
Writing this book has been a true learning experience for me. At times it was difficult—and sometimes frustrating—but it was made easier with the help and support of some very special people. People such as my wife, who was always there to act as a sounding board for ideas and to offer encouragement. I am also blessed to have the support of two great sons who put up with their dad and his camera. They have been dragged along on numerous photo shoots and had so many pictures taken of them that they must feel like they live with the paparazzi at times. Thanks, guys, you’re the best!

While I am thanking family, I certainly have to add my mom and dad to the list. They have always encouraged me to follow my own path and strive to reach my goals. I couldn’t have asked for better role models. A special thanks has to go to my dad, who lent me the Canon F-1 that I used for my first photography class in high school. It’s where it all began for me, and it couldn’t have happened without the camera. Speaking of high school, I want to thank my photography teacher, Jack McCann, who taught me the basics and gave me the foundation to build on.

There have been so many other people that have helped, influenced, encouraged, and inspired me that I couldn’t possibly list them all, but here’s a few. To my buddies Mike, Don, Kevin, Pete, Dan, and Debbie—working with friends is always rewarding, and you guys have made the past 25 years a really fun ride. To my in-laws, Sue and Bob, for being so supportive. A guy couldn’t ask for better in-laws. For all my friends at NAPP and Kelby Training—Dave, Matt, RC, and the most wonderful Kathy Siler (go Skins!). For all the great folks at Peachpit Press, like Ted Waitt and Nancy Aldrich-Ruenzel, who not only offered me the opportunity to write this book but also guided me through the process.

Finally, I need to give special thanks to a couple of individuals who made this book possible. Scott Andrews is one of those guys who knows things about cameras that even the engineers probably don’t. It’s the reason that Canon hired him as one of their technical reps and NASA considers him their go-to guy for photographic assistance. Having him in my corner while writing this book has been a wonderful and invaluable resource. The other person who needs special recognition is no stranger to the world of photography books. He has written some of the best-selling books ever on the subject. He is also one of my best friends and has been a mentor to me throughout the entire process. I couldn’t think of a better guide into the world of book writing than my buddy Scott Kelby. Thanks, Scott, for your inspiration, counsel, guidance, and most importantly, your friendship. You rock!

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