Setting up Calamari master server

In the last recipe, we compiled the packages required for Calamari, which includes the calamari-server, calamari-client, and diamond. If you have not compiled these packages by yourself, you can download them from my GitHub repository at

How to do it…

In this demonstration, we will be configuring ceph-node1 as the Calamari master server, as well as the salt-minion node, ceph-node2, and ceph-node3 as salt-minion nodes only. At the time of writing this recipe, Calamari did not support salt version 2015, so I have intentionally used salt version 2014.

Let's now begin the installation of the Calamari server:

  1. On ceph-node1, install the dependency packages required by salt and the Calamari server:
    # yum install -y python-crypto PyYAML systemd-python yum-utils m2crypto pciutils python-msgpack systemd-python python-zmq
  2. By default, CentOS7 will install salt's latest version, so in order to install salt version 2014, set up the salt repo:
    # wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/saltstack-salt-epel-7.repo
  3. Install the salt master and salt minion version 2014.7.5:
    # yum --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="salt*" install -y salt-master-2014.7.5-1.el7.centos
  4. Since this is a test setup, we will stop and disable the firewall:
    # systemctl stop firewalld
    # systemctl disable firewalld
  5. Next, install the Calamari server packages. Make sure this does not update the salt version to 2015:
    # yum install
  6. Next, we will install the Calamari server package that installs the dashboard component of Calamari:
    # yum install -y
  7. Enable and start the salt-master service:
    # systemctl enable salt-master
    # systemctl restart salt-master
  8. At this point, our Calamari server is installed, and we should now configure it by running the following command:
    # calamari-ctl initialize
    How to do it…
  9. At the time of writing this section, Calamari had a known bug (updating the connected minion), which will end up with an error during the Calamari initialize step. You can skip this step if your calamari-ctl initialize command went fine. To fix this bug, edit the /opt/calamari/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/calamari_cthulhu-0.1-py2.7.egg/cthulhu/ file and comment out line 255 that says update_connected_minions():
    How to do it…
  10. Next, visit the Calamari dashboard by pointing your browser at, and provide the username as root and the password as what you set in the last step.
    How to do it…
  11. Once you are logged into the Calamari dashboard, you will see a screen similar to the following; as this is a fresh installation of Calamari, we need to add Ceph nodes to it, and it has been described in the following recipe:
    How to do it…
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