Building Calamari client packages

In this recipe, we will learn about building Calamari client packages. Most of the steps are similar to what we did in the last section, that is, with the Calamari server package build.

How to do it…

  1. Clone the Calamari client repository:
    $ git clone
  2. Change the working directory to the one provided for the Centos Vagrant environment:
    $ cd calamari-clients/vagrant/centos-package
  3. Modify Vagrantfile and set to CentOS7 as follows: = "boxcutter/centos71"
  4. Next, bring up the machine:
    $ vagrant up
  5. At this stage, the development environment for the Calamari client is ready; we should now log in to this machine and run salt-call to starting building the package:
    $ vagrant ssh
    $ sudo salt-call state.highstate
  6. The package build process will take some time; finally, you should get an output something like the following:
    How to do it…
  7. At this point, you have successfully completed the package building for the Calamari client, and the RPM files can be found one directory up from your cloned calamari repository directory.
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