Scaling down your Ceph cluster

One of the most important features of a storage system is its flexibility. A good storage solution should be flexible enough to support its expansion and reduction without causing any downtime to the services. Traditional storage systems had limited flexibility; the expansion and reduction of such systems is a tough job. Sometimes, you feel locked with storage capacity and cannot perform changes as per your needs.

Ceph is an absolutely flexible storage system that supports on-the-fly changes to storage capacity, whether expansion or reduction. In the last recipe, we learned how easy it is to scale out a Ceph cluster. In this recipe, we will scale down a Ceph cluster, without any impact on its accessibility, by removing ceph-node4 from the Ceph cluster.

Removing the Ceph OSD

Before proceeding with the cluster size reduction, scaling it down, or removing the OSD node, make sure that the cluster has enough free space to accommodate all the data present on the node you are planning to move out. The cluster should not be at its full ratio, which is the percentage of used disk space in an OSD. So, as a best practice, do not remove the OSD or OSD node without considering the impact on the full ratio.

How to do it…

  1. As we need to scale down the cluster, we will remove ceph-node4 and all of its associated OSDs out of the cluster. Ceph OSDs should be set out so that Ceph can perform data recovery. From any of the Ceph nodes, take the OSDs out of the cluster:
    # ceph osd out osd.9
    # ceph osd out osd.10
    # ceph osd out osd.11
    How to do it…
  2. As soon as you mark an OSD out of the cluster, Ceph will start rebalancing the cluster by migrating the PGs out of the OSDs that were made out to other OSDs inside the cluster. Your cluster state would become unhealthy for some time, but it would be good for the server data to clients. Based on the number of OSDs removed, there might be some drop in cluster performance until the recovery time is complete. Once the cluster is healthy again, it should perform as usual:
    # ceph -s
    How to do it…

    Here, you can see that the cluster is in recovery mode but at the same time is serving data to clients. You can observe the recovery process using the following:

    # ceph -w
    How to do it…
  3. As we have marked osd.9, osd.10, and osd.11 as out of the cluster, they will not participate in storing data, but their services are still running. Let's stop these OSDs:
    # ssh ceph-node4 service ceph stop osd
    How to do it…

    Once the OSDs are down, check the OSD tree; you will observe that the OSDs are down and out:

    # Ceph osd tree
    How to do it…
  4. Now that the OSDs are no longer part of the Ceph cluster, let's remove them from the CRUSH map:
    # ceph osd crush remove osd.9
    # ceph osd crush remove osd.10
    # ceph osd crush remove osd.11
    How to do it…
  5. As soon as the OSDs are removed from the CRUSH map, the Ceph cluster becomes healthy. You should also observe the OSD map; since we have not removed the OSDs, it will still show 12 OSDs, 9 UP and 9 IN.
  6. Remove the OSD authentication keys:
    # ceph auth del osd.9
    # ceph auth del osd.10
    # ceph auth del osd.11
    How to do it…
  7. Finally, remove the OSD and check your cluster status; you should observe 9 OSDs, 9 UP, and 9 IN, and the cluster health should be OK:
    # ceph osd rm osd.9
    # ceph osd rm osd.10
    # ceph osd rm osd.11
    How to do it…
  8. To keep your cluster clean, perform some housekeeping; as we have removed all the OSDs from the CRUSH map, ceph-node4 does not hold any item. Remove ceph-node4 from the CRUSH map; this will remove all the traces of this node from the Ceph cluster:
    # ceph osd crush remove ceph-node4
    # ceph -s
    How to do it…

Removing Ceph MON

Removing a Ceph monitor is generally not a very frequently required task. When you remove monitors from a cluster, consider that Ceph monitors use the PAXOS algorithm to establish consensus about the master cluster map. You must have a sufficient number of monitors to establish a quorum for consensus on the cluster map. In this recipe, we will learn how to remove the ceph-node4 monitor from the Ceph cluster.

How to do it…

  1. Check the monitor status:
    # ceph mon stat
    How to do it…
  2. To remove the Ceph monitor ceph-node4, execute the following command from ceph-node1:
    # ceph-deploy mon destroy ceph-node4
    How to do it…
  3. Check to see that your monitors have left the quorum:
    # ceph quorum_status --format json-pretty
    How to do it…
  4. Finally, check the monitor status; the cluster should have three monitors:
    # ceph mon stat
    How to do it…
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