The CoffeeScript Community

A great language is of little use without a strong community. If you run into problems, who you gonna call?

Posting a question to StackOverflow[12] (being sure to give your question the coffeescript tag) is a terrific way to get help, especially if you include a snippet of the code that’s hassling you. If you need a more immediate answer, you can usually find friendly folks in the #coffeescript channel on Freenode IRC. For more problems, such as possible bugs, you should create an issue on GitHub.[13] You can also request new language features there. CoffeeScript is still evolving, and the whole team welcomes feedback.

What about documentation? You’ve probably already seen the snazzy official docs.[14] There’s also an official wiki.[15] And now there’s this book.

Which brings us to me. I run @CoffeeScript on Twitter; you can reach me there or by good old-fashioned email at [email protected].

These are exciting times for web development. Welcome aboard!

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