

1. Sun Microsystems is a signator of the UN Global Compact. For more information see

2. See

Chapter 1

1. Watson, Traci. “For NASA, ‘The Right Stuff’ Takes on a Softer Tone.” USA Today, February 4, 2008.

Chapter 2

1. Joy, Bill. “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us.” Wired, August 2004. For the full article see

2. Smith, Kirk R. “Wealth, Poverty, and Climate Change.” Medical Journal of Australia 179: December 2003.

3. Source: “Made in China,” by Fara Warner, Fast Company, April 2007. To read the full article, see

4. Source: “2005 CEO Study: A Statistical Snapshot of Leading CEOs,” by Spencer Stuart, see

5. Source: “Pump and Dump Scams Hit Brokerages,” by Katie Benner, Fortune Magazine reporter;

6. Krebs, Brian. “Cyber Criminals and Their Tools Getting Bolder, More Sophisticated.” The Washington Post, March 14, 2007.

7. Vijayan, Jaikumar. “Hackers Offer Subscription, Support for Their Malware.” Computerworld, May 4, 2007.

Part II

1. You’ll see that we use the words environmental and eco interchangeably in this book. To some people these are loaded terms; for us there’s no particular strategy—or agendaéfor using one or the other.

Chapter 3

1. Source: Mois…s Naim, editor-in-chief of;

2. Source: “How Much Coal Is Required to Run a 100-Watt Light Bulb 24 Hours a Day for a Year?”, October 3, 2000;

Chapter 4

1. Will, George. “Use a Hummer to Crush a Prius.” Syndicated April 12, 2007.

2. Visit

3. North Point Press, 2002.

Chapter 5

1. For more information see

2. For more information see the Environmental Defense Fund’s paper calculator at

3. The complete standard is available at

4. See

5. As published at, May 4, 2006.

6. For more information see

Chapter 7

1. National Renewable Energy Laboratory Technical Report, October 2007. For the full report see

2. Source: Propane Education and Research Council.

3. Source: Nature’s Building Blocks, by John Emsley (Oxford University Press, 2001), page 479.

4. Source: U.S. Department of Energy;

5. Source: European Photovoltaic Industry Association;

6. The source of much of the information provided in this subsection is paraphrased from Sustainable Energy: Choosing Among Options, by Jefferson Tester, Elisabeth Drake, Michael Driscoll, Michael Golay, and William Peters (MIT Press, 2005). The material is reprinted with permission from MIT Press.

7. A comprehensive inventory of environmental attributes of electric power systems is available at the Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) Web site: U.S. carbon footprint tables by state are available at

8. Chouinard, Yvon. Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman (Penguin Press, 2005).

9. For the full EPA report see

10. Source: Carbon Trust;

11. Source:

12. See

13. See

14. For more information about the economic concept of externalities, see

15. Published by O’Reilly (2006), available at Safari Books Online.

16. Source: Power House, a television program sponsored and produced by Alliant Energy.

17. Source: Justin James, TechRepublic;

18. Source: A study conducted by Dr. Jonathan Koomey of AMD, using data from industry analyst firm IDC.

19. Source: IDC, Worldwide Server Power and Cooling Expense 2006–2010 Forecast, Doc #203598, September 2006.

20. Source: The Green Grid;

21. Contrarian Minds, by Al Riske, October 11, 2007;

Chapter 8

1. Source: Environmental Packaging International.

2. European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC of December 20, 1994, on packaging and packaging waste, amended in 2004 and 2005. For a summary see

3. Source: VDI, the Association of German engineers.

4. Published by Raymond Communications, September 2007. For details visit

5. “It’s Waste Not, Want Not at Super Green Subaru Plant,” by Chris Woodyard, published in USA Today, February 19, 2008.

Chapter 9

1. For additional information see “Virtual Water Trade Between Nations,” by Argen Hoekstra, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands, at

2. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Web site—a full range of reports is available here.

3. See

Chapter 10

1. For complete details see

2. See

3. See

Chapter 11

1. “The Six Sins Of Greenwashing,” Terra Choice Environmental Marketing, November 2007.

2. The CorpWatch Greenwash Awards are presented bimonthly to corporations nominated by readers. For details (or the most recent award winners) see

3. The report is available at

Chapter 12

1. Source: “A New Battlefield: Ownership of Ideas,” by Victoria Shannon, Kevin J. O’Brien, and John Markoff, International Herald Tribune, October 3, 2005. Please read the whole article—it’s excellent.

2. Some argue that patents add teeth to an open source license. That is, if you violate the open source terms we can also prosecute on the basis of patent infringement.

3. The 1-Click patent refers to the idea that on a Web site, a customer can make a purchase with a single mouse click. (For details see U.S. Patent 5,960,411.)

4. Coe, Lewis. The Telephone and Its Several Inventors: A History (McFarland, 1995).

5. Source: “Free Culture.” Lawrence Lessig Keynote from OSCON 2002, as published in the O’Reilly Policy DevCenter on the O’Reilly Network:

6. Source: The official Creative Commons Web site;

7. The definitions and descriptions of copyleft, FairShare, and Share Alike provided here are extracted from the OSI and GNU Web sites.

8. Source:

9. “Your Boss Could Own Your Facebook Profile,” The Register, July 16, 2007. See

10. You can get the latest information about IP protections in specific countries at

11. Source: Alicia Beverly, chief IP strategist with IP Wealth, in an article titled “Protecting and Enforcing Your IP Rights in China,” October 2006.

12. You can download the report at

13. Source: “Protecting Your Intellectual Property in China,” by David McHardy Reid and Simon J. MacKinnon, published in the Wall Street Journal March 10, 2008.

14. Source: WIPO Patent Report, Statistics on Worldwide Patent Activity, 2007. The full report is available at

15. As published in Foreign Affairs, November/December 2002. The full article is available at

16. The full article is available at

Chapter 13

1. And just to be clear, if you don’t own the copyright to some code you almost certainly don’t own the right relicense the code.

2. The source of the information and comments about the licenses come from the GNU Foundation. We encourage you to learn more at

3. At the time of this writing, he doesn’t.

4. Read the entire Q&A at

Chapter 14

1. “Don’t Let Intellectual Property Twist Your Ethos,” by Dr. Richard M. Stallman, June 2006.

2. Lessig is the author of The Future of Ideas and Code 2.0, both of which are required reading for Citizen Engineers.

3. Research and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Congressional Budget Office, October 2006.

4. Source: Wikipedia (article on patent history).

5. For details see the article about James Watt at

6. See Yochai Benkler’s The Wealth of Networks for details on the relevance to the development of radio (page 191 in the book, or paragraph 350 online).

7. See

8. “Chinese Set-Top Box Makers, MPEG LA Face off Over Patent Fees,” EE Times, March 12, 2007.

9. Random House, 2001.

10. See

11. We’ve heard Stallman quip, “I’ve never been for open source software. I’ve been for free software.” We confess to conflating the concepts of “open” and “free” here, but to Stallman’s point an open license is just one tool in the box.

12. See

13. Portfolio Publishers, 2006.

14. See “,” The Economist, April 17, 2008.

15. See

16. “Open-Source Thinking Revolutionizes Prosthetic Limbs.” Scientific American, September 17, 2008.

17. See

18. See

19. See, which is a deliciously circular reference!

20. The leading examples of which are VHDL and Verilog.

Chapter 15

1. From an interview in Linux Electronics;

2. Sun announced the Open Media Commons (OMC; initiative in August 2005 as an open source community project to develop royalty-free open solutions for digital content, including DRM solutions.

3. Project DReaM began as an internal Sun research effort and then transitioned to a community project with the announcement of the Open Media Commons. The goal of Project DReaM is to encourage community participation in the development of CAS and DRM/“Mother May I” (DRM-MMI) specifications and open source reference implementations based on Sun’s initial contributions from Project DReaM. The specifications were initially drafted by Sun and made available to interested parties who registered with OMC. Simultaneously, open source reference implementations by Sun were made available under Sun’s Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL).

Chapter 16

1. As published in Engineering Enterprise, the alumni magazine for the Georgia Institute of Technology, Spring 2004. To read the full article see

2. Source: National Academy of Engineering (NAE), “Educating the Engineer of 2020”;

3. “A Call for K-16 Engineering Education,” by Jacqueline F. Sullivan, National Academy of Engineering Publications 36(2): Summer 2006:

4. For more information see

5. See for additional information.

6. For more information see

7. See ENG-1001;

8. For additional details see

9. Ms. Chang and her team at Sun Labs were instrumental in developing ECC, the cryptographic technology underlying the two dominant security libraries (OpenSSL and Mozilla/NSS).

Chapter 17

1. This article is based on a talk given October 10, 2005, at the NAE Annual Meeting.

2. The complete article is available at

3. See the EWB Web site for further details:

4. For more information see and

5. For details see

6. These are really cool. For details check out

7. You can read the full article at

8. Margolis, Mac. “Bringing Spice to a Hot Land.” Newsweek, December 10, 2007.

9. To read the complete article visit

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