Chapter 2. Working with Ceph Block Device

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Working with Ceph Block Device
  • Configuring Ceph client
  • Creating Ceph Block Device
  • Mapping Ceph Block Device
  • Ceph RBD resizing
  • Working with RBD snapshots
  • Working with RBD clones
  • A quick look at OpenStack
  • Ceph – the best match for OpenStack
  • Setting up OpenStack
  • Configuring OpenStack as Ceph clients
  • Configuring Glance for Ceph backend
  • Configuring Cinder for Ceph backend
  • Configuring Nova to attach Ceph RBD
  • Configuring Nova to boot instances from Ceph RBD


Once you have installed and configured your Ceph storage cluster, the next task is performing storage provisioning. Storage provisioning is the process of assigning storage space or capacity to physical or virtual servers, either in the form of block, file, or object storage. A typical computer system or server comes with a limited local storage capacity that might not be enough for your data storage needs. Storage solutions such as Ceph provide virtually unlimited storage capacity to these servers, making them capable of storing all your data and making sure that you do not run out of space. Using a dedicated storage system instead of local storage gives you the much-needed flexibility in terms of scalability, reliability, and performance.

Ceph can provision storage capacity in a unified way, which includes block, filesystem, and object storage. The following diagram shows storage formats supported by Ceph, and depending on your use case, you can select one or more storage options:


We will discuss each of these options in detail through this book, but in this chapter, we will focus on Ceph block storage.

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