About the Authors

Annabelle Reitman

A career/life management consultant with over 30 years’ experience in career counseling and higher education career center management, Annabelle Reitman works with a diverse clientele, from young professionals to early retirees, either in workshops or individual consultations. She is a past president and copresident of the ASTD Metropolitan Washington, DC, Chapter. With Caitlin Williams she coauthors a career Q&A column for ASTD's Website, and is one of the lead career coaches for the Career Fair at ASTD's annual conference. In 1997-1998, she led the team that revised and updated the Introduction to HRD Careers booklet published by ASTD. She writes career management articles for thingamajob.com, a job search/recruiters’ Website. Reitman has presented at professional conferences for over 20 years, including those of ASTD, the Middle Atlantic Placement Association, the National Career Development Association, and the Cooperative Education Association. She received her doctorate and master's degrees in higher education administration from Teachers College, Columbia University. Reitman can be reached at [email protected].

Caitlin Williams

Caitlin Williams is president of Successful Working Women, Inc. and Work Matters in Westlake, Ohio, and she has been in the field of career development for more than 20 years. Williams designs and delivers career and professional development programs for business, industry, and education groups. She also coaches individuals on career and personal growth. Her areas of expertise and interest include women's career development, future trends in the workplace, and boomer lifestyle issues, and she is a frequent speaker on these topics. Williams also researches and writes for business and career publications and has contributed to National Business Employment Weekly, Training & Development, and Career Planning & Adult Development Journal. She coauthors a career Q&A column on the ASTD Website and is one of the lead career coaches at the Career Fair held at ASTD's annual conference. Williams holds a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Kent State University and an M.Ed. in higher education. She can be reached at [email protected].

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