
Getting a camera book off my computer and into a store is not an easy task. There are tons of people behind the scenes who do so much work with very little recognition. From copy edits, to layout, proofing, indexing, advertising, selling, the list just goes on and on. Thankfully I work with a fantastic publisher, Peachpit Press, which employs some super-talented folks who make me and my books look so good. I’m just the words on the paper guy, but the Peachpit staff turns it into something worth reading.

And while the publisher and author have a big part in bringing you this book, none of it would have happened without the assistance of my friends at B&H Photo. They worked with me to ensure that I had a brand-new camera in hand as soon as they started arriving on our shores. Of course, this doesn’t surprise me at all because I have been purchasing photography equipment from them for years. I can say without a doubt that they are fantastic at what they do. They are always courteous and helpful, their knowledge is second to none, and they always give me a great deal. They are my number-one go-to resource for anything photographic, so check them out on the web when you get the chance:

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