GAC (global assembly cache), The Global Assembly Cache, The Global Assembly Cache, The Global Assembly Cache
installing into, The Global Assembly Cache
uninstalling assemblies from, The Global Assembly Cache
GACUtil.exe, The Global Assembly Cache, The Global Assembly Cache
Windows install switch, The Global Assembly Cache
garbage collection, Allocating Resources from the Managed Heap, The Garbage Collection Algorithm, The Garbage Collection Algorithm, The Garbage Collection Algorithm, The Garbage Collection Algorithm, The Garbage Collection Algorithm, Garbage Collections and Debugging, Generations: Improving Performance, Generations: Improving Performance, Generations: Improving Performance, Generations: Improving Performance, Generations: Improving Performance, Generations: Improving Performance, Generations: Improving Performance, Garbage Collection Triggers, Large Objects, Garbage Collection Modes, Garbage Collection Modes, Garbage Collection Modes, Garbage Collection Modes, Garbage Collection Modes, Garbage Collection Modes, Forcing Garbage Collections, Forcing Garbage Collections, Monitoring Your Application’s Memory Usage, Working with Types Requiring Special Cleanup, Working with Types Requiring Special Cleanup, Using a Type That Wraps a Native Resource, An Interesting Dependency Issue, Other GC Features for Use with Native Resources, Other GC Features for Use with Native Resources, Other GC Features for Use with Native Resources, Finalization Internals, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually, AppDomain Unloading, Performing a Periodic Compute-Bound Operation
algorithm, The Garbage Collection Algorithm
byte array method and, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually
compacting phase, The Garbage Collection Algorithm
concurrent vs. non-concurrent mode, Garbage Collection Modes
debugging and, Garbage Collections and Debugging
dependency issues, An Interesting Dependency Issue
Finalize method and, Working with Types Requiring Special Cleanup
finalized objects and, Finalization Internals
for bitmaps, Other GC Features for Use with Native Resources
for types wrapping native resources, Working with Types Requiring Special Cleanup
forcing, Forcing Garbage Collections, Other GC Features for Use with Native Resources
generational, Generations: Improving Performance
generational, assumptions made by, Generations: Improving Performance
generations and, Generations: Improving Performance
idle threads and, Generations: Improving Performance
large objects and, Large Objects
latency modes, Garbage Collection Modes
marking phase, The Garbage Collection Algorithm
memory budgeting and, Generations: Improving Performance
memory compacting, Garbage Collection Modes
monitoring, Monitoring Your Application’s Memory Usage
native resources and, Other GC Features for Use with Native Resources
notifications for, Generations: Improving Performance, Forcing Garbage Collections
object lifetime and, The Garbage Collection Algorithm
on unloaded AppDomains, AppDomain Unloading
performance goals, Generations: Improving Performance
reference counting algorithms, The Garbage Collection Algorithm
server mode, Garbage Collection Modes
symbols for, Garbage Collection Modes
Timer objects and, Performing a Periodic Compute-Bound Operation
triggers for, Garbage Collection Triggers
vs. Dispose method, Using a Type That Wraps a Native Resource
workstation mode, Garbage Collection Modes
GCCollectionMode enumerated type, Forcing Garbage Collections
GCHandle type, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually
GCHandleType type, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually
GCLatencyMode property, Garbage Collection Modes
GCNotification class, Generations: Improving Performance
GCSettings class, Garbage Collection Modes
GCWatch method, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually
generic, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types, Generics, Generics in the Framework Class Library, Generic Type Identity, Generic Interfaces, Generic Interfaces, Generic Delegates, Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments, Verifiability and Constraints, Defining an Interface, Generic Interfaces, Generic Interfaces, Generic Interfaces, Design: Base Class or Interface?, Enough with the Delegate Definitions Already (Generic Delegates)
arguments, limiting types, Verifiability and Constraints
collection classes, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types, Generics in the Framework Class Library
contravariant and covariant type parameters, Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments
delegates, Generic Delegates, Enough with the Delegate Definitions Already (Generic Delegates)
interfaces, Generic Interfaces, Generic Interfaces, Defining an Interface, Generic Interfaces
list algorithm, Generics
namespace, Design: Base Class or Interface?
type identity, Generic Type Identity
type parameters, Generic Interfaces
vs. non-generic versions, Generic Interfaces
generic methods, Generics, Generics in the Framework Class Library, Generic Methods, Generic Methods, Generic Methods and Type Inference, Verifiability and Constraints
example of, Generic Methods
overriding, Verifiability and Constraints
static, Generics in the Framework Class Library
type inference and, Generic Methods and Type Inference
generic type variables, Casting a Generic Type Variable, Setting a Generic Type Variable to a Default Value, Comparing a Generic Type Variable with null, Comparing Two Generic Type Variables with Each Other, Using Generic Type Variables as Operands
as operands, Using Generic Type Variables as Operands
casting, Casting a Generic Type Variable
comparing to each other, Comparing Two Generic Type Variables with Each Other
comparing with null, Comparing a Generic Type Variable with null
setting to default value, Setting a Generic Type Variable to a Default Value
generic types, Generics, Generics, Generics, Open and Closed Types, Generic Types and Inheritance, Generic Type Identity, Generic Methods
inheritance and, Generic Types and Inheritance
out and ref parameters, Generic Methods
parameters, Generics
reference, Generics
type objects for, Open and Closed Types
using directive and, Generic Type Identity
generics, Generics, Generics, Generics, Generics in the Framework Class Library, Generics in the Framework Class Library, Generics Infrastructure, Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments, Generics and Other Members, Verifiability and Constraints, Verifiability and Constraints, Other Verifiability Issues, Generics and Interface Constraints
backwards compatibility, Generics in the Framework Class Library
benefits of, Generics
constraints, Verifiability and Constraints
explicit declarations, Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments
in FCL, Generics in the Framework Class Library
infrastructure of, Generics Infrastructure
interface constraints and, Generics and Interface Constraints
members and, Generics and Other Members
performance gain with, Generics, Generics
verifiability, Verifiability and Constraints, Other Verifiability Issues
GetAssemblyName method, Assembly Loading
GetAsync method, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
GetAvailableThreads method, Setting Thread Pool Limits
GetAwaiter method, Calling Asynchronous WinRT APIs from .NET Code, How the Compiler Transforms an Async Function into a State Machine
GetBaseException method, Waiting for a Task to Complete and Getting Its Result
GetByteArrayAsync method, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library, Interlocked Constructs
GetBytes method, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes, Passing Blocks of Data Between the CLR and WinRT
GetCharCount method, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
GetChars method, Encoding and Decoding Streams of Characters and Bytes
GetCustomAttribute method, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute, Detecting the Use of a Custom Attribute Without Creating Attribute-Derived Objects
GetDecoder method, Encoding and Decoding Streams of Characters and Bytes
GetDomain method, Accessing Objects Across AppDomain Boundaries
GetEncoder method, Encoding and Decoding Streams of Characters and Bytes
GetEncoding method, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
GetEnumerator method, The Concurrent Collection Classes
GetEnumUnderlyingType method, Enumerated Types
GetEnumValues method, Enumerated Types
GetFileAsync method, Calling Asynchronous WinRT APIs from .NET Code
GetFormat method, Specific Formats and Cultures
GetGenericArguments method, Discovering a Type’s Members
GetHashCode method, All Types Are Derived from System.Object, Object Hash Codes, Object Hash Codes, Object Hash Codes, How the CLR Calls Virtual Methods, Properties, and Events, Anonymous Types, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
algorithms for, Object Hash Codes
overriding, Object Hash Codes
System.Object, All Types Are Derived from System.Object
GetHttp method, Applications and Their Threading Models
GetInvocationList method, Having More Control over Delegate Chain Invocation
GetLowerBound method, Creating Non-Zero Lower Bound Arrays
GetMaxByteCount method, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
GetMaxCharCount method, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
GetMaxThreads method, Setting Thread Pool Limits
GetMetaObject method, The dynamic Primitive Type
GetMinThreads method, Setting Thread Pool Limits
GetNumericValue method, Characters
GetObjectData method, How Formatters Serialize Type Instances, Serialization Surrogates
ISerializationSurrogate interface, Serialization Surrogates
GetParameters method, Discovering a Type’s Members
GetPreamble method, Encodings: Converting Between Characters and Bytes
GetRealObject method, Serializing a Type As a Different Type and Deserializing an Object As a Different Object
GetRequestStreamAsync method, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
GetResponseAsync method, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
GetResult method, How the Compiler Transforms an Async Function into a State Machine
GetRuntime function, CLR Hosting
GetSingleton method, The Famous Double-Check Locking Technique
GetStreamAsync method, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
GetString method, Encoding and Decoding Streams of Characters and Bytes
GetTextElementEnumerator method, Examining a String’s Characters and Text Elements
GetTotalMemory method, Monitoring Your Application’s Memory Usage
GetType method, All Types Are Derived from System.Object, Casting Between Types, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types, What Exactly Is a Type Object?
System.Object, All Types Are Derived from System.Object
GetTypeInfo method, What Exactly Is a Type Object?
GetUnderlyingType method, Enumerated Types
GetUnicodeCategory method, Characters
GetUninitializedObject method, How Formatters Serialize Type Instances
GetUpperBound method, Creating Non-Zero Lower Bound Arrays
GetValue method, Enumerated Types, Invoking a Type’s Members
GetVersionInfo method, Assembly Version Resource Information
GetWindowsRuntimeBuffer method, Passing Blocks of Data Between the CLR and WinRT
globally deployed assemblies, Two Kinds of Assemblies, Two Kinds of Deployment
GlobalMemoryStatusEx function, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually
graceful aborts, Writing a Robust Host Application
GUI (graphical user interface) applications, Building Types into a Module
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