10. Review Your Images

Back in the film days, photographers would sometimes spend weeks waiting for their film to be developed before they could see their images and find out how they did. The digital revolution in photography changed everything. Now you have instant access to your images while you are out in the field.

By default, your camera has a 2-second review time for your images. This means that every time you capture an image, the LCD on the back of your camera will light up to show you the image for 2 seconds. While this feature is handy, it will drain your battery faster. If you are shooting for an extended period of time or in a location where you can’t charge your batteries, you will want to turn off automatic image review. You can always view your images manually by pressing the Playback button (Figure 1.9).


Figure 1.9. The Playback button on the back of your camera allows you to review your images manually.

Changing the Auto Review Time

1. Turn your camera on.

2. Use the Multi-Controller to move to the first menu tab on the left (A).


3. Scroll down to Image Review, and press the Set button.

4. Select a duration, or select Off to turn off the feature, and then press Set again.


Your camera can give you a wide variety of information about your images. The secret is that most of that information is hidden on alternative screens. Press the Info button while reviewing an image to reveal those additional screens. Figures 1.10 through 1.13 show the available screen options.


Figure 1.10. The default playback screen contains no information about your image, but offers the cleanest view.


Figure 1.11. The second screen displays the shutter speed, aperture, image file name, and the total number of images on your memory card.


Figure 1.12. The third screen displays additional information about your image and includes a basic histogram.


Figure 1.13. The last screen adds a color histogram and, when activated, GPS coordinates to the display.

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