

AA batteries, 86. See also batteries

Aberdeen Group, 160

Abernathy, David, 216

acceptably inclusive methodology, 203–204

acidification, 55

Acid Rain Program, 80

adequate stakeholder scope, 203

administration, 11


contributor agreements (CAs), 171–175

nondisclosure agreements (NDAs), 8, 150–151

all-natural, 120

alternating current (AC), 84

analysis of lifecycles, 45

animal dung (as fuel), 71

Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), 21

Apache, 155

Apple, battery usage, 86

applications, patents, 162

areas of greatest impact, 65–66

art, 5. See also design

Asia, 16

as-is, 166

assembly, 8

assessment, lifecycles, 52, 53–56, 57–58

attributes, 6

Audi, 217

authorization, nondisclosure agreements (NDAs), 150–151

automation systems, 20


back-of-the-envelope calculation, 66

Bapat, Subodh, 14

barrels of oil (bbls), 74

Barth, Matt, 218

base pairs, 15

batteries, 20, 85–86

Bell, Alexander Graham, 24–25

best practices, 160

binary distributions, 165

biodegradable, 120

biodiesel, 120

biomass, 71

black lists, 156

blending of engineering and citizenship, 6

blue water footprints, 107

Board of Patent Control, 182

Boeing, 119

Braungart, Michael, 40

Brazil, 159

BTUs (British Thermal Units), 74

business models, 10

business requirements, 64–65

butane, 71

butylene, 71


cadmium, 94


back-of-the-envelope, 66

embodied carbon, 52

energy, 73–75

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 78–80, 123

Netra X4450 Server, 122

water footprints, 106–107

California, 97

calories, 74

Canonical, 176

cap and trade programs, 80


embodied, 52–56

footprints, 27

neutrality, 117–119, 118

taxes, 81

trading, 80–81

carbon dioxide (CO2), 33, 77

conversions, 77

emissions, 65

equivalents, 77

Carbon Trust, 52

Carlson, Craig, 18, 47

carpet, 41

Carr, Nicholas, 50

CentOS, 148

CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps), 14

challenges of eco-engineering, 34

chemicals, 45–46, 46, 93

compounds, 13

laws and, 93–96

China, 16, 159

chip multithreading (CMT), 41, 89

citizen engineers, 5. See also engineers

claiming copyrights, 142

Clarke, Ian, 146

climate change, 33, 55

cloth diapers, 39

coal, 70

metric tons of, 74

Coca-Cola, 149

code efficiency, 90

collaboration, 9, 11

pervasive, 16–17

College of Engineering Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT), 218

Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), 161, 166

commons, innovation, 186–187

communication, 9

compliance, 62–64. See also laws

computers, 15

chip multithreading (CMT), 41

Moore’s Law, 23

power usage, 84, 85

confidentiality, 150

violations of, 154

consolidation, 89

contracts, xxii, 8, 9

employment, intellectual property (IP) and, 151–157

nondisclosure agreements (NDAs), 150–151

contributor agreements (CAs), 171–175


carbon dioxide (CO2), 77

efficiency, 89

energy, 69, 83–84

copyleft, 146

copyrights, 132, 141–147, 155

licensing, 161

core efficiency, 83–86

Cornell University, 210

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), 20–23

costs, 10

patents, 134

reducing, 83

cradle to cradle vision, 40–42

creation, 5

creative coding, 89

credit for contributions, 174


global trends, 13

responsibilities to, 8

cycle of innovation, 179–18


Dabur, 159

data centers, energy efficiency of, 86–90

DDB Technologies, 156

deadlines, 11

decision-making responsibilities, 7–8

defining ownership rights, 140

demand for energy, 70


environmental impact of, 8

lifecycles, 49–50

products, xxi, xxii

and prototypes, 50–51

Design for Recycling (DFR) initiatives, 99

development, 2

diapers, 39

digital products, 22–23

digital rights management (DRM), 23

protection, 199–204

direct current (DC), 84

disassembly, 99

disposable batteries, 86. See also batteries

disposable diapers, 39

disposal, 8

of materials, 13

distribution, 8

global, 13


packaging and, 96–98

of work on projects, 153

DVD players, 85


Eckman, John, 187

eco-engineering, 32–33

challenges of, 34

green noise, 120–125

greenwashing, 120–125

Interface, Inc., 111–114

eco-friendly products, 38

ecology, 9

Economic Espionage Act of 1996, 149

Economic Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment (EIO-LCA), 53

economics of open source software, 187–188

Edison, Thomas, 15, 182

education of engineers, 207–213

efficiency, 6

energy, 19, 83–86

energy, in data centers, 86–90

products, 88–89, 53

electricity, 27

scale of use, 31, 32

electromagnetic interference (EMI), 82

Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC), 47

embodied carbon, 52–56

embodied energy, 52–56

emerging markets, protecting intellectual property (IP) in, 159–161

emissions, 46, 81–82

carbon, 52. See also carbon

CO2, 65

energy and, 69–90

greenhouse gas (GHG), 64

greenhouse gas (GHG), calculating, 78–80

greenhouse gas (GHG), energy, 76–80

employment contracts, intellectual property (IP) and, 151–157

employment statistics, 17

energy, 46

calculations, 73–75

conversions, 69, 83–84

demand for, 70

dependence, 33

efficiency, 83–86

efficiency, in data centers, 86–90

electricity, 27

embodied, 52–56

and emissions, 69–90

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 76–80

impact (environmental), 75–76

lifecycles, 69

lost, tracking, 86

solar power, 20, 72

sources of, 69, 70–73

transmission, 83–84


challenges of eco-engineering, 34

changes in, 13

eco-engineering, 32–33

externally driven changes in, 19–23

perspectives on transformation, 24–25

scale of transformation, 13–19


definition of, 5–7

education, 207–213

influence of, 17–19

knowledge base of, 8–11

relationships to society, 1–2

responsibilities of, 7–8

Engineers Without Borders (EWB), 215

environmental responsibilities, 8, 27–28

challenges of eco-engineering, 34

eco-engineering, 32–33

“green” industries, 19–20

lifecycles, overview of, 37–39

overview of, 31–32

EPIA/Greenpeace Advanced Scenario, 72

Eppinger, Steven, 25

equivalents, carbon dioxide (CO2), 77

ethics, 8

EU Energy-using Products (EuP) directives, 63

EU RoHS Directive, 63

Europe, 16

European Union’s Reduction of Hazardous Substances (EU RoHS) Directive, 93, 94

European Union Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EU WEEE) Directive, 62

eutrophication, 55

Evans, David, 163

exajoules (EJ), 74

exclusions, patents, 134

expenses, 10

expression, 5

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), 97

externally driven changes in engineering, 19–23


FairShare, 146

Falk, Michael, 139, 162, 213

fashions, global, 13

finance, 10

fluorinated gases, 77

Fonseca, José Roberto, 217

footprints, 120

carbon. See carbon

water, calculating, 106–107

Ford, Henry, 14

fossil fuels, 33, 37, 70

Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), 181

Free Software Foundation (FSF), 166

free software licenses, 166–168

fresh-water footprints, 27

fuel cells, 120

Future of Ideas, The, 186


GaBi 4, 56

garbage (as fuel), 71

gas, natural, 71. See also energy

GE (General Electric), 19, 119, 182

General Public License (GPL), 166, 169–171

Georgia Institute of Technology Systems Realization Laboratory, 100

geothermal energy, 72

German Engineering Society (VDI), 100

GHG Protocol’s Corporate Standard, 80

GlassFish, 172

global distribution, 13

Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI), 47

global reach of projects, 215–218

Global Research Technologies (GRT), 216

Global Wind Energy Council News, 72

GNU General Public License (GPL), xxi, 146

goals, 61

Goldcorp, 189–190

grants for patents, 166

grasses (as fuel), 71

gray water footprints, 107

Green Design Institute, 53

greenhouse gas (GHG)

compounds, 33, 37

emissions, 64

emissions, calculating, 78–80, 123

emissions, energy and, 76–80

emissions, process-related, 82–83

Interface, Inc., 111–114

Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative, 80

“green” industries, 19–20

green noise, 120–125

greenwashing, 120–125

green water footprints, 107


Hayes, Rutherford B., 25

hazardous materials, 13. See also materials

heat, 81–82

Hendrickson, Chris T., 54

hexavalent chromium, 94

hidden impact (environmental), 49

High Global Warming Potential gases, 77

Huger, Alfred, 22

hybrids (automotive), 38

hydrofluorocarbons, 77

hydrogen, 73

hydropower, 72


ideas, 132. See also intellectual property (IP)

Immelt, Jeffrey, 19

impact (environmental), 32. See also environmental responsibilities

areas of greatest, 65–66

energy, 75–76

hidden, 49

improving products, 8

inbound IP, 128, 157–159

income, 17

indemnity, software, 175–176

India, 159

Industrial Revolution, 182

influence of engineers, 17–19

infringement, copyrights, 143. See also copyrights


affect of patents on, 138–139

commons, 186–187

cycle of, 179–18

Institute for Environmental Development, 217

intellectual property (IP), xxii, 8, 9–10, 123, 127–128

copyrights, 141–147

inbound and outbound, 157–159

laws, 131–163

nondisclosure agreements (NDAs), 150–151

overview of, 181–184

ownership, 151–157

patents, 134–141

patents, protection, 161–163

protection in emerging markets, 159–161

trademarks, 147–148

trade secrets, 148–150

intellectual property rights (IPR) clauses, 155

Interface, Inc., 111–114

Interface Carpet, 41

interfaces, control over, 184–186

Internet, 186

interpretation, 5

inventions, 5. See also patents

ionizing radiation, 55

iPods, 86


Japan, patents in, 162

Java, 148, 161, 176

Joules, 74

Joy, Bill, 15


kilowatt hours (kWh), 74

knowledge base of engineers, 8–11

Kodak, 161, 176

Kramer, Rob, 146

Kyoto Protocol, 80


labels, green noise, 120–122

Lackner, Klaus, 216

land use, 55

Lave, Lester B., 54

laws, 23, 207. See also legislation

categories of, 62–64

chemicals and, 93–96

intellectual property (IP), 131–163

Moore’s law, 180

patents. See patents

LCA calculator, 56

lead, 94

legislation, eco-friendly, 19. See also laws

Lessig, Lawrence, 186

leverage, open source software. See open source software

licensing, xxii, 8, 9–10, 133. See also intellectual property

copyrights, 144–146, 161. See also copyrights

open source software. See open source software

previous intentions, 154


analysis, 45

assessment, 52, 53–56

assessment, starting top-level, 56–58

cradle to cradle vision, 40–42

design, 49–50

embodied carbon, 52–56

embodied energy, 52–56

energy, 69

mini-lifecycles of consumables, 48–49

models, 45–46

overview of, 37–39

services, 49–50

light, 81–82

Linux, 176, 186. See also open source software

liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), 71

Los Angeles Auto Show, 217

lost energy, tracking, 86


MacKinnion, Simon, 159

make, 45–46

management, 11

digital rights management (DRM), 23

manufacturing, 8

marketing, 8, 10


China, 16

global, 13

materials, 13, 45–46, 46, 93

waste, 37

Matthews, H. Scott, 54

McDonough, William, 40

McNealy, Scott, 24


of carbon, 52–56

of energy, 52–56

of green noise, 120–122

OpenEco, 123–125

of pollution, 33

megawatt-years (MWy), 74

mercury, 93, 94

methane, 33, 77

metric tons

of coal, 74

of oil, 74

Michigan State University, 210

Michigan Tech, 210

Microsoft Windows, 148

microwave ovens, 85

mini-lifecycles of consumables, 48–49

misappropriation, 150

MIT Sloan School of Management, 25

MLB Advanced Media, 156



lifecycles, 45–46

Model T Ford, 14

Moglen, Eben, 187

Moore’s Law, 23, 180

MPEG LA, 183

multiple licensees, 171

mutual nondisclosure agreements, 150

MySQL, 156, 165


nanomachines, 15

Napster, 23


natural gas, 71

natural resources, 46, 105. See also water

business considerations, 106

social considerations, 105–106

types of, 108

NERA Economic Consulting, Inc., 163

Netra X4450 Server, 122

neutrality, carbon, 117–119, 118

New York Times, 163

nitrous oxide, 77

noise, 81–82, 82

green, 120–123

nonbiogradable materials, 13. See also materials

noncommercial, 166

noncompete clauses, 150

nondisclosure agreements (NDAs), 8, 150–151

nonfree software licenses, 169

novelty, standard of, 138

nuclear energy, 71


obligations, 7–8

O’Grady, Stephen, 176

oil, metric tons of, 74

one-way nondisclosure agreements, 150

OpenEco, 123–125

OpenJDK, 172

OpenLogic, 176

Open Prosthetics Project, 191–192

OpenSolaris, 172

open source communities, building, 194–197

open source projects, 152, 155–157

open source software, 165–166

contributor agreements (CAs), 171–175

economics of, 187–188

free software licenses, 166–168

General Public License (GPL), 169–171

nonfree software licenses, 169

software indemnity, 175–176

OpenSPARC program, 193

operating systems, 16

opportunities, business, 64–65

organic, 120

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) model, 172

outbound IP, 128, 157–159

outsourcing, 20

ownership of intellectual property (IP), 151–157

ozone depleting substances (ODSs), 112


packaging, 19

and documentation, 96–98

Panama, 216

Papadopoulos, Greg, 22

paper versus plastic, 39

Patent Reform Act of 2007, 163

patent myths, 141

patents, 9, 132, 134–141

in emerging markets, 159

grants, 166

inbound and outbound IP, 157–159

Japan, 162

peace grants, 161

protection, 161–163

reform, 163

registration, 160

trolling, 162

violations, 175–176

PayPal, 22

perfluorocarbons, 77

permissions, 152

open source projects, 155

personal computers (PCs), 84. See also computers

pervasive collaboration, 16–17

petroleum, 71

phishing scams, 21

photons, 15

photovoltaic (PVC)

panels, 217

systems, 72

Pickard, James, 182

PlayPumps International, 216

politics, effect on change, 14


lifecycles, overview of, 37–39

measuring, 33

polybrominated biphenyl (PBB), 94

polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE), 94

polyvinyl chloride, 120

power. See also energy

calculations, 73–75

cleanest source of, finding, 75–76

standby, 85

states, 84, 89

pragmatism, 6

previous intentions, 154

priorities, 61

privacy, 21–22, 207

process-related GHG emissions, 82–83

process-sum approach, 54


design, xxi, xxii

digital, 22–23

eco-friendly, 38

efficiency, 88–89

environmental impact of, 8

environmental responsibilities, 27. See also environmental responsibilities

professional development, 2


contributor agreements (CAs), 174

deadlines, 11

Open Prosthetics Project, 191–192

open source, 155–157

skunkworks, 153

propagation, 166

propane, 71

propylene, 71


copyrights, 142

digital rights, 199–204

in emerging markets, intellectual property (IP), 159–161

nondisclosure agreements (NDAs), 150–151

patents, 161–163

of patents, 134

trademarks, 149

prototypes, design and, 50–51

Publicly Available Specification (PAS), 52

public policies, 10, 207

public releases, 139

publishing patents, 139

pump-and-dump scams, 21

put-back, 166


quads, 74

Quality Brands Protection Committee, 161

quick fixes, 66–67


radiation, 55

radio, 81–82

rating systems, 89

raw materials, 8

REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemical Substances), 63, 94

rechargeable batteries, 85–86

reciprocal licenses, 146

recognition for contributions, 174

recycling, 8, 27, 40, 99. See also environmental responsibilities

regulations, 63

Red Hat, 148, 176

RedMonk, 176

reform, patent, 163

refresh, technology, 90

regional laws, 62


patents, 160

trademarks, 160

of trademarks, 147

regulations, 62. See also laws

recycling, 63

Reid, David McHardy, 160

releases, public, 139

relicenses, 171

renewals, 46

waste and, 98–102

requirements, 61

business, 64–65

research, 160

resources, 105. See also natural resources

depletion, 55

responsibilities of engineers, 7–8

restrictive employment agreements, 150

reuse, 99


contributors agreements (CAs), 173–174

copyrights, 141–147

digital, protection, 199–204

intellectual property rights (IPR) clauses, 155

patents. See patents

RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances), 63

Ryan, John, 217


salaries, 17

sales, 8, 10

Samba, 155

SARA 313 chemicals, 112

scale of transformation in engineering, 13–19

Scorsese, Martin, 180

secondary sources of energy, 72

secrets, trade, 149, 150

security, 21–22, 207

separative hybrid approach, 54


environmental responsibilities, 27

lifecycles, 49–50

sewage (as fuel), 71

Shapiro, Mike, 16, 212

Shewhart Cycle, 23

Sierra Club, 38

Six Sigma, 23

skunkworks projects, 153

Sloan Kettering University, 210

Smart Car, 19

Smart Strips, 85

Smith, Kirk R., 15

software, open source, 165–166. See also open source software

Software Quality Assurance (SQA), 23

solar energy, 72

Solaris (Sun), 16

solar power, 20

sources of energy, 69, 70–73

stakeholders, responsibilities to, 8

standards, 183

of novelty, 138

Publicly Available Specification (PAS), 52

standby power, 85

Starr, Steven, 146

states, power, 84, 89

Statistical Process Control (SPC), 23

Steinmetz, Charles, 15

stereotypes, 5

Stern, Hal, 89

Steudel, Harold, 211

sulfur hexafluoride, 77

Sun Contributor Agreement (SCA), 174

Sun Microsystems, 16, 165

supply chains, 47–48

sustainability, 32, 117, 120

Symantec, 22

synthetic materials, 13. See also materials


take-back policies, 97, 101

Tapscott, Don, 189

taxes, carbon, 81

TCHO, 190–191

TEAM (LCA tool), 56

teams, 11, 16. See also collaboration

technology, 9

refresh, 90

responsibilities, 8

Tesla, Nikola, 15

Tesla Motors, 18, 47, 216

testing products, 8

test runs, 139

thousand cubic feet (MCF) gas, 74

Top Quality Control (TQC), 23

Total Quality Management (TQM), 23

toxicity, 55

Toyota Prius, 38

tracking lost energy, 86

trademarks, 132, 147–148

inbound and outbound IP, 158–159

registration, 160

trade secrets, 133, 148–150, 150


carbon, 80–81

virtual water, 107

transformation in engineering, 13

transistors, 15


efficiency, 89

energy, 83–84

trees (as fuel), 71

trends, global consumer, 13

trolling, patents, 162

TWh (terawatt hours), 72


UC Berkeley, 217

UC Riverside Newsroom Web site, 218

Uniform Trade Secrets Act (USTA), 150

University of Texas, 210

updating engineering curricula, 208–211

upgrading products, 8

uranium, 71

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 76

U.S. Patent Office, 163. See also patents

use of products, 8, 46

user-centered principles, 203



of copyrights, 142

of nondisclosure agreements (NDAs), 150–151

of patents, 134

of trademarks, 147, 149

videos, 19

standards, 183

violations of patents, 175–176

virality, 166

viral licenses, 146

Virginia Tech, 210

virtual water, trading, 107


Wal-Mart, 119

Warren Wilson College, 216

waste, 46, 93

eliminating, 111

materials, 37

of products, minimizing, 27. See also recycling

and renewals, 98–102

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), 97

water, 46, 105

footprints, calculating, 106–107

fresh-water footprints, 27

hydropower, 72

virtual, trading, 107

Watt, James, 182

Watt Stoppers, 85

Webkinz, 50

Westinghouse, George, 182

Westinghouse Corporation, 15

white lists, 156

Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, 189

Wikipedia, 192–193

Will, George, 38

Williams, Anthony, 189

wind energy, 72

Windows (Microsoft), 148

Wired magazine, 15

Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), 139, 213

workspaces, 11

World of Warcraft, 50

World Resources Institute (WRI) Greenhouse Gas Protocol, 123

WRI/WBCSD Greenhouse Gas Protocol, 112


YouTube, 19


Zero Defects, 23

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