Chapter 10. More on Ceph

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Benchmarking the Ceph cluster
  • Disk performance baseline
  • Baseline network performance
  • Ceph RADOS bench
  • RADOS load-gen
  • Benchmarking the Ceph block device
  • Benchmarking Ceph RBD using FIO
  • Ceph admin socket
  • Using the ceph tell command
  • Ceph REST API
  • Profiling Ceph memory
  • Deploying Ceph using Ansible
  • The ceph-objectstore tool


In the previous chapters, we covered different ways to deploy, provision, and administer Ceph. In this chapter, we will cover benchmarking the Ceph cluster, which is a must-do thing before moving to production. We will also cover advanced methods of Ceph administration and troubleshooting using the admin socket, REST API, and the ceph-objectstore tool. Finally, we will learn about Ceph memory profiling as well as deploying Ceph using Ansible, which is quite an efficient way to deploy Ceph.

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