Finding data errors with Benford's law

Benford's law is a curious observation about the distribution of the first digits of numbers in many naturally occurring datasets. In sequences that conform to Benford's law, the first digit will be 1 about a third of the time, and higher digits will occur progressively less often. However, manually constructed data rarely looks like this. Because of that, lack of a Benford's Law distribution is evidence that a dataset is not manually constructed.

For example, this has been shown to hold true in financial data, and investigators leverage this for fraud detection. The US Internal Revenue Service reportedly uses it for identifying potential tax fraud, and financial auditors also use it.

Getting ready

We'll need these dependencies:

(defproject statim "0.1.0"
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
                 [incanter "1.5.5"]])

We'll also use these requirements:

  '[incanter.core :as i]
  '[incanter.stats :as s])

For data, we'll use the Virginia census race data file that we can download from

How to do it…

Bendford's law has been observed in many other places, including population numbers. In this recipe, we'll look at using it on the Virginia census data:

  1. First, of course, we'll load the data:
    (def data-file "data/all_160_in_51.P35.csv")
    (def data ( data-file :header true))
  2. Now we perform the analysis using the function incanter.stats/benford-test. It returns a map containing some interesting tests and values for determining whether the collection conforms to Benford's test. We can also use it to view a bar chart of the distribution:
    (def bt (s/benford-test (i/sel data :cols :POP100)))
  3. In the map that's returned, :X-sq is the value for the Χ² test, :df is the degrees of freedom for the test, and :p-value is the p value for the test statistic:
    user=> (:X-sq bt)
    user=> (:df bt)
    user=> (:p-value bt)
  4. A histogram can help us visualize the distribution of the digits:
    (def chart
      (let [digits (map inc (:row-levels bt))
            frequency (:table bt)]
        (doto (c/bar-chart digits frequency)
    How to do it…

So the graphed distribution appears to naturally follow Benford's law.

How it works…

Benford's law states that the initial digits in a naturally occurring dataset should display a logarithmic probability.

The function benford-test calculates the frequencies of the initial digits from the input and performs a Χ² test, based upon the frequencies expected by Benford's law.

There's more…

For more about Benford's law, see the Wikipedia article at or the article on Wolfram MathWorld at

Finally, Testing Benford's Law ( is a fun site that applies Benford's law to various large, publicly available datasets.

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