Setting up the VSM environment

In order to use VSM, you are required to build the Ceph cluster using VSM. VSM cannot control or manage the existing Ceph cluster. In this recipe, we will use Vagrant to launch four virtual machines named vsm-controller, vsm-node1, vsm-node2, and vsm-node3. The vsm-controller virtual machine will act as the VSM controller node and vsm-nodes {1,2,3} will act as VSM agent nodes running the Ceph cluster.

How to do it…

  1. The Vagrantfile for launching the VSM virtual machines is available on the ceph-cookbook GitHub repository. Clone this repository, if you have not already done so:
    $ git clone
  2. Vagrantfile for launching the VSM nodes is located on the vsm directory:
    $ cd vsm
  3. Launch the virtual machines:
    $ vagrant up vsm-controller vsm-node1 vsm-node2 vsm-node3
    How to do it…
  4. Once the virtual machines are launched, you should have four virtual machines running with proper networking in place.
    How to do it…
  5. To log in to these VMs, use cephuser as both the username and password. For a root login, the password is vagrant. Vagrant automates the networking between these VMs with the following details: vsm-controller vsm-node1 vsm-node2 vsm-node3
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