Part IV.
Bringing It to Life

By this point in the book you should have plenty of food for thought about the opportunities and the challenges that await you in the era of eco-responsible, techno-responsible engineering. But how do you put all of this into practice? We’ve talked about how engineers can use the mechanisms of IP law to propagate their ideas; now it’s time to examine how societal mechanisms such as schools and businesses can help to propagate Citizen Engineers. Here are some questions we’ll consider.

• Should the core curriculum in engineering schools be broadened?

• How can recent engineering school graduates and newly hired engineers make an impact right now?

• What kinds of projects are real-world Citizen Engineers undertaking today?

This part of the book addresses those broad issues and takes a closer look at some of the ways engineers, engineering schools, and organizations that employ engineers are responding to the new realities and requirements of the new era.

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