Part I.
Advent of the Citizen Engineer

We’ve entered a new era of engineering that is fundamentally changing the role of the engineer on the job and the engineer’s relationship to society. In this part of the book, we’ll share our evidence and opinions with you. But we’d also like you to consider what the new era means to you. Ask yourself how it might open new opportunities: for your professional development, your career aspirations, the breadth of your skills, and your ability to have a greater impact through your work. More broadly, consider what this new era might mean for your company and its prospects in the marketplace.

• How will it change the way your company innovates?

• How will it impact the way engineers collaborate—with each other and across the organization?

• How can engineers help society better understand the technologies and products that they create and work with?

• Should engineers become more influential and participative in public policy?

• Should engineers play a larger role in educating and shaping the public’s view of technology and its implications?

While these are important questions to ponder, let’s be clear: We didn’t write this book simply to provide food for thought. After all, engineering itself is pure purpose—the application of knowledge to create something of value. We want to give you insights and information that you can apply to further your personal and professional development, your company’s success, and the evolution of our chosen profession.

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