Saving Incanter graphs to PNG

So far, we've been viewing the graphs we've created in a window on our computer. This is extremely handy, especially to quickly generate a graph and see what's in it. However, the chart would be more useful if we could save it. Then we could embed it in Word documents or web pages or print it so that we can hang it on the wall.

In this recipe, we'll save a graph of the iris data that we created in Creating scatter plots with Incanter.

Getting ready

We'll use the same dependencies in our project.clj file as we did in Creating scatter plots with Incanter, and this set of imports in our script or REPL:

(require '[incanter.core :as i]
         '[incanter.charts :as c])

We'll also use the chart object that we created in Creating scatter plots with Incanter, and we'll keep using the iris-petal-scatter variable name for it.

How to do it...

Since we already have the chart, saving it is simple. We just call incanter.core/save on it with the filename we want to save it to:

(i/save iris-petal-scatter "iris-petal-scatter.png")

How it works...

Calling incanter.core/save on a chart saves it as a PNG file. We can also include options to the save function to set the output image's dimensions using the :height and :width parameters.

There's also another way to save images. If we right-click on a chart after displaying it with incanter.core/view, it gives us the option to save the chart from there.

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