naked constraints, Secondary Constraints
named parameters, Parameters, Optional and Named Arguments, Rules and Guidelines, Using Custom Attributes
arguments, order of evaluation with, Optional and Named Arguments
rules and guidelines, Rules and Guidelines
NamedPipeServerStream class, Async Functions in the Framework Class Library
names, What Exactly Is a Type Object?
namespaces, Namespaces and Assemblies, Namespaces and Assemblies, Namespaces and Assemblies, Interoperating with WinRT Components
assemblies and, Namespaces and Assemblies
creating, Namespaces and Assemblies
WinRT, Interoperating with WinRT Components
native C++, Defining WinRT Components in C#
native resources, Working with Types Requiring Special Cleanup, Using a Type That Wraps a Native Resource, Other GC Features for Use with Native Resources, Other GC Features for Use with Native Resources
cleanup code for, Using a Type That Wraps a Native Resource
fixed in number, Other GC Features for Use with Native Resources
garbage collection and, Working with Types Requiring Special Cleanup, Other GC Features for Use with Native Resources
.NET Framework, Loading the Common Language Runtime, The Common Type System, Namespaces and Assemblies, Calling Asynchronous WinRT APIs from .NET Code, Interoperating Between WinRT Streams and .NET Streams, Interoperating Between WinRT Streams and .NET Streams, Interoperating Between WinRT Streams and .NET Streams
extension methods for casting to WinRT, Interoperating Between WinRT Streams and .NET Streams
namespace documentation, Namespaces and Assemblies
standardization of, The Common Type System
stream projections, Interoperating Between WinRT Streams and .NET Streams
version, checking, Loading the Common Language Runtime
WinRT interoperability with, Calling Asynchronous WinRT APIs from .NET Code, Interoperating Between WinRT Streams and .NET Streams
NetworkStream object, Encoding and Decoding Streams of Characters and Bytes
new operator, All Types Are Derived from System.Object, All Types Are Derived from System.Object, Allocating Resources from the Managed Heap
delete operator and, All Types Are Derived from System.Object
newline characters, Constructing Strings
NewLine property, Constructing Strings
NewMailEventArgs object, Step #3: Define a method responsible for raising the event to notify registered objects that the event has occurred
newobj instruction, Constructing Strings
NGen.exe, Executing Your Assembly’s Code, The Native Code Generator Tool: NGen.exe, The Native Code Generator Tool: NGen.exe
intellectual property and, The Native Code Generator Tool: NGen.exe
nonstatic events, The Different Kinds of Type Members
Normal flag, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually, Monitoring and Controlling the Lifetime of Objects Manually
notifications, Designing a Type That Listens for an Event, Generations: Improving Performance, Forcing Garbage Collections, Thread Overhead
for garbage collection, Generations: Improving Performance, Forcing Garbage Collections
for thread attachment/detachment, Thread Overhead
unregistering interest in, Designing a Type That Listens for an Event
null, Comparing a Generic Type Variable with null
comparing generic type variables with, Comparing a Generic Type Variable with null
nullable types, Primary Constraints, Nullable Value Types, C#’s Support for Nullable Value Types, C#’s Support for Nullable Value Types, C#’s Support for Nullable Value Types, C#’s Null-Coalescing Operator, The CLR Has Special Support for Nullable Value Types, Boxing Nullable Value Types
boxing, Boxing Nullable Value Types
C# support for, C#’s Support for Nullable Value Types
CLR support for, The CLR Has Special Support for Nullable Value Types
null-coalescing operator and, C#’s Null-Coalescing Operator
operators and, C#’s Support for Nullable Value Types
overloaded operators and, C#’s Support for Nullable Value Types
nullable value types, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
number types, parsing strings into, Parsing a String to Obtain an Object: Parse
NumberFormatInfo type, Specific Formats and Cultures
Numbers, vs. enumerated types, Enumerated Types
NumberStyles parameter, Parsing a String to Obtain an Object: Parse
numeric types, Checked and Unchecked Primitive Type Operations, Specific Formats and Cultures
recognized formats, Specific Formats and Cultures
NumTimesWordAppearsEquals method, String Interning
NumTimesWordAppearsIntern method, String Interning
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