
JavaScript was never meant to be the most important programming language in the world. It was hacked together in ten days, with ideas from Scheme and Self packed into a C-like syntax. Even its name was an awkward fit, referring to a language with little in common besides a few keywords. (For the story behind that, see Peter Seibel’s interview with Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript, in Coders at Work [Sei09].) But once JavaScript was released, there was no controlling it. As the only language understood by all major browsers, JavaScript quickly became the lingua franca of the Web. And with the introduction of Ajax in the early 2000s, what began as a humble scripting language for enhancing web pages suddenly became a full-fledged rich application development language.

As JavaScript’s star rose, discontent came from all corners. Some pointed to its numerous little quirks and inconsistencies.[2] Others complained about its lack of classes and inheritance. And a new generation of coders, who had cut their teeth on Ruby and Python, were stymied by its thickets of curly braces, parentheses, and semicolons.

A brave few created frameworks for web application development that generated JavaScript code from other languages, notably Google’s GWT and 280 North’s Objective-J. But few programmers wanted to add a thick layer of abstraction between themselves and the browser. No, they would press on, dealing with JavaScript’s flaws by limiting themselves to “the good parts” (as in the title of Douglas Crockford’s now-classic book).

And then CoffeeScript came along.

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