early binding, Using Reflection to Build a Dynamically Extensible Application
encoding, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
explicitly constructing types, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
methods, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
Encoding class, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
properties, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
encodings, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
property values, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
EndBackgroundProcessing, I/O Request Priorities
EndsWith method, comparing strings, Comparing Strings
EndWaitForConnection method, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
EndXxx method, Don’t Catch Everything
EnsureInitialized method, The Famous Double-Check Locking Technique
Enter method, Trading Reliability for Productivity, A Simple Hybrid Lock, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks
Monitor class, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks
overloading, discouraged, Trading Reliability for Productivity
Enum class, Enumerated Types
Enum type, Enumerated Types
enumerated type, Extending Various Types with Extension Methods, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types, Bit Flags, Bit Flags, Bit Flags, Adding Methods to Enumerated Types, Making a Type Serializable
as primitive types, Enumerated Types
bit flags, defining with, Bit Flags
classes derived from, Enumerated Types
converting symbols into, Enumerated Types
defined symbols in, Bit Flags
displaying all values for, Enumerated Types
extension methods for, Extending Various Types with Extension Methods
formatting, Enumerated Types
IsDefined method and, Bit Flags
methods, adding, Adding Methods to Enumerated Types
parameter validation, Enumerated Types
serializing, Making a Type Serializable
structure of, Enumerated Types
symbols as constant fields, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types
underlying types for, Enumerated Types
user interface display of, Enumerated Types
with multiple symbols, Enumerated Types
enumerating types, Using Reflection to Build a Dynamically Extensible Application
enumeration types, in WinRT, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
epilogue code, How Things Relate at Run Time
equality operators, nullable types and, C#’s Support for Nullable Value Types
Equals method, All Types Are Derived from System.Object, Object Equality and Identity, Object Equality and Identity, Object Equality and Identity, Anonymous Types, String Interning
overriding, Object Equality and Identity
properties of, Object Equality and Identity
System.Object, All Types Are Derived from System.Object
error messages, Member Accessibility
escalation policy, Writing a Robust Host Application
event handlers, Step #1: Define a type that will hold any additional information that should be sent to receivers of the event notification, Step #2: Define the event member, Code Contracts, Async Function Extensibility, Async Functions and Event Handlers
asynchronous functions and, Async Functions and Event Handlers
class naming convention, Step #1: Define a type that will hold any additional information that should be sent to receivers of the event notification
code contract violations and, Code Contracts
method signatures, Async Function Extensibility
void return type, Step #2: Define the event member
event implementation, Step #4: Define a method that translates the input into the desired event
event log, viewing unhandled exceptions in, Unhandled Exceptions
EventArgs class, Step #1: Define a type that will hold any additional information that should be sent to receivers of the event notification
EventAwaiter class, Async Function Extensibility
EventDef table, A Brief Look at Metadata
EventHandler delegate type (WinRT), WinRT Type System Core Concepts
EventHandlersStore type, Explicitly Implementing an Event
EventInfo type, Invoking a Type’s Members
events, The Common Type System, Events, Events, Designing a Type That Exposes an Event, Step #1: Define a type that will hold any additional information that should be sent to receivers of the event notification, Step #1: Define a type that will hold any additional information that should be sent to receivers of the event notification, Step #2: Define the event member, Step #2: Define the event member, Step #3: Define a method responsible for raising the event to notify registered objects that the event has occurred, How the Compiler Implements an Event, How the Compiler Implements an Event, Designing a Type That Listens for an Event, Explicitly Implementing an Event, Invoking a Type’s Members, WinRT Type System Core Concepts, Kernel-Mode Constructs, Event Constructs, Semaphore Constructs
as primitive kernel-mode thread synchronization constructs, Kernel-Mode Constructs
auto-reset, Semaphore Constructs
compiler implementation of, How the Compiler Implements an Event
defined, The Common Type System
delegates, Events
designing types to expose, Designing a Type That Exposes an Event
explicitly implementing, Explicitly Implementing an Event
members, defining, Step #1: Define a type that will hold any additional information that should be sent to receivers of the event notification
metadata on, Invoking a Type’s Members
notification for, Step #3: Define a method responsible for raising the event to notify registered objects that the event has occurred
notifications, unregistering, Designing a Type That Listens for an Event
Object type, Step #1: Define a type that will hold any additional information that should be sent to receivers of the event notification
typing the return parameter, Step #2: Define the event member
typing the sender parameter, Step #2: Define the event member
unregistering interest from objects, How the Compiler Implements an Event
WinRT, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
EventSet class, Explicitly Implementing an Event
EventWaitHandle class, Kernel-Mode Constructs
exception handling, Defining “Exception”, Exception-Handling Mechanics, The try Block, The catch Block, The finally Block, The System.Exception Class, The System.Exception Class, The System.Exception Class, Throwing an Exception, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Guidelines and Best Practices, Guidelines and Best Practices, Guidelines and Best Practices, Use finally Blocks Liberally, Don’t Catch Everything, Backing Out of a Partially Completed Operation When an Unrecoverable Exception Occurs—Maintaining State, Hiding an Implementation Detail to Maintain a “Contract”, Unhandled Exceptions, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations
assuming exceptions will occur, Trading Reliability for Productivity
backing out of partial operations, Backing Out of a Partially Completed Operation When an Unrecoverable Exception Occurs—Maintaining State
best practices, Guidelines and Best Practices
catch blocks, Don’t Catch Everything
differing implementations of, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations
example code for, Defining “Exception”
finally blocks, Use finally Blocks Liberally
for class library developers vs. application developers, Guidelines and Best Practices
for high error rate methods, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations
guidelines, Guidelines and Best Practices
language for, The finally Block
localizing string messages, Throwing an Exception
managed compilers and, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations
mechanics of, Exception-Handling Mechanics
notifications for, The catch Block
performance issues, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations
problems with, Trading Reliability for Productivity
reflection and, Hiding an Implementation Detail to Maintain a “Contract”
Reliability Monitor problem signatures, Unhandled Exceptions
resetting exception starting point, The System.Exception Class
stack tracing, The System.Exception Class, The System.Exception Class
state corruption and, Trading Reliability for Productivity
state corruption, mitigating, Trading Reliability for Productivity
thread synchronization locks and, Trading Reliability for Productivity
TryParse method and, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations
viewing exception objects, The try Block
Exception objects, avoiding throwing, FCL-Defined Exception Classes
exception-derived types, hierarchy of, Building a Hierarchy of Exception-Derived Types
exceptions, Defining “Exception”, FCL-Defined Exception Classes, FCL-Defined Exception Classes, FCL-Defined Exception Classes, Throwing an Exception, Defining Your Own Exception Class, Defining Your Own Exception Class, Defining Your Own Exception Class, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Don’t Catch Everything, Don’t Catch Everything, Recovering Gracefully from an Exception, Backing Out of a Partially Completed Operation When an Unrecoverable Exception Occurs—Maintaining State, Backing Out of a Partially Completed Operation When an Unrecoverable Exception Occurs—Maintaining State, Hiding an Implementation Detail to Maintain a “Contract”, Hiding an Implementation Detail to Maintain a “Contract”, Hiding an Implementation Detail to Maintain a “Contract”, Unhandled Exceptions, Unhandled Exceptions, Debugging Exceptions, Debugging Exceptions, Code Contracts, AppDomain First-Chance Exception Notifications, Writing a Robust Host Application, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
adding types to Visual Studio debugger, Debugging Exceptions
catching all, when to, Backing Out of a Partially Completed Operation When an Unrecoverable Exception Occurs—Maintaining State
catching specific, when to, Hiding an Implementation Detail to Maintain a “Contract”
class derivation of, Defining Your Own Exception Class
debugging, Debugging Exceptions
defining custom classes for, Defining Your Own Exception Class
designing for, Defining “Exception”
FCL-defined classes, FCL-Defined Exception Classes
for code contract violations, Code Contracts
in critical regions, Writing a Robust Host Application
maintaining method contracts after, Hiding an Implementation Detail to Maintain a “Contract”
potential sources of, Trading Reliability for Productivity
processing, AppDomain First-Chance Exception Notifications
re-throwing, Don’t Catch Everything, Backing Out of a Partially Completed Operation When an Unrecoverable Exception Occurs—Maintaining State
re-throwing different exception, Hiding an Implementation Detail to Maintain a “Contract”
recovering gracefully from, Recovering Gracefully from an Exception
serializable, Defining Your Own Exception Class
types, FCL-Defined Exception Classes, FCL-Defined Exception Classes
unhandled, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Don’t Catch Everything, Unhandled Exceptions, Unhandled Exceptions
versioning issues, Throwing an Exception
WinRT and, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
Exceptions dialog box (Visual Studio), Debugging Exceptions
executable applications, AppDomains and, Executable Applications
executable files, Loading the Common Language Runtime
32-bit vs. 64-bit, Loading the Common Language Runtime
ExecuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanup method, Constrained Execution Regions (CERs)
ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync method, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
ExecuteNonQueryAsync method, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
ExecuteReaderAsync method, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
ExecuteScalarAsync method, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
ExecuteXmlReaderAsync method, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
executing assembly code, Executing Your Assembly’s Code
execution context, Execution Contexts, Execution Contexts, Execution Contexts, Execution Contexts, Execution Contexts
ExecutionContext class, Execution Contexts
helper threads and, Execution Contexts
performance issues and, Execution Contexts
suppressing, Execution Contexts
Exit method, Executable Applications, The Condition Variable Pattern
Monitor class, The Condition Variable Pattern
expanding characters, Comparing Strings
ExpandoObject class, The System.Tuple Type
explicit interface method implementations (EIMIs), Implicit and Explicit Interface Method Implementations (What’s Happening Behind the Scenes), Improving Compile-Time Type Safety with Explicit Interface Method Implementations, Be Careful with Explicit Interface Method Implementations
explicit methods, state corruption and, Trading Reliability for Productivity
explicit type casts, Programming Language Primitive Types
explicitly implementing events, Explicitly Implementing an Event
ExportedTypesDef table, Combining Modules to Form an Assembly
exposing events, designing types for, Events
exposing state, Using Type Visibility and Member Accessibility Intelligently
expressions, casting to dynamic, The dynamic Primitive Type
Extensible Storage Engine, Trading Reliability for Productivity
extension attribute, The Extension Attribute
extension methods, Extension Methods, Extension Methods, Rules and Guidelines, Rules and Guidelines, Rules and Guidelines, Rules and Guidelines, Rules and Guidelines, Extending Various Types with Extension Methods, Extending Various Types with Extension Methods, Extending Various Types with Extension Methods, Enumerated Types, Passing Blocks of Data Between the CLR and WinRT
displaying list of, Extension Methods
for delegate types, Extending Various Types with Extension Methods
for enumerated types, Extending Various Types with Extension Methods
for interface types, Extending Various Types with Extension Methods
multiple, avoiding, Rules and Guidelines
performance issues, Rules and Guidelines
rules and guidelines for, Rules and Guidelines
versioning and, Rules and Guidelines
WinRT, Passing Blocks of Data Between the CLR and WinRT
ExtensionAttribute class, The Extension Attribute
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