Choosing the Right Memory Card

Memory cards are the removable media on which your images are stored. They come in a variety of sizes, formats, and brand names. The 6D uses a single memory card format: Secure Digital (SD) (Figure 2.1).


Figure 2.1. By purchasing an SD card from a reputable brand and in the right size and speed for your needs, you minimize many potential issues.

There are plenty of SD card options to choose from. Here are a few things to take into account before you make a purchase:

• Memory cards are the lifeblood of a photographer. If your memory card fails on you and you lose hundreds of images, you will not be in a good mood. When you’re purchasing an SD card, choose one from a reputable manufacturer. Two of the more popular brands are SanDisk and Lexar. If you’re considering purchasing another brand, make sure to read customer reviews first. There have been a string of fake memory cards floating around the Internet, mostly on auction websites such as eBay.

• The more megapixels, the more space you need. At 20.2 megapixels, the 6D’s photos will consume a lot of storage space. If you shoot RAW or take HD video, you will soon realize that you are running out of space quickly. A 4 GB card could work for many photographers, but an 8 GB or 16 GB SD card might work better for your needs.

• The speed of your SD memory card plays a role as well. The higher the Class rating of your SD card, the faster the card will be. SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity) cards with a Class rating of 6 or higher are generally more than enough for the average photographer’s needs.

• Having more than one SD card is not a bad idea. Nothing is more frustrating than being in the middle of a gorgeous sunset shoot and realizing you have no more space on your memory card. Memory cards are very affordable these days, and having a couple of spares could get you out of a bind.

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