Upgrading the Ceph cluster using VSM

You are now quite familiar with VSM and know that it provides a nice dashboard that makes complicated Ceph related operations, such as Cluster creation, extremely easy. Another important aspect of VSM is that it automates the Ceph cluster upgrade process and simplifies it. In this recipe, we will use VSM to upgrade our Ceph Firefly cluster to Ceph Hammer.

How to do it…

  1. Before starting the upgrade process, verify the current cluster version by navigating to VSM | Dashboard | Cluster Status. It should be the Ceph Firefly Version 0.80.7.
  2. To upgrade the Ceph cluster, navigate to VSM | Cluster Management | Ceph Upgrade.
  3. Provide the following details for the Ceph upgrade:
    1. Package URL: http://download.ceph.com/rpm-hammer/el7/.
    2. Key URL: This is added by default by VSM.
    3. Proxy URL: This is in case an Internet proxy is required to access the Internet. In this case, it's not required.
    4. SSH User Name: This refers to the cephuser username that we have created for VSM management.
    How to do it…
  4. As soon as you provide these details to VSM and hit Submit, the cluster upgrade process will start, and it will take a few minutes to finish. Please be patient, and you can optionally monitor the VSM logs under /var/log/vsm.
  5. Once the upgrade is completed, the VSM dashboard displays a message, as shown next, which confirms that your cluster has been upgraded:
    How to do it…
  6. To verify upgrade completion, navigate to VSM | Dashboard | Cluster Status. The Ceph Version should now be 0.94.5, which is Ceph Hammer.
    How to do it…

This is how VSM makes the Ceph cluster upgrade process extremely simple. Moreover, this upgrade process is completely online, that is, you do not need any scheduled maintenance break to perform the storage upgrade.

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