Deploying Ceph MDS

To configure the Meta Data Server for the Ceph Filesystem, you should have a running Ceph cluster. In earlier chapters, we learned to deploy the Ceph storage cluster; we will use the same cluster for MDS deployment.

How to do it…

  1. Use ceph-deploy from ceph-node1 to deploy and configure MDS on ceph-node2:
    # ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf mds create ceph-node2
    How to do it…
  2. The command should deploy the MDS and start its daemon on ceph-node2; however, we need to carry out a few more steps to get CephFS accessible:
    # ssh ceph-node2 service ceph status mds
    How to do it…
  3. Create data and metadata pools for the Ceph Filesystem:
    # ceph osd pool create cephfs_data 64 64
    # ceph osd pool create cephfs_metadata 64 64
  4. Finally, create the Ceph Filesystem; once this command is executed the MDS should attain an active state and CephFS should be ready for use:
    # ceph fs new cephfs cephfs_metadata cephfs_data
    How to do it…
  5. To verify the status of CephFS and MDS, use the following commands:
    # ceph mds stat
    # ceph fs ls
    How to do it…
  6. It's recommended that you don't share client.admin user keyrings with Ceph clients, so we will create a user client.cephfs on the Ceph cluster and will allow this user access to CephFS pools:
    # ceph auth get-or-create client.cephfs mon 'allow r' osd 'allow rwx pool=cephfs_metadata,allow rwx pool=cephfs_data' -o /etc/ceph/client.cephfs.keyring
    # ceph-authtool -p -n client.cephfs /etc/ceph/client.cephfs.keyring > /etc/ceph/client.cephfs
    # cat /etc/ceph/client.cephfs
    How to do it…
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