C++ compiler, managed/unmanaged code and, Compiling Source Code into Managed Modules
caching, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually, Thread Overhead
threads, Thread Overhead
weak references and, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually
callback functions, Delegates, A First Look at Delegates
unmanaged, A First Look at Delegates
callback methods, Events, Enough with the Delegate Definitions Already (Generic Delegates), C#’s Syntactical Sugar for Delegates, Syntactical Shortcut #2: No Need to Define a Callback Method (Lambda Expressions), Syntactical Shortcut #3: No Need to Wrap Local Variables in a Class Manually to Pass Them to a Callback Method, Assembly Loading, Assembly Loading, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
assembly loading and, Assembly Loading, Assembly Loading
exceptions thrown by, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
lambda expressions, Syntactical Shortcut #2: No Need to Define a Callback Method (Lambda Expressions)
referencing local parameters, Syntactical Shortcut #3: No Need to Wrap Local Variables in a Class Manually to Pass Them to a Callback Method
registering after cancellation, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
returning values with, Enough with the Delegate Definitions Already (Generic Delegates)
syntax for, C#’s Syntactical Sugar for Delegates
calling back static methods, Using Delegates to Call Back Static Methods
calling methods, How the CLR Calls Virtual Methods, Properties, and Events, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
across AppDomain boundaries, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
calling type constructors, Type Constructors
callvirt instruction, How the CLR Calls Virtual Methods, Properties, and Events
CAN-DO relationships, Design: Base Class or Interface?
Cancel method, Class Libraries and Thread Safety
canceling operations, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
after set time, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
invoking methods after, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
canceling tasks, Canceling a Task
canceling WinRT APIs, Calling Asynchronous WinRT APIs from .NET Code
CancellationToken objects, Canceling a Task, Starting a New Task Automatically When Another Task Completes
associating with tasks, Starting a New Task Automatically When Another Task Completes
passing as closure variables, Canceling a Task
CancellationToken value type, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
CancellationTokenSource objects, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
CancellationTokenSource type, Canceling a Task
CannotUnloadAppDomainException, AppDomain Unloading
exception, AppDomain Unloading
carriage returns, Constructing Strings
casting arrays, Casting Arrays
casting types, Casting Between Types, Casting with the C# is and as Operators, Programming Language Primitive Types, Programming Language Primitive Types, The dynamic Primitive Type
between objects, Casting Between Types
dynamic, The dynamic Primitive Type
implicit vs. explicit, Programming Language Primitive Types
primitive, Programming Language Primitive Types
with is/as operators, Casting with the C# is and as Operators
casting, Char type to numeric value, Characters
catch blocks, The catch Block, The finally Block, The finally Block, The System.Exception Class, Backing Out of a Partially Completed Operation When an Unrecoverable Exception Occurs—Maintaining State
exceptions thrown by, The finally Block
stack trace, obtaining, The System.Exception Class
catch types, The catch Block, The catch Block
variable names after, The catch Block
CCCheck.exe (Code Contract Checker), Code Contracts
CCDocGen.exe (Code Contract Document Generator), Code Contracts
CCRefGen.exe (Code Contract Reference Assembly Generator), Code Contracts
CCWs (COM Callable Wrappers), Interoperating with WinRT Components
CERs, Using Delegates to Call Back Many Methods (Chaining)
C# support for, Using Delegates to Call Back Many Methods (Chaining)
ChainSelector method, Surrogate Selector Chains
char type, Programming Language Primitive Types, Chars, Strings, and Working with Text, Characters, Characters, Characters, Characters
casting to numeric value, Characters
converting numeric types to, Characters
instance methods, Characters
static methods, Characters
character arrays, Constructing a StringBuilder Object, StringBuilder Members
methods for, StringBuilder Members
characters, Chars, Strings, and Working with Text, Characters, Examining a String’s Characters and Text Elements, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
converting to bytes, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
examining in strings, Examining a String’s Characters and Text Elements
numeric equivalent, returning, Characters
checked operators, Checked and Unchecked Primitive Type Operations
child tasks, A Task May Start Child Tasks
circuit boards, How Windows Performs I/O Operations
class constraint, Verifiability and Constraints
class libraries, thread synchronization and, Class Libraries and Thread Safety
class library developers, exception handling guidelines, Guidelines and Best Practices, Unhandled Exceptions
classes, Reference Types and Value Types, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types, Static Classes, Partial Classes, Structures, and Interfaces, Using Type Visibility and Member Accessibility Intelligently, Using Type Visibility and Member Accessibility Intelligently, Using Type Visibility and Member Accessibility Intelligently, Generic Type Identity, Class and Interface Inheritance, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
as reference types, Reference Types and Value Types
defining, Using Type Visibility and Member Accessibility Intelligently, Generic Type Identity
generic collection, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types
inheritance, Class and Interface Inheritance
partial, Partial Classes, Structures, and Interfaces
sealed, Using Type Visibility and Member Accessibility Intelligently
security, Using Type Visibility and Member Accessibility Intelligently
static, Static Classes
WinRT, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
cleanup code, Use finally Blocks Liberally, Using a Type That Wraps a Native Resource, Using a Type That Wraps a Native Resource, An Interesting Dependency Issue
Dispose method, Using a Type That Wraps a Native Resource, An Interesting Dependency Issue
for native resources, Using a Type That Wraps a Native Resource
Clear method, StringBuilder Members
CLI (Common Language Infrastructure), The Common Type System
Clone method, Other String Operations
cloneable variables, More About Calling Interface Methods
cloning strings, Other String Operations
Close method, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
closed types, Open and Closed Types
CloseHandle method, Kernel-Mode Constructs
CLR (Common Language Runtime), Compiling Source Code into Managed Modules, Loading the Common Language Runtime, The Common Type System, Interoperability with Unmanaged Code, How the Runtime Resolves Type References, Casting Between Types, Namespaces and Assemblies, The Different Kinds of Type Members, The CLR Has Special Support for Nullable Value Types, Garbage Collection Triggers, CLR Hosting, CLR Hosting, CLR Hosting, Passing Blocks of Data Between the CLR and WinRT, Defining WinRT Components in C#
code language vs. behavior, The Common Type System
code location for, CLR Hosting
common language aspect of, The Different Kinds of Type Members
compilers for, Compiling Source Code into Managed Modules
hosting, CLR Hosting
interoperability with unmanaged code, Interoperability with Unmanaged Code
loading, Loading the Common Language Runtime
namespaces and, Namespaces and Assemblies
nullable type support, The CLR Has Special Support for Nullable Value Types
passing blocks of data to WinRT, Passing Blocks of Data Between the CLR and WinRT
setting host managers, CLR Hosting
shutting down, as garbage collection trigger, Garbage Collection Triggers
type references, resolving, How the Runtime Resolves Type References
type safety, Casting Between Types
WinRT, mapping types to, Defining WinRT Components in C#
CLR projections, Interoperating with WinRT Components, Interoperating with WinRT Components
WinRT component type system rules and, Interoperating with WinRT Components
CLRCreateInstance function, CLR Hosting
CLRVer.exe, Loading the Common Language Runtime
CLS (Common Language Specification), The Common Language Specification, The Common Language Specification, The Common Language Specification
example code using, The Common Language Specification
rules overview, The Common Language Specification
Code Contract Checker (CCCheck.exe), Code Contracts
Code Contract Document Generator Tool (CCDocGen.exe), Code Contracts
Code Contract Reference Assembly Generator (CCRefGen.exe), Code Contracts
code contracts, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Code Contracts, Code Contracts, Code Contracts, Code Contracts, Code Contracts, Code Contracts
checking, Code Contracts
Contract class, Code Contracts
runtime function, Code Contracts
tools for maximizing, Code Contracts
violation of, Code Contracts
code explosion, Instance Constructors and Classes (Reference Types), Code Explosion
code optimization, Executing Your Assembly’s Code, Volatile Constructs, Volatile Constructs
Volatile class and, Volatile Constructs
code pages, specifying, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
code, program order, Volatile Constructs
codeBase elements, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly, Advanced Administrative Control (Configuration)
Collect method, Garbage Collection Triggers, Garbage Collection Modes, Forcing Garbage Collections
collection classes, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types, Generics in the Framework Class Library, The Concurrent Collection Classes
generic, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types, Generics in the Framework Class Library
thread-safe, The Concurrent Collection Classes
collection initializers, Object and Collection Initializers
collection objects, serializing/deserializing, Controlling Serialization and Deserialization
collection types, WinRT, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
CollectionCount method, Monitoring Your Application’s Memory Usage
collections, Object and Collection Initializers, All Arrays Implicitly Implement IEnumerable, ICollection, and IList, WinRT Type System Core Concepts, The Concurrent Collection Classes, The Concurrent Collection Classes, The Concurrent Collection Classes
adding items to, Object and Collection Initializers
array implementation of, All Arrays Implicitly Implement IEnumerable, ICollection, and IList
maximum number in, The Concurrent Collection Classes
non-blocking, into blocking, The Concurrent Collection Classes
producer/consumer scenario, The Concurrent Collection Classes
WinRT, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
ColorMatrix class, Parameterful Properties
COM Callable Wrappers (CCWs), Interoperating with WinRT Components
COM components, WinRT components as, Interoperating with WinRT Components
Combine method, Using Delegates to Call Back Many Methods (Chaining)
command-line switches, response files, Building Types into a Module
compacting memory in garbage collection, The Garbage Collection Algorithm, Garbage Collection Modes
Compare method, comparing strings, Comparing Strings
CompareExchange method, Interlocked Constructs, The Interlocked Anything Pattern, The Famous Double-Check Locking Technique
CompareInfo, Comparing Strings, Comparing Strings, Comparing Strings, Comparing Strings
class, methods in, Comparing Strings
object, Comparing Strings, Comparing Strings
property, Comparing Strings
CompareOptions type, Comparing Strings
CompareTo method, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types, Be Careful with Explicit Interface Method Implementations, Characters
comparing strings, Comparing Strings
comparisonType argument, Comparing Strings
CompilationRelaxations attribute, String Interning
CompilerGenerated attribute, Syntactical Shortcut #2: No Need to Define a Callback Method (Lambda Expressions)
compilers, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations, Volatile Constructs
code optimization by, Volatile Constructs
functions performed by, Trading Reliability for Productivity
managed, exception handling by, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations
compiling source code, The CLR’s Execution Model
CompleteAdding method, The Concurrent Collection Classes
Component Software Processing (CSP), Components, Polymorphism, and Versioning
components, Components, Polymorphism, and Versioning
servicing, Components, Polymorphism, and Versioning
composability of object-oriented programming, Trading Reliability for Productivity
compressing, assemblies, The Global Assembly Cache
compute-bound asynchronous operations, with threads, Using a Dedicated Thread to Perform an Asynchronous Compute-Bound Operation
compute-bound operations, Compute-Bound Asynchronous Operations, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
canceling after set time, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
cooperative cancellation, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
ComputeResult method, Interlocked Constructs
Concat method, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types, Passing a Variable Number of Arguments to a Method
concatenating strings, Constructing Strings
concurrent classes, The Concurrent Collection Classes
ConcurrentBag class, The Concurrent Collection Classes
ConcurrentDictionary class, The Concurrent Collection Classes
ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair class, Asynchronous Synchronization
ConcurrentQueue class, The Concurrent Collection Classes
ConcurrentStack class, The Concurrent Collection Classes
condition variable pattern, The Condition Variable Pattern
conditional attribute classes, Conditional Attribute Classes
ConditionalWeakTable class, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually
configuration files, Simple Administrative Control (Configuration), Advanced Administrative Control (Configuration), Publisher Policy Control, Publisher Policy Control
as separate assembly files, Publisher Policy Control
publisher policy controls and, Publisher Policy Control
ConfigureAwait method, Applications and Their Threading Models
Console class, Formatting Multiple Objects into a Single String, Class Libraries and Thread Safety
const-ness, unsupported, Const-ness
constants, Type and Member Basics, Constants, Constants, Constants
constraints on, Constants
defined, Type and Member Basics
for non-primitive types, Constants
metadata and, Constants
constrained execution regions (CERs), Trading Reliability for Productivity, Constrained Execution Regions (CERs)
ConstrainedCopy method, Casting Arrays
ConstrainedExecution namespace, Working with Types Requiring Special Cleanup
constraints, Verifiability and Constraints, Verifiability and Constraints, Verifiability and Constraints, Primary Constraints, Secondary Constraints, Constructor Constraints
constructor, Constructor Constraints
generics and, Verifiability and Constraints
on type parameters, Verifiability and Constraints
primary, Verifiability and Constraints
reference types as, Primary Constraints
secondary, Secondary Constraints
constructing type instances, Constructing an Instance of a Type
constructor constraints, Constructor Constraints
constructor method, A Brief Look at Metadata, Instance Constructors and Classes (Reference Types), Instance Constructors and Classes (Reference Types), Instance Constructors and Classes (Reference Types), Instance Constructors and Structures (Value Types), Instance Constructors and Structures (Value Types), Instance Constructors and Structures (Value Types), Instance Constructors and Structures (Value Types), Demystifying Delegates, Demystifying Delegates
calling default, Instance Constructors and Structures (Value Types)
creating types without, Instance Constructors and Classes (Reference Types)
default, Instance Constructors and Classes (Reference Types)
defining on value types, Instance Constructors and Structures (Value Types)
for delegates, Demystifying Delegates
parameterless, Instance Constructors and Structures (Value Types)
virtual methods and, Instance Constructors and Classes (Reference Types)
ConstructorInfo object, Constructing an Instance of a Type
constructors, Object and Collection Initializers, Using a Dedicated Thread to Perform an Asynchronous Compute-Bound Operation, Tasks
parameterless, Object and Collection Initializers
Task objects and, Tasks
thread, Using a Dedicated Thread to Perform an Asynchronous Compute-Bound Operation
context structures, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
context switching, Thread Overhead, Thread Overhead, Thread Overhead, Thread Overhead, Thread Scheduling and Priorities, Asynchronous Synchronization
avoiding, Thread Overhead
in asynchronous synchronization, Asynchronous Synchronization
performance issues, Thread Overhead, Thread Overhead
contexts, thread, Thread Overhead
ContinueWhenAll method, Task Factories
ContinueWith method, Starting a New Task Automatically When Another Task Completes, Starting a New Task Automatically When Another Task Completes, How Windows Performs I/O Operations
contra-variant reference types, Using Delegates to Call Back Static Methods
contra-variant type parameters, Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments
Contract class, Trading Reliability for Productivity
contract reference assemblies, Code Contracts
ContractFailed event, Code Contracts
ContractInvariantMethod attribute, Code Contracts
convenient syntax, Instance Constructors and Classes (Reference Types)
conversion constructors, Conversion Operator Methods
conversion operator methods, Conversion Operator Methods, Conversion Operator Methods, Conversion Operator Methods, Conversion Operator Methods, Conversion Operator Methods
implicit and explicit, Conversion Operator Methods, Conversion Operator Methods
metadata for, Conversion Operator Methods
support for, Conversion Operator Methods
conversion operators, defined, The Different Kinds of Type Members
Convert class, Controlling the Serialized/Deserialized Data
Convert method, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
Convert type, Characters, Base-64 String Encoding and Decoding
ConvertIList method, Secondary Constraints
cooperative cancellation, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
unhandled exceptions and, Cooperative Cancellation and Timeout
Copy method, Other String Operations, Casting Arrays, Casting Arrays, All Arrays Implicitly Implement IEnumerable, ICollection, and IList
Array class, Casting Arrays, All Arrays Implicitly Implement IEnumerable, ICollection, and IList
vs. BlockCopy method, Casting Arrays
copy operation, and unboxing types, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types
copying, Other String Operations, Casting Arrays, All Arrays Implicitly Implement IEnumerable, ICollection, and IList
arrays, Casting Arrays, All Arrays Implicitly Implement IEnumerable, ICollection, and IList
strings, Other String Operations
CopyTo method, Other String Operations, StringBuilder Members, Passing Blocks of Data Between the CLR and WinRT
CoreClr.dll, Microsoft Silverlight Rich Internet Applications
CorFlags.exe, Loading the Common Language Runtime
corrupted, Parameterless Properties, Managed Heap Basics
memory, Managed Heap Basics
object state, avoiding, Parameterless Properties
CountdownEvent class, The CountdownEvent Class
Counter method, A First Look at Delegates, Using Delegates to Call Back Static Methods, Using Delegates to Call Back Many Methods (Chaining)
delegate chaining and, Using Delegates to Call Back Many Methods (Chaining)
country identifiers, Comparing Strings
covariant, Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments, Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments, Using Delegates to Call Back Static Methods
in and out keywords, Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments
reference types, Using Delegates to Call Back Static Methods
type parameters, Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments
CPU virtualization, Why Does Windows Support Threads?
CPUs, CPU Trends, CPU Trends, CPU Trends, CPU Trends, Reasons to Use Threads, Reasons to Use Threads, Reasons to Use Threads, Thread Scheduling and Priorities, Compute-Bound Asynchronous Operations
aggressive utilization of, Reasons to Use Threads
heat dissipation and, CPU Trends, Reasons to Use Threads
high usage, as good thing, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
hyperthreaded, CPU Trends
low usage of, Compute-Bound Asynchronous Operations
multiple cores, CPU Trends
power utilization, optimal, Reasons to Use Threads
trends for, CPU Trends
CreateDelegate method, Delegates and Reflection
CreateDomain method, AppDomain overloads of, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
CreateEvent method, Kernel-Mode Constructs
CreateFile method, synchronous execution of, Some I/O Operations Must Be Done Synchronously
CreateInstance method, Creating Non-Zero Lower Bound Arrays, Constructing an Instance of a Type, Constructing an Instance of a Type
AppDomain class, Constructing an Instance of a Type
Array class, Constructing an Instance of a Type
CreateInstanceAndUnwrap method, Demo #1: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Reference
CreateInstanceFrom method, Constructing an Instance of a Type
CreateMutex method, Kernel-Mode Constructs
CreateProcess function, AppDomains
CreateSemaphore method, Kernel-Mode Constructs
critical regions, Writing a Robust Host Application
CriticalFinalizer object, Working with Types Requiring Special Cleanup
CriticalHandle class, Working with Types Requiring Special Cleanup
CSC.exe, Building Types into a Module
CSC.rsp, Response Files
CSP containers for public/private keys, Delayed Signing
CTS (Common Type System), The Common Type System
CUI (Console User Interface) applications, Building Types into a Module
culture setting in assemblies, Culture
CultureInfo class, Characters
CultureInfo type, Comparing Strings
CurrentCulture property, Characters, Comparing Strings
CurrentUICulture property, Comparing Strings
custom attributes, Custom Attributes, Using Custom Attributes, Using Custom Attributes, Using Custom Attributes, Using Custom Attributes, Using Custom Attributes, Using Custom Attributes, Using Custom Attributes, Using Custom Attributes, Using Custom Attributes, Using Custom Attributes, Defining Your Own Attribute Class, Defining Your Own Attribute Class, Defining Your Own Attribute Class, Defining Your Own Attribute Class, Defining Your Own Attribute Class, Defining Your Own Attribute Class, Defining Your Own Attribute Class, Attribute Constructor and Field/Property Data Types, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute, Matching Two Attribute Instances Against Each Other, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute Without Creating Attribute-Derived Objects, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute Without Creating Attribute-Derived Objects
applying multiple times, Defining Your Own Attribute Class
as logical state containers, Defining Your Own Attribute Class
attribute objects, constructing, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute
C# syntax for, Using Custom Attributes
class inheritance, Using Custom Attributes, Defining Your Own Attribute Class
data types for, Attribute Constructor and Field/Property Data Types
defining attribute class, Defining Your Own Attribute Class
defining classes for, Defining Your Own Attribute Class
detecting in code, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute
detecting in code, without executing, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute Without Creating Attribute-Derived Objects
detecting specific, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute
enumerated types, Defining Your Own Attribute Class
examples of, Using Custom Attributes
matching against each other, Matching Two Attribute Instances Against Each Other
multiple, applying, Using Custom Attributes
prefixes, Using Custom Attributes
public constructors, Defining Your Own Attribute Class
security concerns, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute Without Creating Attribute-Derived Objects
suffix, omitting, Using Custom Attributes, Using Custom Attributes
syntax for, Using Custom Attributes
targets for, Using Custom Attributes
Visual Basic .NET syntax for, Using Custom Attributes
CustomAttributeData class, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute Without Creating Attribute-Derived Objects
CustomAttributeExtensions class, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute
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