

action. See motion

Adobe RGB color space, 11–12

AE Lock feature, 110

AF-assist mode, 169

AF (autofocus) mode

AF points, 9394

options for continuous shooting, 9294

setting AF point, 112

shooting movies in, 214215

using, 79, 99

AI Focus mode, 78, 9293

AI Servo mode, 78, 78, 9293

ALL-I compression method, 211

angles of composition, 187189


backgrounds and, 22, 106

composition tips for, 182, 187, 205

defined, 36

depth of field and, 3942, 6263, 65, 106, 107

low light settings for, 156

manually setting, 6870

setting for portraits, 103, 106

shutter speed and, 59, 6263, 79

tips for landscapes, 46, 47, 127, 129

See also Av mode

attenuator, 221

audio, 218221, 223

Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB) mode, 150151

Auto ISO feature, 162


enabling AF-assist mode, 169

manual vs., 168

switching lens to, 73

See also AF mode

Av (Aperture Priority) mode

exposure compensation in, 6667

flash sync speed for, 172173

isolating subject with, 8889

movies using, 215

portraits using, 106

shooting landscapes from, 132133

using, 6266


backgrounds, 22, 106, 120

Basic zone modes

Creative Auto mode, 51, 214

menu items in, 54

Program vs., 5758

Scene Intelligent Auto mode, 50, 54

shooting with, 50, 75

when to use, 56

battery, 5, 13, 17

black and white images

composing, 200

landscapes, 144

Monochrome picture style for, 52, 116

portraits, 116117


adding to image, 81, 96, 99

images preventing, 164165

bracketing, 150151

Bulb (B) mode, 7072


C (Camera User Setting) mode, 7374

CA (Creative Auto) mode, 51, 214

camera shake

IS lenses reducing, 164165

tripods eliminating, 127, 130132, 157

wind gusts and, 229

Canon EOS 6D

built-in microphone, 218

customizing My Menu, 230231, 247

GPS for, 1213

illustrated, 24, 208209

image quality for, 67

lenses for, 3135

leveling horizon, 1516, 137

memory card for, 2628

movie features of, 208209

noise-reducing features, 134135, 177, 178

Quick Control menu for, 17

reviewing images in, 1718

setup tips for, 118

stabilizing on tripod, 71, 72

tethering to smartphone, 237239

updating firmware, 2931, 43

Wi-Fi mode for, 1415, 19, 237239

See also modes; productivity tips

catchlights, 113

center focus point, 112

Center-weighted metering mode, 108

Close-up mode, 55


adjusting white balance for, 136

capturing golden hour, 137138

converting to black and white, 116

impact on composition, 183, 192193

Kelvin scale for, 9

color space settings, 1112

composition, 181205

abstract images, 194

angles in, 187189

black and white, 200

breaking rules of, 184, 202204, 205

color’s role in, 183, 192193

defined, 181

depth of field in, 186187

eyes in, 198

framing, 114115, 118, 119, 122, 199, 205

isolating subject in, 8889, 187, 188

landscape, 141143

leading lines, 195, 204, 205

lighting in, 201

movie, 216217, 221223

patterns and shapes in, 192, 204

point of view, 190191, 204

rule of thirds, 114115, 141

scale in, 197, 205

shooting action, 9798

shooting children at their level, 120, 121

zoom-panning effects, 242244

compression methods, 211

continuous shooting

choosing focus modes for, 9294

drive modes for, 8990

memory buffer for, 90

portraits using, 115116

setting up, 92

using, 91

Creative zone modes, 5674

Aperture Priority mode, 6267

Basic vs., 50

Bulb mode, 7072

Camera User Setting mode, 7374

defined, 56

Exposure Compensation in, 6667

Manual mode, 6870

Program mode, 5758

Shutter Priority mode, 5962

cultural portraits, 104105, 107, 184185

curtain, 175176, 178

Custom User mode, 215


depth of field

aperture effect on, 3942, 6263, 65, 106, 107

composition tips on, 186187

controlling with Av mode, 75

experimenting with, 123

landscapes and, 133

preview button for, 16, 144

direct sun light, 118, 119

direction of travel, 82

DOF (Depth of Field) Preview button, 16, 144

drive modes, 8991


E-TTL II metering, 174

editing video, 222

Evaluative metering mode, 108

exposure, 3639

adjusting for landscapes, 132133

bracketing, 148151

calculating, 3739

elements of, 3637

experimenting with, 43

image histograms of, 231234, 247

locking in, 110

reciprocal, 38, 39

shooting long, 169171, 178, 244246, 247

video, 214215

See also flash

external microphones, 218, 219

external recording devices, 219


catchlights, 113

focusing on, 23, 103, 111112, 198


f-stop, 36, 37, 38, 39

Faithful picture style, 52

firmware updates, 2931, 43


about, 171

adding fill light, 22

adjusting exposure compensation, 174175

enabling in AF-assist mode, 169

sync modes for, 175177, 178

sync speeds for external, 172173

FlexiZone autofocus modes, 217

focal length, 35


about shutter speed and, 80

adjusting movie, 217218

aperture and, 6263, 65, 182, 205

auto and manual lens, 73

capturing motion with manual, 9498, 99

centering on eyes, 103, 111112, 198

experimenting with movie, 223

finding hyperfocal distance, 143, 152

focal length, 35

infinity setting, 169

Live View for manual, 236237

Magnify button for manual, 218

manual, 9

setting mode for, 79

tips for low light, 166169, 178

focus point

choosing, 47

selecting AF points, 9394

setting, 111112

wildlife photography, 48


adding depth with, 128, 142, 196

leading lines in, 195, 204, 205


JPEG image, 67, 10

RAW image, 67

setting still image file, 213

video, 212, 223

formatting memory card, 2728, 43

frame rate

continuous shooting, 90

defining video quality, 210211

options for, 211

shutter speed and, 214

framing compositions, 114115, 118, 119, 122, 199, 205


golden hours, 130, 137138

GPS, 1213

grid display, 114115, 216217


Handheld Night Scene mode, 56

hands, 120, 121

HDR Backlight Control mode, 56

HDR (high dynamic range) images

Auto Exposure Bracketing for, 150151

creating, 148150

illustrated, 149

setting up for, 151

High ISO Speed Noise Reduction feature, 160161, 177

histograms, 231234, 247

horizon, 1516, 129, 137, 152

hyperfocal distance, 143, 152



abstract, 194

adding depth to, 128, 142, 196

blur added to, 81, 96, 99

color space settings for, 1112

converting to black and white, 116, 200

finding HFD for, 143

geo-tagging, 1213, 19

HDR, 148150

histograms of, 231234, 247

panning, 94, 95, 96

panorama, 145148

patterns and shapes in, 192, 204

reducing lens flare, 240241

reviewing in camera, 1718

setting quality of, 67

sharpness of, 97

shooting while recording movies, 213

streaming with Wi-Fi, 1415

taking from smartphone, 14, 19, 237239

white balance settings for, 911

See also composition; rule of thirds

IPB compression method, 211

IS (image stabilization) lenses, 132, 164165, 177


adjusting, 85

Auto ISO feature, 162

choosing, 25, 3637, 58

considering for composition, 185

defined, 36

increasing stops in, 37

landscape image settings, 134

manually setting, 6870

raising for mood lighting, 158, 160162, 177

reciprocal settings for, 38, 39

setting, 66


JPEG images, 67, 10


K (Kelvin) temperature scale, 9


Landscape mode, 52, 55

landscapes, 125152

aperture settings for, 46, 47, 127, 129

black and white, 144

catching golden hours, 137138

composing, 141143

controlling exposure of, 132133

flowing water in, 139140

ISO settings for, 134

panoramas, 145148

shooting mode for, 52, 55

tripods for, 127, 130132

white balance for, 136

leading lines, 195, 204, 205

lens flare, 240241

lenses, 3135

about, 3132

choosing, 43, 118

dim lighting and fast, 162163

IS, 132, 164165, 177

manually focusing, 73

normal, 32, 33

prime vs. zoom, 35

reducing camera shake with IS, 164165

subject-to-camera distance effect on, 84

switching to manual focus, 73

telephoto, 3334, 49

wide-angle, 2425, 3132, 107, 127, 157

leveling horizon, 1516, 129, 137, 152

light meter, 68

light-painting, 244246, 247


adjusting CA mode ambience setting, 51

catching golden hours, 130, 137138

direct sun light, 118, 119

experimenting with, 123

fast lens for dim, 162163

focusing in low, 166169, 178

light-painting, 244246, 247

setting for compositions, 201

See also exposure; low-light photography

Live View mode

adjusting white balance, 152

choosing image format, 213

grid overlay, 114115

manual focus, 236237

monitoring audio levels, 220

setting picture style, 53

viewing histograms in, 234

low level format, 28

low-light photography, 154178

Bulb mode for, 7073

fast lenses for, 162163

flash for, 171177

focusing in low light, 166169, 178

Handheld Night Scene mode, 56

long exposures, 169171, 178, 244246, 247

Night Portrait mode, 55

raising ISO for, 159, 160162, 177

reducing camera shake for, 164165


M (Manual) mode

shooting landscapes from, 132133

taking movies from, 214215

using, 6870

Magnify button, 97, 218

manual focus

adjusting in Live View mode, 236237

autofocus vs., 168

capturing motion with, 9498, 99

manual focus point, 9

switching lens to, 73

See also M mode

Map Utility software, 12

memory card

choosing, 26

formatting, 2728, 43

memory buffer for continuous shooting, 90

Menu button, 53, 54


built-in light meter, 68

Canon modes for, 108110

E-TTL II, 174

experimenting with, 123

portrait, 103, 108110

spot, 108, 185

metering modes, 108110

Mirror Lockup feature, 229, 234235

modes, 4575

AEB, 150151

AF, 79, 9293, 99

AF-assist, 169

AI Focus, 78, 9293

AI Servo, 78, 78, 9293

Aperture Priority (Av), 6267, 8889, 106, 132133, 172173

available for movies, 214215

Close-up, 55

Continuous shooting, 8992, 115116

Creative Auto, 51, 214

Custom User, 215

drive, 8990

flash sync, 175177

Handheld Night Scene, 56

HDR Backlight Control, 56

Landscape, 52, 55

metering, 108110

movie autofocus, 217

Night Portrait, 55

One Shot, 92

Portrait, 52, 55

Program (P), 5758, 6667, 75, 172173, 214

Scene, 5457, 214

Scene Intelligent Auto, 50, 54

Shutter Priority (Tv), 5962

Silent, 92

Sports, 55

switching between video and still, 212

types of, 50

Wi-Fi, 1415, 19, 237239

See also Basic zone modes; Creative zone modes; Live View mode

Monochrome picture style, 52, 116

mood lighting. See low-light photography


action portraits, 115116

continuous shooting and autofocus for, 8994

direction of travel, 82

isolating subject in, 8889

manual focus techniques for, 9498

movies with slow, 211

shooting, 9798

shutter speed effect on, 39, 40, 5962, 8283, 8586, 115116

subject-to-camera distance, 84

motion blur, 81, 96, 99

movies, 206223

adjusting focus of, 217218

audio for, 218221, 223

autofocus modes for, 217

Canon 6D features for, 208209

composing, 216217

compression methods for, 211

controlling exposure of, 214215

correcting white balance for, 215

editing video for, 222

frame rate options for, 211

NTSC and PAL video formats, 212

picture styles for, 215

recording and playing back, 212213

setting resolution for, 210211

shooting video snapshots, 216

slow motion, 211

syncing time codes, 221

taking still images during, 213

tips for shooting, 221223

My Menu settings, 230231, 247


Neutral picture style, 52

Night Portrait mode, 55


camera features reducing, 134135, 177, 178

dealing with audial, 221

defined, 134

fast lenses and reduced, 160162

IS lenses for lower, 164165

normal lenses, 32, 33

NTSC video format, 212


One Shot mode, 92


P (Program) mode

exposure compensation in, 6667

getting familiar with, 75

movies using, 214

setting flash sync speed, 172173

when to use, 5758

PAL video format, 212


effects using zoom-panning, 242244, 247

motion shots using, 80

using, 94, 95, 96, 99, 194

panoramas, 145147, 148

Partial metering mode, 108, 109

patterns and shapes, 192, 204

perspective, 190191, 204

photos. See images

picture styles

about, 52

applying to video, 215

experimenting with, 223

setting, 53

Playback button, 17

playing back movies, 213, 214

point of view, 190191, 204

polarizing filters, 140

Portrait mode, 52, 55

portraits, 100123

action shots as, 115116

Av mode for, 106

black and white, 116117

catchlights, 113

cultural, 104105, 107, 184185

experimenting with, 123

focus point for, 23

focusing on eyes, 103, 111112, 198

framing compositions, 114115, 118, 119, 122

locking exposure for, 110

metering tips for, 108110

rule of thirds for, 114115

tips for, 118122

See also subjects

prime lenses, 35

printing images via Wi-Fi, 14

productivity tips, 118

adjusting autofocus, 79

charging battery, 5

color space settings, 1112

experimenting with, 19

leveling horizon, 1516, 129, 137

reformatting memory cards, 28

setting image quality, 67

using Quick Control menu, 17

white balance settings, 911


Quick autofocus mode, 217

Quick Control menu, 17


RAW images, 67, 10

recomposing shots, 167

recording movies, 212

registering battery, 5

remote controls

drive modes for, 8990

long exposures using, 169171, 178, 244246, 247

remote switch for Bulb mode, 70

using smartphone for, 237239

resolution for movies, 210211

rule of thirds

breaking, 184, 202204, 205

composing landscapes using, 141

portraits using, 114115

shooting movies with, 216217


scale, 197, 205

Scene Intelligent Auto mode, 50, 54

Scene modes

about, 54

Close-up mode, 55

Handheld Night Scene, 56

HDR Backlight Control, 56

Landscape mode, 52, 55

movies using, 214

Portrait mode, 52, 55

Scene Intelligent Auto, 50, 54

Sports mode, 55

SD memory cards, 2627

self-timer, 8990, 169, 171

setup tips. See productivity tips

sharpness, 97

shooting modes. See modes


pressing halfway, 167

syncing flash speed to, 172173

See also Tv mode

Shutter Priority mode. See Tv mode

shutter speed

aperture and, 59, 6263, 79

Bulb mode and, 7072

controlling with Tv mode, 5961

defined, 36

effect on motion, 39, 40, 5962, 8283, 8586, 115116

flowing water effects with low, 139140

ISO and reciprocal settings for, 38, 39

macro photography and, 87

manually setting, 6870

video, frame rate, and, 214

wildlife photography, 48, 49, 79

Silent mode, 92

slow motion movies, 211


connecting to camera, 237239

taking photo from, 14, 19

Sports mode, 55

spot metering, 108, 185

sRGB color space, 2223

Standard picture style, 52

Steadicam, 210

stop, 36, 37, 38, 39

streaming images, 1415


black and white images of, 117

distance between camera and, 84

isolating, 8889, 187, 188

taking portrait shots of, 103, 105

travel and direction of, 82, 83


telephoto lenses, 3334, 49

time code, 221


IS lenses and, 132

landscape shots from, 127, 130132

long exposures using, 157, 160, 169171, 178

setting up for HDR images, 151

stabilizing camera with, 71, 72, 229

Tv (Shutter Priority) mode

about, 5962

exposure compensation in, 6667

getting to know, 75

movies using, 214

setting flash sync speed, 172173

wildlife photos using, 48, 49, 79


vertical images, 118, 119

video. See movies

video snapshot albums, 216

viewfinder, 16, 114115


water images, 139140

white balance

adjusting, 911, 19, 6870

correcting video’s, 215

experimenting with, 152, 223

landscape, 136

Wi-Fi mode, 1415, 19, 237239

wide-angle lenses

about, 3132

environmental portraits using, 107

example using, 2425

landscapes using, 127

low light shots using, 157

wildlife photography

composition tips for, 9798

shutter speed for, 48, 49, 79

Silent mode for, 92

wind filter, 221


zoom lenses, 35


image sharpness with, 97

noise with, 134135

zoom-panning effects, 242244, 247

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