
A note on the digital index

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AbandonedMutexException exception, Mutex Constructs
Abort method, How a Host Gets Its Thread Back
aborting threads, How a Host Gets Its Thread Back
accessibility, Using Type Visibility and Member Accessibility Intelligently
accessibility modifiers, Member Accessibility
accessing resources, Parameterless Properties, Parameterless Properties, Parameterful Properties, The Performance of Calling Property Accessor Methods, The Performance of Calling Property Accessor Methods, Managed Heap Basics
accessor methods, Parameterless Properties, Parameterless Properties
for indexers, Parameterful Properties
inlining, The Performance of Calling Property Accessor Methods
performance of, The Performance of Calling Property Accessor Methods
AcquireReaderLock method, Writing a Robust Host Application
AcquireWriterLock method, Writing a Robust Host Application
Action delegate, Generic Delegates
Activator class, Constructing an Instance of a Type
Add methods, arguments for, Object and Collection Initializers
add-in support, Designing an Application That Supports Add-Ins
AddEventHandler method, Invoking a Type’s Members
AddItemHelper method, Code Contracts
AddMemoryPressure method, Other GC Features for Use with Native Resources
AddParticipant method, The Barrier Class
AddrOfPinnedObject method, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually
AddToAny methods, The Concurrent Collection Classes
AddValue method, Controlling the Serialized/Deserialized Data, How to Define a Type That Implements ISerializable When the Base Type Doesn’t Implement This Interface
administrative control over applications, Simple Administrative Control (Configuration)
AggregateException objects, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
AggregateException type, Waiting for a Task to Complete and Getting Its Result
AIPs (automatically implemented properties), Automatically Implemented Properties
AL.exe, Using the Assembly Linker, Using the Assembly Linker, Publisher Policy Control, Publisher Policy Control
command-line switches for, Publisher Policy Control
publisher policy assemblies, creating, Publisher Policy Control
AllBegun method, Interlocked Constructs
AllDone method, Interlocked Constructs
Alloc method, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually
anonymous function, Syntactical Shortcut #2: No Need to Define a Callback Method (Lambda Expressions), Syntactical Shortcut #2: No Need to Define a Callback Method (Lambda Expressions), Syntactical Shortcut #2: No Need to Define a Callback Method (Lambda Expressions), Syntactical Shortcut #2: No Need to Define a Callback Method (Lambda Expressions)
body of, Syntactical Shortcut #2: No Need to Define a Callback Method (Lambda Expressions)
modifiers, unnecessary, Syntactical Shortcut #2: No Need to Define a Callback Method (Lambda Expressions)
anonymous method, referencing instance members, Syntactical Shortcut #2: No Need to Define a Callback Method (Lambda Expressions)
anonymous methods, vs. lambda expressions, Syntactical Shortcut #2: No Need to Define a Callback Method (Lambda Expressions)
anonymous types, Anonymous Types, Anonymous Types, Anonymous Types, Initializing Array Elements
declaring properties in, Anonymous Types
defining, Anonymous Types
implicitly typed arrays and, Initializing Array Elements
AnotherHybridLock method, Spinning, Thread Ownership, and Recursion
APIs, WinRT, calling, Calling Asynchronous WinRT APIs from .NET Code
AppDomain type, instance methods, Constructing an Instance of a Type
AppDomainManager class, Managing the CLR by Using Managed Code
AppDomainMonitorDelta class, AppDomain Monitoring
AppDomains, IL and Verification, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Garbage Collection Triggers, Monitoring Your Application’s Memory Usage, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually, AppDomains, AppDomains, AppDomains, AppDomains, Accessing Objects Across AppDomain Boundaries, Accessing Objects Across AppDomain Boundaries, Accessing Objects Across AppDomain Boundaries, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #2: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Value, Demo #2: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Value, AppDomain Unloading, AppDomain Unloading, AppDomain Monitoring, AppDomain Monitoring, AppDomain First-Chance Exception Notifications, AppDomain First-Chance Exception Notifications, Executable Applications, Microsoft Silverlight Rich Internet Applications, Microsoft ASP.NET and XML Web Services Applications, Microsoft ASP.NET and XML Web Services Applications, Microsoft SQL Server, Managing the CLR by Using Managed Code, Writing a Robust Host Application, Assembly Loading, Discovering a Type’s Members, Serializing a Type As a Different Type and Deserializing an Object As a Different Object, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
accessing objects across boundaries, Accessing Objects Across AppDomain Boundaries
application output, Accessing Objects Across AppDomain Boundaries
ASP.NET applications and, Microsoft ASP.NET and XML Web Services Applications
assemblies in, discovering, Discovering a Type’s Members
assemblies using multiple, AppDomains
callback methods, AppDomain First-Chance Exception Notifications
confirming thread transitions between, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
CreateDomain method overloads, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
creating, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
default, AppDomains
executable applications and, Executable Applications
first-chance exception notifications, AppDomain First-Chance Exception Notifications
foreground/background threads and, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
garbage collection, AppDomain Unloading
garbage collection handle tables, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually
instance fields and, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
isolation provided by, AppDomains, AppDomains, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
loading assemblies for specific, Assembly Loading
loading assemblies into, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
managed code and, Managing the CLR by Using Managed Code
marshaling objects by value, Demo #2: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Value
memory usage, monitoring, Monitoring Your Application’s Memory Usage
method calls across boundaries, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
Microsoft Silverlight applications and, Microsoft Silverlight Rich Internet Applications
monitoring, AppDomain Monitoring
passing objects across boundaries, Demo #2: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Value
permission set inheritance, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
proxy types, defining, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
read-only properties in, AppDomain Monitoring
robust host applications, Writing a Robust Host Application
singleton types and, Serializing a Type As a Different Type and Deserializing an Object As a Different Object
SQL Server and, Microsoft SQL Server
static members and, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
threads and, Accessing Objects Across AppDomain Boundaries
unloading, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, AppDomain Unloading
unloading, as garbage collection trigger, Garbage Collection Triggers
XML web services applications and, Microsoft ASP.NET and XML Web Services Applications
AppDomainSetup object, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
Append method, StringBuilder Members
AppendChar method, Secure Strings
AppendFormat method, StringBuilder Members, Providing Your Own Custom Formatter
AppendLine method, StringBuilder Members
application developers, exception handling guidelines, Guidelines and Best Practices, Unhandled Exceptions
application models, threading models for, Applications and Their Threading Models
application state, serialization/deserialization of, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
application types, Building Types into a Module
ApplicationException type, FCL-Defined Exception Classes
applications, .NET Framework Deployment Goals, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly, Simple Administrative Control (Configuration), Assembly Loading and Reflection, Using Reflection to Build a Dynamically Extensible Application, Kernel-Mode Constructs
administrative control, Simple Administrative Control (Configuration)
configuring for assembly download, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly
dynamically extensible, Assembly Loading and Reflection, Using Reflection to Build a Dynamically Extensible Application
installation complexity, .NET Framework Deployment Goals
single instance, Kernel-Mode Constructs
ApplyPolicy method, Assembly Loading
.appx files, Simple Application Deployment (Privately Deployed Assemblies)
architecting applications for events, Events
ArgumentNullException exception, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
arguments, Rules and Guidelines, Rules and Guidelines, Passing a Variable Number of Arguments to a Method
commas in, Rules and Guidelines
order of evaluation, Rules and Guidelines
passing variable number of, Passing a Variable Number of Arguments to a Method
arity, Open and Closed Types, Verifiability and Constraints
overloading based on, Verifiability and Constraints
Array class, Arrays
array covariance, Casting Arrays
array initializers, Arrays
Array type, Casting Arrays
ArrayEnumerator objects, Generic Interfaces
arrays, Arrays, Arrays, Arrays, Arrays, Arrays, Arrays, Arrays, Arrays, Initializing Array Elements, Initializing Array Elements, Initializing Array Elements, Casting Arrays, Casting Arrays, Casting Arrays, Casting Arrays, Casting Arrays, All Arrays Are Implicitly Derived from System.Array, All Arrays Implicitly Implement IEnumerable, ICollection, and IList, Passing and Returning Arrays, Creating Non-Zero Lower Bound Arrays, Creating Non-Zero Lower Bound Arrays, Creating Non-Zero Lower Bound Arrays, Creating Non-Zero Lower Bound Arrays, Array Internals, Array Internals, Array Internals, Array Internals, Array Internals, Array Internals, Array Internals, Unsafe Array Access and Fixed-Size Array, WinRT Type System Core Concepts, Defining WinRT Components in C#, Task Factories
accessing, Array Internals
accessing elements of, Creating Non-Zero Lower Bound Arrays
accessing with unsafe code, Array Internals
allocating on thread stack, Unsafe Array Access and Fixed-Size Array
casting, Casting Arrays
casting between types, Casting Arrays
collection implementation, All Arrays Implicitly Implement IEnumerable, ICollection, and IList
compiler inferences of, Arrays
copying, Casting Arrays
copying elements, Casting Arrays
covariance, Casting Arrays
dynamically creating, Creating Non-Zero Lower Bound Arrays
implicitly typed, Initializing Array Elements, Initializing Array Elements
in managed heap, Arrays
initializing elements, Initializing Array Elements
internals, Array Internals
jagged, Arrays
multi-dimensional, Array Internals, Array Internals
non-zero lower bounds, Creating Non-Zero Lower Bound Arrays
of Decimal values, Creating Non-Zero Lower Bound Arrays
of reference types, Arrays
of tasks, Task Factories
overhead information, Arrays
passing and returning, Passing and Returning Arrays
single-dimensional, Arrays
static methods for, All Arrays Are Implicitly Derived from System.Array
type names, Array Internals
unsafe access, Array Internals
WinRT, WinRT Type System Core Concepts, Defining WinRT Components in C#
zero-based, Arrays
as operator, Casting with the C# is and as Operators
AsBuffer method, Passing Blocks of Data Between the CLR and WinRT
ASCII encoding, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
ASCIIEncoding object, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
AsOrdered method, Parallel Language Integrated Query
ASP.NET, Applications and Their Threading Models, Implementing a Server Asynchronously
asynchronous objects, Implementing a Server Asynchronously
threading model, Applications and Their Threading Models
ASP.NET applications, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
processes run by, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
assemblies, Combining Managed Modules into Assemblies, Combining Managed Modules into Assemblies, Loading the Common Language Runtime, Loading the Common Language Runtime, Executing Your Assembly’s Code, Response Files, A Brief Look at Metadata, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly, Adding Assemblies to a Project by Using the Visual Studio IDE, Using the Assembly Linker, Adding Resource Files to an Assembly, Adding Resource Files to an Assembly, Assembly Version Resource Information, Version Numbers, Culture, Culture, Simple Application Deployment (Privately Deployed Assemblies), Simple Administrative Control (Configuration), Simple Administrative Control (Configuration), Two Kinds of Assemblies, Two Kinds of Deployment, Two Kinds of Assemblies, Two Kinds of Deployment, Two Kinds of Assemblies, Two Kinds of Deployment, Two Kinds of Assemblies, Two Kinds of Deployment, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name, The Global Assembly Cache, The Global Assembly Cache, The Global Assembly Cache, The Global Assembly Cache, Building an Assembly That References a Strongly Named Assembly, Delayed Signing, Delayed Signing, Namespaces and Assemblies, AppDomains, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference, Assembly Loading, Assembly Loading, Assembly Loading, Assembly Loading, Discovering Types Defined in an Assembly, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
32-bit and 64-bit, Loading the Common Language Runtime
administrative control, Simple Administrative Control (Configuration)
Assembly Linker and, Using the Assembly Linker
characteristics of, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly
combining modules into, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly
configuring download of, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly
creating from managed modules, Combining Managed Modules into Assemblies
culture, Culture
data files in, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly
default path to, Response Files
delayed signing, Delayed Signing
different types in, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly
directories for, Simple Administrative Control (Configuration)
discovering types in, Discovering Types Defined in an Assembly
double copies of, Building an Assembly That References a Strongly Named Assembly
downloading from web, Assembly Loading
executing code, Executing Your Assembly’s Code
files required for, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly
global assembly cache, The Global Assembly Cache
globally deployed, Two Kinds of Assemblies, Two Kinds of Deployment
loading into AppDomains, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
multifile, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly
namespaces and, Namespaces and Assemblies
platform, specifying, Loading the Common Language Runtime
preventing execution of, Assembly Loading
privately deployed, Simple Application Deployment (Privately Deployed Assemblies)
registering, The Global Assembly Cache
satellite, Culture
self-describing nature of, Combining Managed Modules into Assemblies
serialization and, Serialization/Deserialization Quick Start
statistics, viewing, A Brief Look at Metadata
strongly named, Two Kinds of Assemblies, Two Kinds of Deployment, Two Kinds of Assemblies, Two Kinds of Deployment, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name
uninstalling from GAC, The Global Assembly Cache
unloading, Assembly Loading
used by multiple AppDomains, AppDomains
verification, skipping, Delayed Signing
version numbers, Version Numbers
version resource attributes, Assembly Version Resource Information
version resources in, Adding Resource Files to an Assembly
versioning policies, Assembly Loading
Visual Studio IDE and, Adding Assemblies to a Project by Using the Visual Studio IDE
weakly named, Two Kinds of Assemblies, Two Kinds of Deployment, Giving an Assembly a Strong Name
Win32 resources, embedding, Adding Resource Files to an Assembly
Windows installer and, The Global Assembly Cache
Assembly Linker, Using the Assembly Linker, Using the Assembly Linker
assembly loading, Assembly Loading, Assembly Loading, Assembly Loading, Assembly Loading, Assembly Loading, Assembly Loading, Assembly Loading, Assembly Loading, Assembly Loading
callback methods, Assembly Loading, Assembly Loading
embedding dependent DLLs, Assembly Loading
for metadata analysis, Assembly Loading
for specific AppDomain, Assembly Loading
for specific architecture, Assembly Loading
multiple times into AppDomain, Assembly Loading
with specific path name, Assembly Loading
assembly type, The Common Type System, What Exactly Is a Type Object?
AssemblyDef table, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly
AssemblyRef table, A Brief Look at Metadata
AssemblyResolve event, Assembly Loading
AsSequential method, Parallel Language Integrated Query
Assert method, Code Contracts
associating data, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually
AsStream method, Interoperating Between WinRT Streams and .NET Streams, Passing Blocks of Data Between the CLR and WinRT
buffering, Interoperating Between WinRT Streams and .NET Streams
Assume method, Code Contracts, Code Contracts
AsTask method, Calling Asynchronous WinRT APIs from .NET Code
async, Calling Asynchronous WinRT APIs from .NET Code
AsyncCoordinator class, Interlocked Constructs
asynchonous WinRT APIs, Framework Projections
asynchronous compute-bound operations, Performing a Simple Compute-Bound Operation
asynchronous exceptions, Constrained Execution Regions (CERs)
asynchronous flag, How Windows Performs I/O Operations
asynchronous functions, C#’s Asynchronous Functions, C#’s Asynchronous Functions, C#’s Asynchronous Functions, C#’s Asynchronous Functions, How the Compiler Transforms an Async Function into a State Machine, Async Function Extensibility, Async Functions and Event Handlers, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library, Async Functions and Exception Handling, Async Functions and Exception Handling, Other Async Function Features, Other Async Function Features, Other Async Function Features, Other Async Function Features, Other Async Function Features, Primitive Thread Synchronization Constructs
as state machines, How the Compiler Transforms an Async Function into a State Machine
await operator and, Other Async Function Features
compiler warnings, turning off, Other Async Function Features
debugging, Other Async Function Features
event handlers and, Async Functions and Event Handlers
exception handling and, Async Functions and Exception Handling
extensibility of, Async Function Extensibility
in Framework Class Library, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
initiating from non-caller thread, Other Async Function Features
restrictions on, C#’s Asynchronous Functions
stepping into and out of, Other Async Function Features
Task object and, C#’s Asynchronous Functions
thread synchronization and, Primitive Thread Synchronization Constructs
unhandled exceptions and, Async Functions and Exception Handling
WebClient and, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
asynchronous I/O operations, How Windows Performs I/O Operations, How Windows Performs I/O Operations, How Windows Performs I/O Operations, How Windows Performs I/O Operations, How Windows Performs I/O Operations, How the Compiler Transforms an Async Function into a State Machine, Async Functions and Event Handlers, Other Async Function Features, Applications and Their Threading Models, Canceling I/O Operations, FileStream-Specific Issues, I/O Request Priorities
asynchronous functions and, How Windows Performs I/O Operations
canceling, Canceling I/O Operations
concurrent function of, Other Async Function Features
event handlers and, Async Functions and Event Handlers
FileStream objects and, FileStream-Specific Issues
garbage collection and, How Windows Performs I/O Operations
GUI responsiveness and, How Windows Performs I/O Operations
ignoring SynchronizationContext object, Applications and Their Threading Models
performance benefits, How Windows Performs I/O Operations
Task type for, How the Compiler Transforms an Async Function into a State Machine
thread priorities, I/O Request Priorities
asynchronous lambda expressions, Other Async Function Features
asynchronous operations, Calling Asynchronous WinRT APIs from .NET Code, Compute-Bound Asynchronous Operations
asynchronous server implementation, Implementing a Server Asynchronously
asynchronous thread synchronization, Asynchronous Synchronization
AsyncOneManyLock class, Asynchronous Synchronization
Attribute class, Using Custom Attributes
AttributeUsage attribute, Defining Your Own Attribute Class
auto-reset events, Event Constructs, Semaphore Constructs
automatically implemented properties, Automatically Implemented Properties
AutoResetEvent method, Mutex Constructs
await, Calling Asynchronous WinRT APIs from .NET Code
await operator, Calling Asynchronous WinRT APIs from .NET Code
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