

  • action statements
  • Adams, Kenn
  • “Add Emotion” (storytelling technique)
  • “Add Sensory and Motion Information” (storytelling technique)
  • Alpert, Mark
  • Anecdote
  • Anecdote Circles (Callahan)
  • Apollo Leadership Experience (Johnson Space Center)
  • Apple
  • archetypes
  • Arthur, Mary Alice
  • Art of Hosting
  • aspirational Story Prompts
  • audience, overcoming objections of
  • Audience Carousel (Story Circle Variation)
  • Azimont, Frank


  • Baby Boomers, knowledge of
  • Bettelheim, Bruno
  • Blair, Madelyn
  • Bluebird Cafe (Nashville, Tennessee), storytelling example
  • Blueline Simulations
  • Boje, David
  • Bonetto, Thierry
  • Booker, Christopher
  • branding
  • brevity
  • Burnette, Donna
  • businesses, as field trip sites
  • Buster, Bobette



  • Danielson, Cam
  • Dauman, David
  • de Bono, Edward
  • defamiliarization
  • Denning, Stephen
  • Dickman, Bob
  • Dietz, Karen
  • Diffusion of Innovation (Rogers)
  • Digital Storytelling
    • comic book applications
    • image resources
    • overview
    • photo book and storybook applications
    • slide applications
  • distillation, of story
  • Dragon (Strategy Is a Story)
  • drawing, cheat sheet for
  • Duarte, Nancy
  • Durand, Peter


  • elixir
    • Hero's Journey and
    • Outcome/Elixir (Strategy Is a Story)
    • Step Into a Story and drawing out conversation
    • Strategy Is a Story and Outcome
  • emotional storytelling
    • “Add Emotion” (storytelling technique)
    • “Add Sensory and Motion Information” (storytelling technique)
    • Story Prompts
    • “The ‘MacGuffin,' or Gleaming Detail” (storytelling technique)
    • “Throw ‘Em Right into the Action” (storytelling technique)
    • tips and techniques
  • end date, establishing for Visual Timeline
  • Enigma (plot archetype)
  • Essays in Two Voices (Blair)
  • Everyman (Leadership Story Archetype)
  • executing prompts, for storyboarding
  • Extraordinary World (plot archetype)
  • extreme Story Prompts
  • eye contact


  • Fatal Flaw (plot archetype)
  • “feeling” words
  • field trips
  • Flickr
  • “For Lack of a System” (Silverman)
  • Forster, E. M.
  • Four Core Stories
    • additional cores
    • identifying core stories
    • Identity stories
    • overview
    • selecting stories
    • stories of change and learning
    • Values stories
    • Vision stories
  • Fractal Narratives
    • fractal, defined
    • frameworks for
    • Hero's Journey and
    • institutional memory
    • next steps
    • overview
    • Values stories example
    • See also Hero's Journey
  • framing, for stories
  • FranklinCovey
  • free association
  • Freytag, Gustav
  • Fritz, Robert
  • fundamentals, of storytelling. See Capturing Fire; Four Core Stories; Host a Story Circle; Story Prompts
  • Future Story Spine
    • completing Story Spine
    • identifying event for focus
    • introducing Story Spine
    • next steps
    • overview
    • stories as simulators
    • Story Spine example


  • Gabriel, Susan
  • Gargiulo, Terrence
  • gender, eye contact and
  • General Electric (GE)
  • Genie (Leadership Story Archetype)
  • Getting Personal: Stories and Significant Experiences (Story Circle Variation)
  • Gettysburg Leadership Experience
  • “gleaming detail,”
  • Goethe, Johann
  • Gombert, Bobby
  • Gozzi, Carlo
  • graphic facilitation
  • Great Good Place, The (Oldenburg)
  • ground rules, for Story Circles
  • groups. See Host a Story Circle; team building
  • Grove


  • Hartman, Harv
  • harvester/witness construct
    • for Story Element Extraction
    • for Summoning the Muse
  • Haven, Kendall
  • Heroic Act (plot archetype)
  • Hero (Leadership Story Archetype)
  • Hero's Journey
    • Campbell on
    • connecting stories to stages of the Journey
    • introducing
    • next steps
    • ordeal storytelling and
    • overview
    • Step Into a Story exercise and
  • Hero (Strategy Is a Story)
  • Hero with a Thousand Faces, The (Campbell)
  • Hinterseer, Thomas
  • historical sites, for field trips
  • Hitchcock, Alfred
  • Hogan, Teresa
  • Host a Story Circle
    • getting started
    • ground rules
    • host's role
    • overview
    • participants, choosing
    • participants, grouping
    • purpose of stories and
    • space needed for
    • time management for session
  • “how” stories. See Values stories
  • Hummon, Marcus
  • Hutchens, David
  • Hutchens, Emory
  • Hutchens, Ollie
  • Hutchens, Robbie


  • Icon Cheat Sheet for Left Brainers
    • applications for
    • for copying
    • use of
  • Identity stories
  • image resources, for Digital Storytelling
  • Images of Organization (Morgan)
  • iMovie (Apple)
  • impact, of stories. See Capturing Fire
  • Impossible Odds (plot archetype)
  • individual conversation, meaning making and
  • Innocent (Leadership Story Archetype)
  • Innovation Storyboarding
    • building on
    • classic version
    • fast version
    • introducing activity
    • next steps
    • options for
    • overview
    • using presentation software
  • innovation work, Story Circles for
  • institutional memory
  • intent, clarifying
  • intimacy threshold, of organizations
  • Invisible Ink (McDonald)
  • Invite the Witness (Story Circle Variation)
  • iPad (Apple)


  • Jackson, Jeff
  • James, Michelle
  • Jester (Leadership Story Archetype)
  • Journey (Strategy Is a Story)
  • Journey to the Heart (plot archetype)
  • Jung, Carl


  • Keynote (Apple), for storyboarding
  • Khaneman, Daniel
  • Kim, Daniel
  • King, Stephen
  • “King and the Queen, The” (storytelling technique)
  • Kirsch, Billy
  • knowledge management
  • Koppett, Kat
  • Kotter, John
  • Kraus, Eric
  • Kristiansen, Per
  • Kubrick, Stanley
  • Kuleshov, Lev
  • Kurtz, Cynthia


  • lateral leaps
  • leadership, strategy, and change management recipes, for storytelling
  • Leadership Story Archetypes
    • applying, to stories
    • CARE Giver
    • Companion
    • Creator
    • as directed listening framework
    • Everyman
    • Genie
    • Hero
    • Innocent
    • Jester
    • Lover
    • Mentor
    • 9 Muse Archetype Cards for
    • overview
    • Prophet
    • Rebel
    • Ruler
    • Seeker
    • steps for exercise
    • Storyteller
    • for Strategy Is a Story exercise
    • transformational question for
    • uses of exercise
    • Wizard
  • Lead with a Story (Smith)
  • Learning Fables (Hutchens)
  • learning map
  • Lee, David
  • Lemming Dilemma, The (Hutchens)
  • Lentz, Jody
  • Le Saget, Meryem
  • listening
    • with Leadership Story Archetypes
    • Step Into a Story exercise
    • storymaking and (See also Summoning the Muse)
  • “Living Stories,”
  • Lonely Path of the Visionary (plot archetype)
  • Lover (Leadership Story Archetype)


  • “‘MacGuffin,' or Gleaming Detail, The” (storytelling technique)
  • “Make It Shorter!” (storytelling technique)
  • “making it live” prompts, for storyboarding
  • Margolis, Michael
  • marketing, Story Circles for
  • Mars, Cydonia region of
  • Martell, Christine
  • McCloud, Scott
  • McDonald, Brian
  • McKee, Robert
  • meaning making
    • individual conversations and
    • leader as framer of meaning
    • “meaninglistening” and storymaking
    • phenomenon of
    • Visual Timeline and
  • Memento (film)
  • Mentor (Leadership Story Archetype)
  • Mesa Research Group
  • message house
  • Meyer, Jens
  • Microsoft
  • military sites/museums, for field trips
  • Milliken, David
  • Molloy, Janice
  • Moorefield, Renee
  • Morgan, Gareth
  • movie-making, for Digital Storytelling
  • Moyers, Bill
  • My Creative Process (storyboard exercise)


  • narrative, for Story Prompts
  • narrative transport
  • narrator, role of
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  • Neon Man and Me, The (PBS)
  • 9 Muse Archetype Cards
  • Noble Stand (plot archetype)
  • Nolan, Christopher
  • North by Northwest (film)
  • Notorious (film)
  • Noun Project, The


  • objections, overcoming
  • observer, in harvester/witness construct
  • Oldenburg, Ray
  • On Writing (King)
  • Ordinary World (Strategy Is a Story)
  • organizational identity/culture
    • Story Circles for
    • Visual Story Mining (Story Circle Variation) and
  • “Otto” (sheep character)
  • Outcome/Elixir (Strategy Is a Story)


  • pareidolia, phenomenon of
  • Pearson, Carol
  • Pegasus
  • Pekar, Thaler
  • Pemberton, “Doc” John Stith
  • personalization, of stories
  • photo books, for Digital Storytelling
  • Pixar
  • playfulness, adding
  • “Play with the Timeline” (storytelling technique)
  • plots, universal
  • Point of No Return (plot archetype)
  • point of view
  • Polti, Georges
  • Power of Myth with Bill Moyers, The (PBS)
  • PowerPoint (Microsoft)
  • presentation software, for storyboarding
  • Presentation Zen (Reynolds)
  • Prezi
  • prompts. See Story Prompts
  • Prophet (Leadership Story Archetype)
  • Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
  • Pulp Fiction (film)


  • questions, for stories. See Story Prompts
  • Quest (plot archetype)


  • Rasmussen, Robert
  • Rebel (Leadership Story Archetype)
  • Refreshing Perspectives
  • Rellaford, Barry
  • Resonate (Duarte)
  • Resurrection or Redemption (plot archetype)
  • retelling, of stories
  • Reynolds, Garr
  • Richardson, Dick
  • Rite of Passage (plot archetype)
  • Rogers, Everett
  • room/space arrangement, for Story Circles
  • Rory's Story Cubes
  • Rule of Two Feet (Art of Hosting)
  • Ruler (Leadership Story Archetype)
  • rule setting, for Story Circles


  • Sadoulet, Loic
  • sales, Story Circles for
  • Save the Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need (Snyder)
  • Sayno, James
  • sculpting, for Creative Tension Pictures
  • Seeker (Leadership Story Archetype)
  • self-identity
  • Senge, Peter
  • sensory information
  • Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories, The (Booker)
  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey)
  • Shiponi, Limor
  • Show and Tell (“Relics”) (Story Circle Variation)
  • Sibbet, David
  • Signorelli, Jim
  • Silverman, Lori
  • Simmons, Annette
  • Simonet, Joe
  • slides, for Digital Storytelling
  • Smith, Paul
  • Snowden, Dave
  • Snyder, Blake
  • social constructivism
  • software
    • for Digital Storytelling applications
    • for storyboarding
  • Solutions House
  • Speaking Truth to Power (plot archetype)
  • spontaneity
  • sport events, for field trips
  • Springboard, The (Denning)
  • STARQE (Situation, Trouble, Action, Result, Quantification, Evaluation)
  • STAR (Situation, Trouble, Action, Result)
  • start date, establishing for Visual Timeline
  • Star Wars (film)
  • Step Into a Story
    • bringing back elixir (drawing out conversation)
    • continuing work with stories and
    • crossing threshold (immersing in story)
    • identifying “special world” (field trips)
    • issuing call to adventure (framing conversation)
    • overview
  • Stevens, Raf
  • stewards (Art of Hosting)
  • stories, as simulators
  • Stories in Words (Story Circle Variation)
  • Story, (McKee)
  • storyboarding
    • creating movement with
    • Creative Tension Pictures
    • Innovation Storyboarding
    • presentation software for
    • for Strategy Is a Story
  • storybooks, for Digital Storytelling
  • story buckets
  • Story Circle Variations
    • Audience Carousel
    • Capture Family Legacies
    • Client Sets the Frame
    • Getting Personal: Stories and Significant Experiences
    • Invite the Witness
    • overview
    • Show and Tell (“Relics”)
    • Stories in Words
    • Story Distilling
    • Visual Story Mining
    • See also Host a Story Circle; Twice-Told Stories
  • Story Distilling (Story Circle Variation)
  • “story ejection,”
  • Story Element Extraction
    • overview
    • working with large number of stories
    • working with small number of stories
  • Story Factor, The (Simmons)
  • Story Prompts
    • aspirational prompts
    • caution about
    • emotional prompts
    • extreme prompts
    • next steps
    • overview
    • planting suggestions for
    • stories to beget more stories
    • story buckets
    • “tell me about a time . . .,”
    • wide-open narrative for
  • Story Spine. See Future Story Spine
  • storytelling
  • story theory
  • Story University
  • Strategy Is a Story
    • Call to Adventure
    • Dragon
    • as framework
    • Hero
    • Journey
    • as learning map
    • message house for
    • next steps
    • Ordinary World
    • Outcome (Elixir)
    • overview
    • storyboarding exercise for
  • strategy work, Story Circles for
  • structure types, for stories
  • Study Tours
  • Summoning the Muse
    • analysis for
    • “For Lack of a System” (Silverman)
    • “meaninglistening” and storymaking
    • for meaning making
    • meaning making and individual conversations
    • 9 Muse Archetype Cards for
    • overview
    • spontaneous invitation for


  • Tango Learning
  • team building
    • for Leadership Story Archetypes exercise
    • Story Circles for
    • team building/relationship building recipes for storytelling
    • Twice-Told Stories for different-sized groups
    • See also Host a Story Circle
  • Team USA Leadership Experience (U.S. Olympic Training Center)
  • Technik des Dramas (Freytag)
  • teller, in harvester/witness construct
  • “tell me about a time . . .,” as Story Prompt
  • Thinking, Fast and Slow (Khaneman)
  • “Think With Your Hands,”
  • Threat Among Us (plot archetype)
  • “Throw ‘Em Right into the Action” (storytelling technique)
  • time management, for Story Circles
  • titles, for stories
  • Training to Imagine (Koppett)
  • trente-six situations dramatiques (36 dramatic situations) (Polti)
  • Trivium Consulting
  • Twice-Told Stories
    • beginning Story Circles
    • closing Story Circles
    • creating story theater for
    • delivery options
    • epilogue for
    • explaining process to Story Circles
    • modifying, for different-sized groups
    • overview
    • visual format for
    • See also Fractal Narratives
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey (film)


  • Understanding Comics (McCloud)
  • Uses of Enchantment, The (Bettelheim)


  • Values stories
    • Fractal Narratives example
    • overview
  • Virtue Rewarded at Last (plot archetype)
  • visioning prompts, for storyboarding
  • Vision stories
    • exercise
    • overview
  • Visual Meetings (Sibbett)
  • VisualsSpeak
  • Visual Story Mining (Story Circle Variation)
  • Visual Timeline
    • applications of
    • drawing line for
    • establishing start and end dates
    • meaning of
    • next steps
    • options and ideas for
    • overview
    • reflection
    • story details for
  • Vogler, Christopher
  • volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous (VUCA) environment
  • von Braun, Wernher


  • “what” stories. SeeVision stories
  • White, Amy
  • “white box,”
  • “who” stories. See Identity stories
  • Wiley, Ginny
  • Williams, Graham
  • Windows Movie Maker (Microsoft)
  • Wish Fulfillment, or The Dream Comes True (plot archetype)
  • witness, in harvester/witness construct
  • Wizard (Leadership Story Archetype)
  • words, stories in
  • Working with Stories in Your Community or Organization: Participatory Narrative Inquiry (Kurtz)
  • World Bank
  • Writer's Journey, The (Vogler)


  • Zappos
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