Files in the script directory

Finally, there is the script directory that contains the scripts needed to run, test, and modify your application. is the development server; a self-contained HTTP server that you can use to run your application while you're developing it. is a CGI script for deploying your application with a web server that cannot use mod_perl or FastCGI. It's very slow, so use it only as a last resort.

The last server is called, which allows you to run your application as a FastCGI server. In Chapter 9, we'll see how to use these scripts to run our application in a production environment.

There are also two utility scripts in this directory. You can use the script to test an action, without opening a web browser. For example, you can print the source of the welcome page by running the following command line:

$ perl script/ /

The last script is, which is a version of that's customized for your application. It can create Models, Views, Controllers, tests, and many other things. We'll use it in the next two sections to create a View and Model for MyApp.

All of the scripts in the script directory accept command-line arguments to customize their behavior. perl script/myapp_<scriptname>.pl --help will explain the details of that script.

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