
The Open-Closed Principle (OCP) was coined in 1988 by Bertrand Meyer.1 It says:

A software artifact should be open for extension but closed for modification.

In other words, the behavior of a software artifact ought to be extendible, without having to modify that artifact.

This, of course, is the most fundamental reason that we study software architecture. Clearly, if simple extensions to the requirements force massive changes to the software, then the architects of that software system have engaged in a spectacular failure.

Most students of software design recognize the OCP as a principle that guides them in the design of classes and modules. But the principle takes on even greater significance when we consider the level of architectural components.

A thought experiment will make this clear.


Imagine, for a moment, that we have a system that displays a financial summary on a web page. The data on the page is scrollable, and negative numbers are rendered in red.

Now imagine that the stakeholders ask that this same information be turned into a report to be printed on a black-and-white printer. The report should be properly paginated, with appropriate page headers, page footers, and column labels. Negative numbers should be surrounded by parentheses.

Clearly, some new code must be written. But how much old code will have to change?

A good software architecture would reduce the amount of changed code to the barest minimum. Ideally, zero.

How? By properly separating the things that change for different reasons (the Single Responsibility Principle), and then organizing the dependencies between those things properly (the Dependency Inversion Principle).

By applying the SRP, we might come up with the data-flow view shown in Figure 8.1. Some analysis procedure inspects the financial data and produces reportable data, which is then formatted appropriately by the two reporter processes.


Figure 8.1 Applying the SRP

The essential insight here is that generating the report involves two separate responsibilities: the calculation of the reported data, and the presentation of that data into a web- and printer-friendly form.

Having made this separation, we need to organize the source code dependencies to ensure that changes to one of those responsibilities do not cause changes in the other. Also, the new organization should ensure that the behavior can be extended without undo modification.

We accomplish this by partitioning the processes into classes, and separating those classes into components, as shown by the double lines in the diagram in Figure 8.2. In this figure, the component at the upper left is the Controller. At the upper right, we have the Interactor. At the lower right, there is the Database. Finally, at the lower left, there are four components that represent the Presenters and the Views.


Figure 8.2 Partitioning the processes into classes and separating the classes into components

Classes marked with <I> are interfaces; those marked with <DS> are data structures. Open arrowheads are using relationships. Closed arrowheads are implements or inheritance relationships.

The first thing to notice is that all the dependencies are source code dependencies. An arrow pointing from class A to class B means that the source code of class A mentions the name of class B, but class B mentions nothing about class A. Thus, in Figure 8.2, FinancialDataMapper knows about FinancialDataGateway through an implements relationship, but FinancialDataGateway knows nothing at all about FinancialDataMapper.

The next thing to notice is that each double line is crossed in one direction only. This means that all component relationships are unidirectional, as shown in the component graph in Figure 8.3. These arrows point toward the components that we want to protect from change.


Figure 8.3 The component relationships are unidirectional

Let me say that again: If component A should be protected from changes in component B, then component B should depend on component A.

We want to protect the Controller from changes in the Presenters. We want to protect the Presenters from changes in the Views. We want to protect the Interactor from changes in—well, anything.

The Interactor is in the position that best conforms to the OCP. Changes to the Database, or the Controller, or the Presenters, or the Views, will have no impact on the Interactor.

Why should the Interactor hold such a privileged position? Because it contains the business rules. The Interactor contains the highest-level policies of the application. All the other components are dealing with peripheral concerns. The Interactor deals with the central concern.

Even though the Controller is peripheral to the Interactor, it is nevertheless central to the Presenters and Views. And while the Presenters might be peripheral to the Controller, they are central to the Views.

Notice how this creates a hierarchy of protection based on the notion of “level.” Interactors are the highest-level concept, so they are the most protected. Views are among the lowest-level concepts, so they are the least protected. Presenters are higher level than Views, but lower level than the Controller or the Interactor.

This is how the OCP works at the architectural level. Architects separate functionality based on how, why, and when it changes, and then organize that separated functionality into a hierarchy of components. Higher-level components in that hierarchy are protected from the changes made to lower-level components.


If you recoiled in horror from the class design shown earlier, look again. Much of the complexity in that diagram was intended to make sure that the dependencies between the components pointed in the correct direction.

For example, the FinancialDataGateway interface between the FinancialReportGenerator and the FinancialDataMapper exists to invert the dependency that would otherwise have pointed from the Interactor component to the Database component. The same is true of the FinancialReportPresenter interface, and the two View interfaces.


The FinancialReportRequester interface serves a different purpose. It is there to protect the FinancialReportController from knowing too much about the internals of the Interactor. If that interface were not there, then the Controller would have transitive dependencies on the FinancialEntities.

Transitive dependencies are a violation of the general principle that software entities should not depend on things they don’t directly use. We’ll encounter that principle again when we talk about the Interface Segregation Principle and the Common Reuse Principle.

So, even though our first priority is to protect the Interactor from changes to the Controller, we also want to protect the Controller from changes to the Interactor by hiding the internals of the Interactor.


The OCP is one of the driving forces behind the architecture of systems. The goal is to make the system easy to extend without incurring a high impact of change. This goal is accomplished by partitioning the system into components, and arranging those components into a dependency hierarchy that protects higher-level components from changes in lower-level components.

1. Bertrand Meyer. Object Oriented Software Construction, Prentice Hall, 1988, p. 23.

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