Files in the MyApp directory

The MyApp directory contains the following files:

  • Makefile.PL: This script generates a Makefile to build, test, and install your application. It can also contain a list of your application's CPAN dependencies and automatically install them.

    To run Makefile.PL and generate a Makefile, simply type perl Makefile.PL. After that, you can run make to build the application, make test to test the application (you can try this right now, as some sample tests have already been created), make install to install the application, and so on. For more details, see the Module::Install documentation. It's important that you don't delete this file. Catalyst looks for it to determine where the root of your application is.

  • Changes: This is simply a free-form text file where you can document changes to your application. It's not required, but it can be helpful to end users or other developers working on your application, especially if you're writing an open source application.
  • README: This is just a text file with information on your application. If you're not going to distribute your application, you don't need to keep it around.
  • myapp.conf: This is your application's main configuration file, which is loaded when you start your application. You can specify configuration directly inside your application, but this file makes it easier to tweak settings without worrying about breaking your code. myapp.conf is in Apache-style syntax, but if you rename the file to, you can write it in Perl (or myapp.yml for YML format; see the Config::Any manual for a complete list).

The name of this file is based on your application's name. Everything is converted to lowercase, double colons are replaced with underscores, and the .conf extension is appended.

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