reduce complexity. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) took on the task to create such a model, starting as early as the late 1970s, beginning work on what would become known as the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) networking model. ISO had a noble goal for the OSI model: to standardize data networking protocols to allow communication among all computers across the entire planet. ISO worked toward this ambitious and noble goal, with participants from most of the technologically developed nations on Earth participating in the process.

A second, less-formal effort to create an open, vendor-neutral, public networking model sprouted forth from a U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) contract. Researchers at various universities volunteered to help further develop the protocols surrounding the original DoD work. These efforts resulted in a competing open networking model called TCP/IP.

During the 1990s, companies began adding OSI, TCP/IP, or both to their enterprise networks. However, by the end of the 1990s, TCP/IP had become the common choice, and OSI fell away. The center part of Figure 1-3 shows the general idea behind enterprise networks in that decade—still with networks built upon multiple networking models but including TCP/IP.

Here in the twenty-first century, TCP/IP dominates. Proprietary networking models still exist, but they have mostly been discarded in favor of TCP/IP. The OSI model, whose development suffered in part because of a slower formal standardization process as compared with TCP/IP, never succeeded in the marketplace. And TCP/IP, the networking model originally created almost entirely by a bunch of volunteers, has become the most prolific network model ever, as shown on the right side of Figure 1-3.

In this chapter, you will read about some of the basics of TCP/IP. Although you will learn some interesting facts about TCP/IP, the true goal of this chapter is to help you understand what a networking model or networking architecture really is and how it works.

Also in this chapter, you will learn about some of the jargon used with OSI. Will any of you ever work on a computer that is using the full OSI protocols instead of TCP/IP? Probably not. However, you will often use terms relating to OSI.

Overview of the TCP/IP Networking Model

The TCP/IP model both defines and references a large collection of protocols that allow computers to communicate. To define a protocol, TCP/IP uses documents called Requests For Comments (RFC). (You can find these RFCs using any online search engine.) The TCP/IP model also avoids repeating work already done by some other standards body or vendor consortium by simply referring to standards or protocols created by those groups. For example, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) defines Ethernet LANs; the TCP/IP model does not define Ethernet in RFCs, but refers to IEEE Ethernet as an option.

The TCP/IP model creates a set of rules that allows us all to take a computer (or mobile device) out of the box, plug in all the right cables, turn it on, and connect to and use the network. You can use a web browser to connect to your favorite website, use most any app, and it all works. How? Well, the OS on the computer implements parts of the TCP/IP model. The Ethernet card, or wireless LAN card, built in to the computer implements some LAN standards referenced by the TCP/IP model. In short, the vendors that created the hardware and software implemented TCP/IP.

To help people understand a networking model, each model breaks the functions into a small number of categories called layers. Each layer includes protocols and standards that relate to that category of functions, as shown in Figure 1-4.

The TCP/IP model shows the following layers: (from bottom to top) Physical, data link, network, transport, and application.

Figure 1-4 The TCP/IP Networking Models

The TCP/IP model shows the more common terms and layers used when people talk about TCP/IP today. The bottom layer focuses on how to transmit bits over each individual link. The data-link layer focuses on sending data over one type of physical link: for instance, networks use different data-link protocols for Ethernet LANs versus wireless LANs. The network layer focuses on delivering data over the entire path from the original sending computer to the final destination computer. And the top two layers focus more on the applications that need to send and receive data.


A slightly different four-layer original version of the TCP/IP model exists in RFC 1122, but for the purposes of both real networking and for today’s CCNA, use the five-layer model shown here in Figure 1-4.

Many of you will have already heard of several TCP/IP protocols, like the examples listed in Table 1-2. Most of the protocols and standards in this table will be explained in more detail as you work through this book. Following the table, this section takes a closer look at the layers of the TCP/IP model.

Table 1-2 TCP/IP Architectural Model and Example Protocols

TCP/IP Architecture Layer

Example Protocols







Data Link & Physical

Ethernet, 802.11 (Wi-Fi)

TCP/IP Application Layer

TCP/IP application layer protocols provide services to the application software running on a computer. The application layer does not define the application itself, but it defines services that applications need. For example, application protocol HTTP defines how web browsers can pull the contents of a web page from a web server. In short, the application layer provides an interface between software running on a computer and the network itself.

Arguably, the most popular TCP/IP application today is the web browser. Many major software vendors either have already changed or are changing their application software to support access from a web browser. And thankfully, using a web browser is easy: You start a web browser on your computer and select a website by typing the name of the website, and the web page appears.

HTTP Overview

What really happens to allow that web page to appear on your web browser?

Imagine that Bob opens his browser. His browser has been configured to automatically ask for web server Larry’s default web page, or home page. The general logic looks like Figure 1-5.

A figure depicts the basic application logic to get a web page in two steps. In the first step, the web browser of Bob requests the web page from the web server (Larry). In the second step, the file home.htm is sent to the web browser (Bob) from the web server.

Figure 1-5 Basic Application Logic to Get a Web Page

So, what really happened? Bob’s initial request actually asks Larry to send his home page back to Bob. Larry’s web server software has been configured to know that the default web page is contained in a file called home.htm. Bob receives the file from Larry and displays the contents of the file in Bob’s web browser window.

HTTP Protocol Mechanisms

Taking a closer look, this example shows how applications on each endpoint computer—specifically, the web browser application and web server application—use a TCP/IP application layer protocol. To make the request for a web page and return the contents of the web page, the applications use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

HTTP did not exist until Tim Berners-Lee created the first web browser and web server in the early 1990s. Berners-Lee gave HTTP functionality to ask for the contents of web pages, specifically by giving the web browser the ability to request files from the server and giving the server a way to return the content of those files. The overall logic matches what was shown in Figure 1-5; Figure 1-6 shows the same idea, but with details specific to HTTP.


The full version of most web addresses—also called Uniform Resource Locators (URL) or Universal Resource Identifiers (URI)—begins with the letters http, which means that HTTP is used to transfer the web pages.

A figure displays the HTTP GET request, HTTP reply, and a data-only message.

Figure 1-6 HTTP GET Request, HTTP Reply, and One Data-Only Message

To get the web page from Larry, at Step 1, Bob sends a message with an HTTP header. Generally, protocols use headers as a place to put information used by that protocol. This HTTP header includes the request to “get” a file. The request typically contains the name of the file (home.htm, in this case), or if no filename is mentioned, the web server assumes that Bob wants the default web page.

Step 2 in Figure 1-6 shows the response from web server Larry. The message begins with an HTTP header, with a return code (200), which means something as simple as “OK” returned in the header. HTTP also defines other return codes so that the server can tell the browser whether the request worked. (Here is another example: If you ever looked for a web page that was not found, and then received an HTTP 404 “not found” error, you received an HTTP return code of 404.) The second message also includes the first part of the requested file.

Step 3 in Figure 1-6 shows another message from web server Larry to web browser Bob, but this time without an HTTP header. HTTP transfers the data by sending multiple messages, each with a part of the file. Rather than wasting space by sending repeated HTTP headers that list the same information, these additional messages simply omit the header.

TCP/IP Transport Layer

Although many TCP/IP application layer protocols exist, the TCP/IP transport layer includes a smaller number of protocols. The two most commonly used transport layer protocols are the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

Transport layer protocols provide services to the application layer protocols that reside one layer higher in the TCP/IP model. How does a transport layer protocol provide a service to a higher-layer protocol? This section introduces that general concept by focusing on a single service provided by TCP: error recovery. The CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide, Volume 2, includes a chapter, “Introduction to TCP/IP Transport and Applications,” which examines the transport layer.

TCP Error Recovery Basics

To appreciate what the transport layer protocols do, you must think about the layer above the transport layer, the application layer. Why? Well, each layer provides a service to the layer above it, like the error-recovery service provided to application layer protocols by TCP.

For example, in Figure 1-5, Bob and Larry used HTTP to transfer the home page from web server Larry to Bob’s web browser. But what would have happened if Bob’s HTTP GET request had been lost in transit through the TCP/IP network? Or, what would have happened if Larry’s response, which included the contents of the home page, had been lost? Well, as you might expect, in either case, the page would not have shown up in Bob’s browser.

TCP/IP needs a mechanism to guarantee delivery of data across a network. Because many application layer protocols probably want a way to guarantee delivery of data across a network, the creators of TCP included an error-recovery feature. To recover from errors, TCP uses the concept of acknowledgments. Figure 1-7 outlines the basic idea behind how TCP notices lost data and asks the sender to try again.

A figure depicts the TCP error recovery service in a series of 4 steps.

Figure 1-7 TCP Error-Recovery Services as Provided to HTTP

Figure 1-7 shows web server Larry sending a web page to web browser Bob, using three separate messages. Note that this figure shows the same HTTP headers as Figure 1-6, but it also shows a TCP header. The TCP header shows a sequence number (SEQ) with each message. In this example, the network has a problem, and the network fails to deliver the TCP message (called a segment) with sequence number 2. When Bob receives messages with sequence numbers 1 and 3, but does not receive a message with sequence number 2, Bob realizes that message 2 was lost. That realization by Bob’s TCP logic causes Bob to send a TCP segment back to Larry, asking Larry to send message 2 again.

Same-Layer and Adjacent-Layer Interactions

Figure 1-7 also demonstrates a function called adjacent-layer interaction, which refers to the concepts of how adjacent layers in a networking model, on the same computer, work together. In this example, the higher-layer protocol (HTTP) wants error recovery, so it uses the next lower-layer protocol (TCP) to perform the service of error recovery; the lower layer provides a service to the layer above it.

Figure 1-7 also shows an example of a similar function called same-layer interaction. When a particular layer on one computer wants to communicate with the same layer on another computer, the two computers use headers to hold the information that they want to communicate. For example, in Figure 1-7, Larry set the sequence numbers to 1, 2, and 3 so that Bob could notice when some of the data did not arrive. Larry’s TCP process created that TCP header with the sequence number; Bob’s TCP process received and reacted to the TCP segments.

Table 1-3 summarizes the key points about how adjacent layers work together on a single computer and how one layer on one computer works with the same networking layer on another computer.

Key Topic.

Table 1-3 Summary: Same-Layer and Adjacent-Layer Interactions



Same-layer interaction on different computers

The two computers use a protocol to communicate with the same layer on another computer. The protocol defines a header that communicates what each computer wants to do.

Adjacent-layer interaction on the same computer

On a single computer, one lower layer provides a service to the layer just above. The software or hardware that implements the higher layer requests that the next lower layer perform the needed function.

TCP/IP Network Layer

The application layer includes many protocols. The transport layer includes fewer protocols, most notably, TCP and UDP. The TCP/IP network layer includes a small number of protocols, but only one major protocol: the Internet Protocol (IP). In fact, the name TCP/IP is simply the names of the two most common protocols (TCP and IP) separated by a /.

IP provides several features, most importantly, addressing and routing. This section begins by comparing IP’s addressing and routing with another commonly known system that uses addressing and routing: the postal service. Following that, this section introduces IP addressing and routing. (More details follow in Chapter 3, “Fundamentals of WANs and IP Routing.”)

Internet Protocol and the Postal Service

Imagine that you just wrote two letters: one to a friend on the other side of the country and one to a friend on the other side of town. You addressed the envelopes and put on the stamps, so both are ready to give to the postal service. Is there much difference in how you treat each letter? Not really. Typically, you would just put them in the same mailbox and expect the postal service to deliver both letters.

The postal service, however, must think about each letter separately, and then make a decision of where to send each letter so that it is delivered. For the letter sent across town, the people in the local post office probably just need to put the letter on another truck.

For the letter that needs to go across the country, the postal service sends the letter to another post office, then another, and so on, until the letter gets delivered across the country. At each post office, the postal service must process the letter and choose where to send it next.

To make it all work, the postal service has regular routes for small trucks, large trucks, planes, boats, and so on, to move letters between postal service sites. The service must be able to receive and forward the letters, and it must make good decisions about where to send each letter next, as shown in Figure 1-8.

A figure illustrates the message forwarding in the form of a postal service.

Figure 1-8 Postal Service Forwarding (Routing) Letters

Still thinking about the postal service, consider the difference between the person sending the letter and the work that the postal service does. The person sending the letters expects that the postal service will deliver the letter most of the time. However, the person sending the letter does not need to know the details of exactly what path the letters take. In contrast, the postal service does not create the letter, but it accepts the letter from the customer. Then, the postal service must know the details about addresses and postal codes that group addresses into larger groups, and it must have the ability to deliver the letters.

The TCP/IP application and transport layers act like the person sending letters through the postal service. These upper layers work the same way regardless of whether the endpoint host computers are on the same LAN or are separated by the entire Internet. To send a message, these upper layers ask the layer below them, the network layer, to deliver the message.

The lower layers of the TCP/IP model act more like the postal service to deliver those messages to the correct destinations. To do so, these lower layers must understand the underlying physical network because they must choose how to best deliver the data from one host to another.

So, what does this all matter to networking? Well, the network layer of the TCP/IP networking model, primarily defined by the Internet Protocol (IP), works much like the postal service. IP defines that each host computer should have a different IP address, just as the postal service defines addressing that allows unique addresses for each house, apartment, and business. Similarly, IP defines the process of routing so that devices called routers can work like the post office, forwarding packets of data so that they are delivered to the correct destinations. Just as the postal service created the necessary infrastructure to deliver letters—post offices, sorting machines, trucks, planes, and personnel—the network layer defines the details of how a network infrastructure should be created so that the network can deliver data to all computers in the network.

Internet Protocol Addressing Basics

IP defines addresses for several important reasons. First, each device that uses TCP/IP—each TCP/IP host—needs a unique address so that it can be identified in the network. IP also defines how to group addresses together, just like the postal system groups addresses based on postal codes (like ZIP codes in the United States).

To understand the basics, examine Figure 1-9, which shows the familiar web server Larry and web browser Bob; but now, instead of ignoring the network between these two computers, part of the network infrastructure is included.

A figure depicts the grouping of IP addresses.

Figure 1-9 Simple TCP/IP Network: Three Routers with IP Addresses Grouped

First, note that Figure 1-9 shows some sample IP addresses. Each IP address has four numbers, separated by periods. In this case, Larry uses IP address, and Bob uses This style of number is called a dotted-decimal notation (DDN).

Figure 1-9 also shows three groups of addresses. In this example, all IP addresses that begin with 1 must be on the upper left, as shown in shorthand in the figure as 1.__.__.__. All addresses that begin with 2 must be on the right, as shown in shorthand as 2.__.__.__. Finally, all IP addresses that begin with 3 must be at the bottom of the figure.

In addition, Figure 1-9 introduces icons that represent IP routers. Routers are networking devices that connect the parts of the TCP/IP network together for the purpose of routing (forwarding) IP packets to the correct destination. Routers do the equivalent of the work done by each post office site: They receive IP packets on various physical interfaces, make decisions based on the IP address included with the packet, and then physically forward the packet out some other network interface.

IP Routing Basics

The TCP/IP network layer, using the IP protocol, provides a service of forwarding IP packets from one device to another. Any device with an IP address can connect to the TCP/IP network and send packets. This section shows a basic IP routing example for perspective.


The term IP host refers to any device, regardless of size or power, that has an IP address and connects to any TCP/IP network.

Figure 1-10 repeats the familiar case in which web server Larry wants to send part of a web page to Bob, but now with details related to IP. On the lower left, note that server Larry has the familiar application data, HTTP header, and TCP header ready to send. In addition, the message now contains an IP header. The IP header includes a source IP address of Larry’s IP address ( and a destination IP address of Bob’s IP address (

Key Topic.
A figure shows a basic routing example.

Figure 1-10 Basic Routing Example

Step 1, on the left of Figure 1-10, begins with Larry being ready to send an IP packet. Larry’s IP process chooses to send the packet to some router—a nearby router on the same LAN—with the expectation that the router will know how to forward the packet. (This logic is much like you or me sending all our letters by putting them in a nearby mailbox.) Larry doesn’t need to know anything more about the topology or the other routers.

At Step 2, Router R1 receives the IP packet, and R1’s IP process makes a decision. R1 looks at the destination address (, compares that address to its known IP routes, and chooses to forward the packet to Router R2. This process of forwarding the IP packet is called IP routing (or simply routing).

At Step 3, Router R2 repeats the same kind of logic used by Router R1. R2’s IP process will compare the packet’s destination IP address ( to R2’s known IP routes and make a choice to forward the packet to the right, on to Bob.

You will learn IP in more depth than any other protocol while preparing for CCNA. More than half the chapters in this book discuss some feature that relates to addressing, IP routing, and how routers perform routing.

TCP/IP Data-Link and Physical Layers

The TCP/IP model’s data-link and physical layers define the protocols and hardware required to deliver data across some physical network. The two work together quite closely; in fact, some standards define both the data-link and physical layer functions. The physical layer defines the cabling and energy (for example, electrical signals) that flow over the cables. Some rules and conventions exist when sending data over the cable; however, those rules exist in the data-link layer of the TCP/IP model.

Focusing on the data-link layer for a moment, just like every layer in any networking model, the TCP/IP data-link layer provides services to the layer above it in the model (the network layer). When a host’s or router’s IP process chooses to send an IP packet to another router or host, that host or router then uses link-layer details to send that packet to the next host/router.

Because each layer provides a service to the layer above it, take a moment to think about the IP logic related to Figure 1-10. In that example, host Larry’s IP logic chooses to send the IP packet to a nearby router (R1). However, while Figure 1-10 shows a simple line between Larry and router R1, that drawing means that some Ethernet LAN sits between the two. Figure 1-11 shows four steps of what occurs at the link layer to allow Larry to send the IP packet to R1.

Key Topic.
A figure displays the IP packet transmission using ethernet.

Figure 1-11 Larry Using Ethernet to Forward an IP Packet to Router R1


Figure 1-11 depicts the Ethernet as a series of lines. Networking diagrams often use this convention when drawing Ethernet LANs, in cases where the actual LAN cabling and LAN devices are not important to some discussion, as is the case here. The LAN would have cables and devices, like LAN switches, which are not shown in this figure.

Figure 1-11 shows four steps. The first two occur on Larry, and the last two occur on Router R1, as follows:

Step 1. Larry encapsulates the IP packet between an Ethernet header and Ethernet trailer, creating an Ethernet frame.

Step 2. Larry physically transmits the bits of this Ethernet frame, using electricity flowing over the Ethernet cabling.

Step 3. Router R1 physically receives the electrical signal over a cable and re-creates the same bits by interpreting the meaning of the electrical signals.

Step 4. Router R1 de-encapsulates the IP packet from the Ethernet frame by removing and discarding the Ethernet header and trailer.

By the end of this process, Larry and R1 have worked together to deliver the packet from Larry to Router R1.


Protocols define both headers and trailers for the same general reason, but headers exist at the beginning of the message and trailers exist at the end.

The data-link and physical layers include a large number of protocols and standards. For example, the link layer includes all the variations of Ethernet protocols and wireless LAN protocols discussed throughout this book.

In short, the TCP/IP physical and data-link layers include two distinct functions, respectively: functions related to the physical transmission of the data, plus the protocols and rules that control the use of the physical media.

Data Encapsulation Terminology

As you can see from the explanations of how HTTP, TCP, IP, and Ethernet do their jobs, when sending data, each layer adds its own header (and for data-link protocols, also a trailer) to the data supplied by the higher layer. The term encapsulation refers to the process of putting headers (and sometimes trailers) around some data.

Many of the examples in this chapter show the encapsulation process. For example, web server Larry encapsulated the contents of the home page inside an HTTP header in Figure 1-6. The TCP layer encapsulated the HTTP headers and data inside a TCP header in Figure 1-7. IP encapsulated the TCP headers and the data inside an IP header in Figure 1-10. Finally, the Ethernet link layer encapsulated the IP packets inside both a header and a trailer in Figure 1-11.

The process by which a TCP/IP host sends data can be viewed as a five-step process. The first four steps relate to the encapsulation performed by the four TCP/IP layers, and the last step is the actual physical transmission of the data by the host. In fact, if you use the five-layer TCP/IP model, one step corresponds to the role of each layer. The steps are summarized in the following list:

Step 1. Create and encapsulate the application data with any required application layer headers. For example, the HTTP OK message can be returned in an HTTP header, followed by part of the contents of a web page.

Step 2. Encapsulate the data supplied by the application layer inside a transport layer header. For end-user applications, a TCP or UDP header is typically used.

Step 3. Encapsulate the data supplied by the transport layer inside a network layer (IP) header. IP defines the IP addresses that uniquely identify each computer.

Step 4. Encapsulate the data supplied by the network layer inside a data-link layer header and trailer. This layer uses both a header and a trailer.

Step 5. Transmit the bits. The physical layer encodes a signal onto the medium to transmit the frame.

The numbers in Figure 1-12 correspond to the five steps in this list, graphically showing the same concepts. Note that because the application layer often does not need to add a header, the figure does not show a specific application layer header, but the application layer will also at times add a header as well.

Key Topic.
A figure displays the five steps of data encapsulation.

Figure 1-12 Five Steps of Data Encapsulation: TCP/IP

Names of TCP/IP Messages

One reason this chapter takes the time to show the encapsulation steps in detail has to do with terminology. When talking and writing about networking, people use segment, packet, and frame to refer to the messages shown in Figure 1-13 and the related list. Each term has a specific meaning, referring to the headers (and possibly trailers) defined by a particular layer and the data encapsulated following that header. Each term, however, refers to a different layer: segment for the transport layer, packet for the network layer, and frame for the link layer. Figure 1-13 shows each layer along with the associated term.

Key Topic.
A figure differentiates between segment, packet, and frame. The segment consists of TCP and Data. The packet consists of IP and data. The frame consists of LH, data, and LT. Here, segment is the smallest while frame is the largest.

Figure 1-13 Perspectives on Encapsulation and “Data”*

* The letters LH and LT stand for link header and link trailer, respectively, and refer to the data-link layer header and trailer.

Figure 1-13 also shows the encapsulated data as simply “data.” When focusing on the work done by a particular layer, the encapsulated data typically is unimportant. For example, an IP packet can indeed have a TCP header after the IP header, an HTTP header after the TCP header, and data for a web page after the HTTP header. However, when discussing IP, you probably just care about the IP header, so everything after the IP header is just called data. So, when drawing IP packets, everything after the IP header is typically shown simply as data.

OSI Networking Model and Terminology

At one point in the history of the OSI model, many people thought that OSI would win the battle of the networking models discussed earlier. If that had occurred, instead of running TCP/IP on every computer in the world, those computers would be running with OSI.

However, OSI did not win that battle. In fact, OSI no longer exists as a networking model that could be used instead of TCP/IP, although some of the original protocols referenced by the OSI model still exist.

So, why is OSI even in this book? Terminology. During those years in which many people thought the OSI model would become commonplace in the world of networking (mostly in the late 1980s and early 1990s), many vendors and protocol documents started using terminology from the OSI model. That terminology remains today. So, while you will never need to work with a computer that uses OSI, to understand modern networking terminology, you need to understand something about OSI.

Comparing OSI and TCP/IP Layer Names and Numbers

The OSI model has many similarities to the TCP/IP model from a basic conceptual perspective. It has layers, and each layer defines a set of typical networking functions. As with TCP/IP, the OSI layers each refer to multiple protocols and standards that implement the functions specified by each layer. In other cases, just as for TCP/IP, the OSI committees did not create new protocols or standards, but instead referenced other protocols that were already defined. For example, the IEEE defines Ethernet standards, so the OSI committees did not waste time specifying a new type of Ethernet; it simply referred to the IEEE Ethernet standards.

Today, the OSI model can be used as a standard of comparison to other networking models. Figure 1-14 compares the seven-layer OSI model with both the four-layer and five-layer TCP/IP models.

Key Topic.
A figure differentiates between the OSI model and the TCP/IP model. In both the models, the first four layers, that is, physical, data link, network, and transport layers are the same. The fifth layer, that is the application layer in the TCP or IP model is substituted by the session, presentation, and application layers in the OSI model.

Figure 1-14 OSI Model Compared to the Two TCP/IP Models

Note that the TCP/IP model in use today, on the right side of the figure, uses the exact same layer names as OSI at the lower layers. The functions generally match as well, so for the purpose of discussing networking, and reading networking documentation, think of the bottom four layers as equivalent, in name, in number, and in meaning.

Even though the world uses TCP/IP today rather than OSI, we tend to use the numbering from the OSI layer. For instance, when referring to an application layer protocol in a TCP/IP network, the world still refers to the protocol as a “Layer 7 protocol.” Also, while TCP/IP includes more functions at its application layer, OSI breaks those intro session, presentation, and application layers. Most of the time, no one cares much about the distinction, so you will see references like “Layer 5–7 protocol,” again using OSI numbering.

For the purposes of this book, know the mapping between the five-layer TCP/IP model and the seven-layer OSI model shown in Figure 1-14, and know that layer number references to Layer 7 really do match the application layer of TCP/IP as well.

OSI Data Encapsulation Terminology

Like TCP/IP, each OSI layer asks for services from the next lower layer. To provide the services, each layer makes use of a header and possibly a trailer. The lower layer encapsulates the higher layer’s data behind a header.

OSI uses a more generic term to refer to messages, rather than frame, packet, and segment. OSI uses the term protocol data unit (PDU). A PDU represents the bits that include the headers and trailers for that layer, as well as the encapsulated data. For example, an IP packet, as shown in Figure 1-13, using OSI terminology, is a PDU, more specifically a Layer 3 PDU (abbreviated L3PDU) because IP is a Layer 3 protocol. OSI simply refers to the Layer x PDU (LxPDU), with x referring to the number of the layer being discussed, as shown in Figure 1-15.

Key Topic.
A figure shows the OSI encapsulation and protocol data units.

Figure 1-15 OSI Encapsulation and Protocol Data Units

Chapter Review

The “Your Study Plan” element, just before Chapter 1, discusses how you should study and practice the content and skills for each chapter before moving on to the next chapter. That element introduces the tools used here at the end of each chapter. If you haven’t already done so, take a few minutes to read that section. Then come back here and do the useful work of reviewing the chapter to help lock into memory what you just read.

Review this chapter’s material using either the tools in the book or the interactive tools for the same material found on the book’s companion website. Table 1-4 outlines the key review elements and where you can find them. To better track your study progress, record when you completed these activities in the second column.

Table 1-4 Chapter Review Tracking

Review Element

Review Date(s)

Resource Used

Review key topics


Book, website

Review key terms


Book, website

Answer DIKTA questions


Book, PTP Online

Review All the Key Topics

Key Topic.

Table 1-5 Key Topics for Chapter 1

Key Topic Elements


Page Number

Table 1-3

Provides definitions of same-layer and adjacent-layer interaction


Figure 1-10

Shows the general concept of IP routing


Figure 1-11

Depicts the data-link services provided to IP for the purpose of delivering IP packets from host to host


Figure 1-12

Five steps to encapsulate data on the sending host


Figure 1-13

Shows the meaning of the terms segment, packet, and frame


Figure 1-14

Compares the OSI and TCP/IP network models


Figure 1-15

Terminology related to encapsulation


Key Terms You Should Know

adjacent-layer interaction




networking model


protocol data unit (PDU)

same-layer interaction


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