Configuring Nova to attach Ceph RBD

In order to attach the Ceph RBD to OpenStack instances, we should configure the nova component of OpenStack by adding the rbd user and uuid information that it needs to connect to the Ceph cluster. To do this, we need to edit /etc/nova/nova.conf on the OpenStack node and perform the steps that are given in the following section.

How to do it…

The cinder service that we configured in the last recipe creates volumes on Ceph, however, to attach these volumes to OpenStack instances, we need to configure Nova:

  1. Navigate to the Options defined in nova.virt.libvirt.volume section and add the following lines of code (replace the secret uuid with your environments value):
    rbd_secret_uuid= bb90381e-a4c5-4db7-b410-3154c4af486e
  2. Restart the OpenStack nova services:
    # service openstack-nova-compute restart
  3. To test this configuration, we will attach the cinder volume to an OpenStack instance. List the instance and volumes to get the ID:
    # nova list
    # cinder list
    How to do it…
  4. Attach the volume to the instance:
    # nova volume-attach 1cadffc0-58b0-43fd-acc4-33764a02a0a6 1337c866-6ff7-4a56-bfe5-b0b80abcb281
    # cinder list
    How to do it…
  5. You can now use this volume as a regular block disk from your OpenStack instance.
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