

Acceptance Tests

Behavior-Driven Development, 90

collaboration between business analysts, QA, and developers, 9193

Continuous Build server in, 93

developer’s responsibility for, 93

expectation of test automation, 53

expectation that QA finds no faults, 52

overview of, 8889

practice of, 9091

QA and, 7980

tools/methodologies, 8990

ACSM (Advanced Certified Scrum Master), 165


expectation related to expense of, 4950

great tools and, 153154

Adaptive Software Development (ASD), 174175

Adkins, Lyssa, 158

Advanced Certified Scrum Master (ACSM), 165

Adzic, Gojko, 44

Agile & Iterative Development: A Manager’s Guide (Larman), 3

Agile hangover, 169170

Agile in the large (big or multiple teams)

appropriateness of Agile for, 144147

becoming Agile and, 161

Agile Introduction

Analysis Phase of Waterfall approach, 1920

chart use in data presentation, 1518

Circle of Life of XP practices, 3134

comparing Agile with Waterfall approach, 2324

data produced by Agile approach, 2527

dates frozen while requirements change, 18

Death March Phase of Waterfall approach, 22

Design Phase of Waterfall approach, 2021

features implemented based on business value, 31

history, 310

hope vs. management, 27

Implementation Phase of Waterfall approach, 2122

Iron Cross of project management, 15, 27

Iteration Zero, 2425

managing software projects, 14

The Meeting in Waterfall approach, 1819

overview of, 2

post-Snowbird, 1314

quality and, 2930

schedule changes, 28

scope changes, 3031

Snowbird meeting, 1013

staff additions, 2829

summary, 35

Agile Lifecycle Management (ALM), 153155

Agile Manifesto

becoming Agile and, 161162

emerges out of many on similar journeys, 155

goals, 34

ideals, 187, 189

ideology, 174

origination at Snowbird, 1214

outcome of Snowbird meeting, 2

simplicity of, 157

Software Craftsmanship adds values to, 173

Agile, process of becoming

addresses small team issue not big team issues, 144147

Agile in the large (big or multiple teams) and, 161

Agile Lifecycle Management (ALM), 153155

Agile Manifesto and, 161162

automation, 152

certifications, 143144, 158

coaching, 142143, 157158

coaching in multiteam environment, 160

conclusion/summary, 165

creating Agile organizations, 141142

faking it, 139140

future of coaching, 165

going big by focusing on the small, 164165

growing the adaptation, 162164

insufficiency of coaching skills, 159160

many paths to, 155156

overview of, 133134

from process expert to Agile expert, 156157

selecting methods, 136

stories/examples, 138139

successes, 140141

tools, 148151

values, 134136

Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products (Highsmith), 175

Agile, reasons for

ability/willingness to say “no,” 55

adaptability, 4950

competence in face of change, 5051

continuous improvement, 50

continuous learning, 55

continuous technical readiness, 4546

customer bill of rights, 5659

developer bill of rights, 57, 5961

honesty in estimation, 5455

mentoring, 56

professionalism, 38

QA finding no faults, 52

reasonable expectations, 43

refusal to ship bad code, 4345

software and its potential dangers, 4243

software extent and dependence, 3942

stable productivity, 4649

summary/conclusion, 61

team sharing responsibility, 54

test automation, 5253

ALM (Agile Lifecycle Management), 153155

Analysis, ongoing in Agile, 2425

Analysis Phase, Waterfall approach, 1920

Analysts, subset of developers, 59

Arguments, refactoring code, 123

ASD (Adaptive Software Development), 174175

Automatic Computing Engine (Turing), 3


deployment when test suite complete, 119

expectation of test automation, 5253

tools for, 152

who should write automated tests, 8889


Bamboo, continuous build tool, 109

Basili, Vic, 3

Beck, Kent

Agile basics, 183

attendees at Snowbird meeting, 11

author meeting and partnering with, 910

example of Metaphor practice, 98

healing divide between business and development, 96

history of XP, 32

role in Agile bill of rights, 56

rules of Simple Design, 125126

Beedle, Mike, 8, 11

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), 90

Best-case, trivariate analysis, 65

Bill of rights

Agile ideals, 187, 189

customer bill of rights, 5659

developer bill of rights, 57, 5961

Booch, G.

Agile basics, 183

beginning of Agile, 8

“faking it” as strategy to transition to Agile, 140

Brooks, Jr., F.P., 28

Brooks’ law, on staff addition, 28


Agile hangover and, 169

debugging, 117

inadequacy of software testing, 4143

Burn-down charts

presenting Agile data, 1617

updating, 8182

Business analysts, collaboration in Acceptance tests, 9193

Business decisions

continuous technical readiness and, 45

healing divide between business and development, 96

ordering feature implementation by business value, 31

Business practices

Acceptance Tests. See Acceptance Tests

conclusion/summary, 96

planning. See Planning

Small Releases. See Small Releases

Whole Team. See Whole Team


CEC (Certified Enterprise Coach), 165


Agile hangover and, 169

ICP-ACC, 158

limitations of, 143144

need for real Agile certification program, 144

Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC), 165

Certified Team Coach (CTC), 165


dates frozen while requirements change, 18

expectation of competence in face of, 5051

quality changes, 2930

schedule changes, 28

scope changes, 3031

young developers introducing sea change in methodology, 188

Charts, use in data presentation, 1518

Cheating, costs of, 110

Chief technology officer (CTO), 43

Circle of Life (XP)

Agile basics, 183

methods, 136

overview of, 3134

Team Practices, 98

Classes, refactoring code, 123124

Clean Code

practices, 176

Software Craftsmanship’s impact on industry, 179180


increasing team efficiency, 9495

tools supporting, 151


demand for, 171

future of, 165

ICP-ACC certification, 158

misconceived as management, 172

in multiteam environment, 160

need for, 142143, 157158

paths to Agile, 155156

role of, 161162

Scrum Master as coach, 143

skill requirements, 159160

tools, 158159

Coaching Agile Teams (Adkins), 158

Cockburn, Alistair, 8, 1011


clean and orderly, 121123

code coverage as team metric, 120

controlling source code. See Source code control

developers, 59

improving without altering. See Refactoring

minimizing design weight of, 126

pairing as alternative to code review, 129

refusal to ship bad code, 4345

“Code slingers,” 185


in Acceptance tests, 9193

in choosing stories, 7879

expectation mismatch, 170171

Collective Ownership

expectation of team sharing responsibility, 54

maladroit example of company X, 106107

overview of, 104106

XP Circle of Life practices, 33

Command-line tools, for Agile developers, 148


Agile values, 134135

core tools for Agile developers, 149

Companies. See Organizations/companies

Competence, expected in face of change, 5051

Continuous Integration

build discipline, 109

build tools, 108109

core tools for Agile developers, 149

costs of cheating, 110

expectation of test automation, 53

expectation that QA finds no faults, 52

expectation mismatch, 171

Git and, 87

overview of, 107108

Small releases, 83

Software Craftsmanship practices, 176, 179180

SOLID principles, 164

XP practices, 33, 172

Coplien, James, 89, 184


of adaptability, 4950

of cheating, 110

Iron Cross, (good, fast, cheap, done), 15

of pairing, 130

of tools, 154


Agile values, 134

Test-Driven Development and, 121123

Craftsmanship. See Software Craftsmanship

Craftspeople, 174

Crichlow, Eric, 185

CruiseControl, continuous build tool, 108109

Crystal Methods (Cockburn), 8, 11

CTC (Certified Team Coach), 165

CTO (chief technology officer), 43

Cucumber, automated test tools, 8990

Cunningham, Ward

attendees at Snowbird meeting, 1113

history of Agile, 3

history of XP, 32

role in Agile bill of rights, 56


bill of rights, 5659

communication as value, 134135

feedback as remedy for shipping bad code, 45

Whole Team and, 9394


The Daily Scrum, 110111. See also Standup Meeting


charts, 1518

produced by Agile approach, 2527

Data Dictionaries (DeMarco), 100

Data formats, core tools for Agile developers, 148


frozen while requirements change, 18

schedule changes, 28

Deadlines, 101

Death March Phase, of Waterfall approach, 22

Debugging, 117

Decoupling, testability and, 121

Dedication, overtime vs. sustainable pace, 103104

Defects, QA disease and, 92

Delays, artificial delay in software teams, 45

Delivery, continuous. See Continuous Integration

DeMarco, Tom, 100, 183

Demo story, for stakeholders, 8081


continuous technical readiness and, 4546

core tools for Agile developers, 149

when test suite complete, 119

Design. See also Simple Design

minimizing design weight of code, 126127

ongoing in Agile, 2425

Test-Driven Development as design technique, 121

Design Patterns, 8

Design Phase, of Waterfall approach, 2021

Developers. See also Programmers; Software development/project management

Acceptance Tests and, 80

Agile and, 187188

Agile hangover and, 169

bill of rights, 57, 5961

collaboration in Acceptance tests, 9193

expectation of adaptability, 4950

expectation of productivity, 4649

expectation mismatch, 171

Software Craftsmanship steadily adding, 174

software tools to master, 148149

trend of moving apart from Agile, 172

what they should and should not do, 178

young developers introducing sea change in methodology, 188

Devos, Martine, 8

Directness, simplicity and, 135136

Disks, in source code control, 8586

Documentation, in Test-Driven Development, 117118

Domain-Driven Design (Evans), 99100

Domain-Driven Design, Metaphor practice, 99100


definition of, 80

Iron Cross, (good, fast, cheap, done), 15

project end, 73

tests and, 91

Double-entry bookkeeping, compared with Test-Driven Development, 114115

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

comparing ideology with methodology, 174

representatives at Snowbird meeting, 11


Escalation trees, growing the Agile adaptation, 163


accuracy of, 6465

developer bill of rights, 60

estimating stories, 6870, 7677

expectation of honesty, 5455

INVEST guidelines for stories, 75

trivariate analysis, 65

yesterday’s weather in estimating iterations, 7273

Evans, Eric, 99

Expectation mismatch, in Agile, 170171

Expectations, reasonable

ability/willingness to say “no” when necessary, 55

adaptability, 4950

continuous improvement, 50

continuous learning, 55

continuous technical readiness, 4546

fearless competence in face of change, 5051

honesty in estimation, 5455

mentoring, 56

overview of, 43

QA finding no faults, 52

refusal to ship bad code, 4345

stable productivity, 4649

team sharing responsibility, 54

test automation, 5253

Expertise, of Agile coaches, 160

Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change (Beck), 32, 183

Extreme Programming (XP)

Circle of Life, 3134

comparing ideology with methodology, 174

comparing with Agile, 180

growing the Agile adaptation, 163

history of Agile and, 910

physical management tools, 152

representatives at Snowbird meeting, 11

Software Craftsmanship practices, 176

technical practices, 172

transitioning to, 137


“Faking it” (Booch and Parnas), becoming Agile by, 139140

Fearlessness, in face of change, 5051. See also Courage

Feature-Driven Development

comparing ideology with methodology, 175

representatives at Snowbird meeting, 11


creating stories in Iteration Zero, 2425

Design Phase of waterfall approach, 1920

Implementation Phase of waterfall approach, 2122

ordering implementation by business value, 31


Agile values, 135

feedback-driven, 17

remedy for shipping bad code, 45

FitNesse, automated test tools, 8990

“Flaccid Scrum” (Fowler), 136

Flexibility, balancing with robustness, 171. See also Adaptability

Flip charts, as information radiator, 151

Flying Fingers, in story estimation, 7677

Fowler, Martin

attendees at Snowbird meeting, 1012

on “Flaccid Scrum,” 136

on refactoring, 123, 183

role in Agile Manifesto, 12

Frameworks, Agile and, 162

Functions, refactoring code, 123124



example of what makes an effective tool, 149150

source code control, 87

Given-When-Then, formalizing language of testing, 90

Golden Story

comparing subsequent stories, 69

estimating stories, 82

Grenning, James, 11


Help, in developer bill of rights, 60

Highsmith, Jim, 11, 175

Honesty, in estimates, 5455

Hope, vs. management, 27

Humans vs. Computers (Adzic), 44

Humble Pi (Parker), 44

Hunt, Andy, 11


IBM, birth of PC, 141

ICAgile’s Certified Agile Coach (ICP-ACC), 158

ICF (International Coach Federation), 158, 165

IDE (Integrated development environment), 148

Ideology, comparing with methodology, 174175

Implementation Phase, Waterfall approach, 2122

Improvement, continuous and steady, 50

Independent, INVEST story guidelines, 74

Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable (INVEST), 7475

Index cards, in managing stories, 6667

Individuals, Craftsmanship impact on, 178179

Industry, Craftsmanship impact on, 179180

Information radiators, 151

Integrated development environment (IDE), 148

International Coach Federation (ICF), 158, 165

INVEST (Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable), 7475

Iron Cross, (good, fast, cheap, done), 15

Iteration Planning Meeting (IPM), 7071

Iteration Zero, 2425


accumulating of real data, 2527

in Agile approach, 2324

checking stories at midpoint, 72

estimating, 7273

Iteration Zero, 2425

managing, 7879

planning first, 7071

technical readiness, 4546, 87


JBehave, automated test tools, 8990

Jeffries, Ron

attendees at Snowbird meeting, 11

Circle of Life, 31, 183

role in Agile bill of rights, 56

Team Practices, 98

Jenkins, continuous build tool, 109



growing the Agile adaptation, 163

teaching tools, 159

Kern, Jon, 11


Larman, Craig, 3

Learning, expectation of continuous, 55

LEGO city building, teaching tools, 159


Magnetic tapes, in source code control, 85


barriers to transformation, 137

coaching and, 172

code coverage not a management metric, 120

“faking it” as strategy to transition to Agile, 139140

lifecycle management, 153155

Pair Programming and, 130131

physical tools, 152

portfolio management, 163

Scientific Management, 4, 67

software projects. See Software development/project management

vs. hope, 27

Waterfall approach. See Waterfall project management


Agile hangover and, 168169

communication as value, 134135

vs. coaches, 143

Marathons, Sustainable Pace and, 103

The Meeting, beginning Waterfall approach, 1819


Iteration Planning Meeting (IPM), 7071

midpoint review, 72

Standup Meeting, 110111

Mellor, Steve, 11

Mentoring, 56. See also Coaching

Merging stories, 7778

Metaphor practice

advantages/disadvantages, 9899

Circle of Life, 33

Domain-Driven Design, 99100


acceptance Tests, 8990

Agile as, 187

comparing with ideology, 174175

Crystal Methods (Cockburn), 8, 11

Mikado Method, 150

refactoring code, 123

selecting Agile methods, 136

young developers introducing sea change in, 188

Metrics, 187

Mikado Method, 150

Mob programming, 130

Model-Driven programming, 11

Models, in communication with stakeholders, 100


Negotiable, INVEST guidelines for stories, 74

Newkirk, Jim, 102104

“No,” when to say, 55

Nominal-case, trivariate analysis, 65

North, Dan, 90


Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), 8

On-Site Customer. See Whole Team

Optimistic locks, in source code control, 86


Craftsmanship impact on, 180181

creating Agile organizations, 141142

Overtime, Sustainable Pace and, 102103

Ownership. See also Collective Ownership

Product Owner, 94, 172

Software Craftsmanship, 174


Pair Programming

code review and, 129

costs, 130

expectation of team sharing responsibility, 54

management and, 130131

mob programming, 130

overview of, 127

reasons for, 129

Software Craftsmanship practices, 176, 179180

what is pairing, 128129


Circle of Life practices, 34

example, 107108

expectation of continuous improvement, 50

what it is, 128129

Parker, Matt, 44

Partnerships, productive, 174

PCs (personal computers), IBM and, 141

PERT (Program evaluation and review technique), 65

Pessimistic locks, in source code control, 86

Pillory board, ALM tools, 154

Ping-Pong, in pair programming, 128


checking stories at midpoint of iteration, 72

demo of new stories to stakeholders, 8081

estimating stories, 6870, 7677

first iteration, 7071

Golden Story standard for story estimation, 82

guidelines for stories, 7476

managing iterations, 7879

overview of, 6465

project end, 73

QA and Acceptance Tests, 7980

return on investment, 7172

splitting, merging, and spiking stories, 7778

stories and points, 6568

trivariate analysis, 65

updating velocity and burn-down charts, 8182

yesterday’s weather in estimating iterations, 7273

Planning Game

Circle of Life practices, 33

expectation of honesty in estimates, 55

expectation of stable productivity, 50

Planning Poker, estimating stories, 7677

Points. See Stories

Poole, Damon, 155

Portfolio management, Kanban, 163

Practices, technical. See Technical Practices

Pragmatic Programmers, at Snowbird meeting, 11

Process expert, becoming Agile expert, 156157

Product Owner

not feeling part of team, 172

Scrum, 94


expectation of stability, 4649

staff additions and, 29


contrasting with job, 178179

uniqueness of programming as a profession, 114


combining Craftsmanship with Agile, 181

community of professionals, 173

overview of, 38

software and its potential dangers, 4243

for software extent and dependence, 3942

Program evaluation and review technique (PERT), 65

Programmers. See also Developers

burn out, 101

collaboration in Acceptance tests, 9193

collaboration in choosing stories, 7879

communication as value, 134135

design weight as cognitive load, 127

expectation to not ship bad code, 4345

ruling the contemporary world, 4143

as subset of developers, 59

uniqueness of programming as a profession, 114

Programming, comparing XP with Agile, 180

Programming languages, core tools for Agile developers, 148

Project end. See Done

Project management. See Software development/project management; Waterfall project management

Punch cards, in source code control, 8384


QA (quality assurance)

Acceptance Tests and, 7980

collaboration in, 91

expectation of no faults, 52

liability of testing at the end, 9293

QA testers as subset of developers, 59

role and burden of, 91

test automation, 5253


decreasing to meet schedules, 2930

developer bill of rights, 59

Iron Cross, (good, fast, cheap, done), 15

Questioning, as coaching competency, 159


Rational Unified Process (RUP), 2, 168

RCS (Revision Control System), 86

Reasonable expectations. See Expectations, reasonable

Refactoring. See also Simple Design

Circle of Life practices, 34

expectation of continuous improvement, 50

expectation of inexpensive adaptability, 50

expectation of stable productivity, 50

overview of, 123124

Red/Green/Refactor cycle, 124125

remedy for shipping bad code, 45

Software Craftsmanship practices, 176, 179180

Refactoring (Fowler), 123, 183

Regression tests, 92

Releases. See also Small Releases

Agile hangover and, 169

defined, 87

expectation mismatch, 171

Remote work, 9596

Repository tools, for Agile developers, 148


for Acceptance Tests, 93

developer bill of rights, 6061

expectation of team sharing, 54

Return on investment (ROI), estimating stories, 7172

Revision Control System (RCS), 86

Royce, Winston, 56

Runaway Process Inflation, 22

RUP (Rational Unified Process), 2, 168


Scalability, of Agile, 160

SCCS (Source Code Control System), 8586


changes to, 28

impact of changing quality, 2930

impact of changing scope, 3031

impact of staff addition, 2829

Schwaber, Ken, 8, 11

Scientific Management, 4, 67

Scope, changing to meet schedules, 3031

Scripts, core tools for Agile developers, 148


Agile synonymous with, 172

comparing ideology with methodology, 174

growing the Agile adaptation, 163

history of Agile, 8

Product Owner, 94

representatives at Snowbird meeting, 11

Scrum Master as coach, 143

Scrum Master certification, 144

selecting Agile methods, 136

Sharon, Yonat, 8

Shirt Sizes approach, estimating stories, 76

Simple Design

Circle of Life practices, 34

expectation of continuous improvement, 50

expectation of inexpensive adaptability, 50

expectation of stable productivity, 50

refactoring and, 125

remedy for shipping bad code, 45

rules of (Beck), 125126

Software Craftsmanship practices, 176, 179180

SOLID principles, 165

weight of design and, 127

Simplicity, Agile values, 135136

Sleep, Sustainable Pace and, 104

Small, INVEST guidelines for stories, 75

Small Releases

Circle of Life practices, 33

disks and SCCS in source code control, 8586

driving team to shorter and shorter release cycles, 87

Git and, 87

overview of, 8283

SOLID principles, 164

source code control, 8384

subversion in source code control, 86

tapes in source code control, 85

Smalltalk, 8

Snowbird meeting

goal of, 2

healing divide between business and development, 96

overview of, 1013

post-Snowbird, 1314

starting the Agile momentum, 183

Software Craftsmanship

Agile and, 181

conclusion/summary, 182

discussing practices, 177178

focusing on value and not practice, 176177

ideology vs. methodology, 174175

impact on companies, 180181

impact on individuals, 178179

impact on industry, 179180

overview of, 173174

practices, 175176

Software development/project management

Agile addressing problems of small teams, 146147

Agile as religion, 189

Agile promising fast delivery, 168169

Agile use, 187

Analysis Phase of Waterfall approach, 1920

charts for data presentation, 1518

comparing Agile with Waterfall approach, 2324

comparing Agile with XP, 180

dates frozen while requirements change, 18

Death March Phase of Waterfall approach, 22

dependence of contemporary society on, 3942

Design Phase of Waterfall approach, 2021

Design Phase of waterfall approach, 1920

Implementation Phase of Waterfall approach, 2122

Iron Cross of, 15, 27

The Meeting beginning Waterfall approach, 1819

overview of, 14

potential dangers, 4243

SOLID principles

overview of, 164

Software Craftsmanship practices, 176, 179180

Source code control

disks and SCCS in, 8586

Git for, 87

history of, 8384

subversion in, 86

tapes in, 85

Source Code Control System (SCCS), 8586

SpecFlow, automated test tools, 8990

Specialization, Collective Ownership and, 105

Specification, as tests, 88

Speed. See Velocity

Spikes, story for estimating stories, 7778

Splitting stories, 7778

Sprints. See Iterations

Staff, making additions, 2829


calculating return on investment, 7172

demoing new stories to, 8081

models in communicating with, 100

participants in Iteration Planning Meeting, 70

Standup Meeting

Agile hangover and, 170

overview of, 110111

Stop the Presses events, breaks in continuous build, 109


ATM example, 6768

checking at iteration midpoint, 72

demo for stakeholders, 8081

estimating, 6870, 7677

examples of becoming Agile, 138139

failure to deliver, 170

feedback loop in, 6667

Golden Story standard, 82

guidelines for, 7476

Iteration Zero, 2425

managing iterations, 7879

overview of, 6667

SOLID principles, 164

splitting, merging, and spiking, 7778

in trivariate analysis, 65

Story points. See Stories

Structured Programming (Dijkstra), 8

Subversion (SVN), in source code control, 86

Sustainable Pace

Circle of Life practices, 33

dedication and, 103104

getting sufficient sleep, 104

marathons and, 103

overtime and, 102

overview of, 100101

Sutherland, Jeff, 8, 11

SVN (Subversion), in source code control, 86

Systems, Craftsmanship impact on, 180181


Tapes (magnetic), in source code control, 85

Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 4

TCR (Test && Commit || Revert), 150

TDD. See Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Team Practices

Collective Ownership, 104107

conclusion/summary, 111

Continuous Integration, 107110

Metaphor, 98100

Standup Meeting, 110111

Sustainable Pace, 100104

TeamCity, continuous build tool, 109

Teams. See also Team Practices; Whole Team

Agile address to small team issues, 144147

coaching in multiteam environment, 160

collaborative approach to choosing stories, 7879

expectation of stable productivity, 4649

expectation mismatch, 171

growing the Agile adaptation, 163

pairing and, 129

sharing responsibility, 54

Technical debt, Agile hangover and, 169

Technical Practices

discussing, 177178

focusing on value and not practice, 176177

methodologies and, 175

overview of, 114

Pair Programming. See Pair Programming

Refactoring. See Refactoring

Simple Design. See Simple Design

Software Craftsmanship, 175176

technical issues as business problem, 172

Test-Driven Development. See Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Technical readiness (technically deployable)

expectation of continuous, 4546

iterations and, 87

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Author’s first experience with, 9

Circle of Life practices, 34

comparing with double-entry bookkeeping, 114115

completeness, 119120

courage, 121123

debugging and, 117

as design technique, 121

documentation, 117118

expectation of continuous improvement, 50

expectation of fearless competence, 51

expectation of inexpensive adaptability, 50

expectation of test automation, 53

expectation that QA finds no faults, 52

focusing on value and not practice, 176177

as fun, 118

overview of, 114

Software Craftsmanship practices, 176, 179180

three rules of, 116117

XP and, 172

Test && Commit || Revert (TCR), 150

Testable, INVEST guidelines for stories, 75

Testers, as subset of developers, 59

Tests/testing. See also Acceptance Tests; Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Agile hangover and, 169

core tools for Agile developers, 149

coverage as team metric not management metric, 120

expectation of automation, 5253

expectation of stable productivity, 50

formalizing language of, 90

in remedy for shipping bad code, 45

specification as test, 88

Thomas, Dave, 11

Three Rules

courage, 121123

decoupling, 121

Red/Green/Refactor cycle, 124125

of Test-Driven Development, 116117

Tools, Agile

Agile Lifecycle Management (ALM), 153155

automation, 152

coaching tools, 159

effectiveness of, 149151

overview of, 148

physical tools, 151

software tools, 148149

Torvalds, Linus, 150

Trainers, vs. coaches, 142

Training. See also Coaching

certification and, 143144

great tools and, 153

Transition/transformation. See also Agile, process of becoming

Agile hangover, 169170

“faking it” as strategy to transition to Agile, 139140

from non-Agile approach, 137

Transparency, great tools and, 153

Trivariate analysis, in estimation, 65

Turing, Alan, 3, 184

Two, Mike, 108109


Ubiquitous Language (Evans), 99100

User stories, 66. See also Stories


INVEST guidelines, 7475


Valuable, INVEST guidelines for stories, 7475

Values, Agile

communication, 134135

courage, 134

feedback, 135

focusing on value and not practice, 176177

simplicity, 135136

Software Craftsmanship adds to, 173

transitioning from non-Agile approach, 137

van Bennekum, Arie, 11


estimating in Iteration Planning Meeting, 7071

falling, 82

Iron Cross, (good, fast, cheap, done), 15

rising, 8182

slope of velocity charts, 81

Velocity charts

Agile data presented in chart views, 16

updating, 8182


Waterfall project management

Analysis Phase, 1920

comparing with Agile, 2324

Crichlow on, 186

Death March Phase, 22

Design Phase, 2021

dominance as programming approach, 78

Implementation Phase, 2122

limitations of, 156

The Meeting example, 1819

Royce diagram, 56

Snowbird meeting to address limitations in, 2

Whole Team

Circle of Life practices, 33

co-location increasing efficiency, 9495

expectation of continuous aggressive learning, 55

expectation of honesty in estimates, 55

expectation of mentoring, 56

expectation of team sharing responsibility, 54

expectation of willingness to say “no,” 55

overview of, 9394

participants in Iteration Planning Meeting, 70

working remotely, 9596

Wideband Delphi, estimating stories, 76

Working remotely, 9596

Worst-case, trivariate analysis, 65

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