Example 9.12 Creating a SAS Time Value from a Character Value


Read a character value that cannot be read with an existing SAS time informat or function to create a SAS time value.

Example Features

Featured StepPROC FORMAT and DATA step
Featured Step Options and StatementsPICTURE format, INPUT and PUT functions

Input Data Set

Data set INCIDENTS has power supply information for five incidents. Character variables IN_NOTED and RESP_NOTED records the times each incident was noted and responded to. The time values are not stored in a way that can be read with a single time informat.


  Obs    location    type           in_noted       resp_noted
   1      SW009A     Surge          33.49          38.01
   2      N0003Q     Drop           9:13.69        12:15.02
   3      ESE01C     Transformer    8:00:00.33     10:21:06.43
   4      NW503K     Linkage        9:31:09.       10:18:18.
   5      ESE01D     Transformer    13:00:00.33    14:48:32.08

Resulting Data Set

Output 9.12 INCIDENT_TIMES Data Set

                       Example 9.12 INCIDENT_TIMES

 Obs location type        in_noted    resp_noted       time_in   time_resp

  1   SW009A  Surge       33.49       38.01         0:00:33.49  0:00:38.01
  2   N0003Q  Drop        9:13.69     12:15.02      0:09:13.69  0:12:15.02
  3   ESE01C  Transformer 8:00:00.33  10:21:06.43   8:00:00.33 10:21:06.43
  4   NW503K  Linkage     9:31:09.    10:18:18.     9:31:09.00 10:18:18.00
  5   ESE01D  Transformer 13:00:00.33 14:48:32.08  13:00:00.33 14:48:32.08

Example Overview

This example shows how to create a SAS time value from a character value. The character values in variables IN_NOTED and RESP_NOTED in input data set INCIDENTS cannot be read with an existing SAS time informat or function such as the TIMEn. informat or the HMS function.

The program uses a picture format that is defined by PROC FORMAT to structure the value in a form that the SAS informat TIMEn. can interpret as a time value. A series of assignment statements that contain INPUT and PUT functions transform the character value into a numeric value and then into a SAS time value.


Define picture format TIMECHAR.

Create data set INCIDENT_TIMES. Read the observations in INCIDENTS.

Assign the TIMEw.d format to the two new variables that will hold the two time values. Define array NOTED to hold the input time values. Define array TIMES to hold the results of converting the input values to SAS time values. Execute an iterative DO loop the number of times equal to the number of values to convert to SAS time values. Convert the elements in NOTED to SAS time values. Remove the colons. Create a character value that is saved in a way that can be read by the TIMEn. function. Convert the value in TEMP1 to numeric by reading it with the INPUT function and the numeric informat 11.2. Next convert this numeric value that is returned by the INPUT function back to character by using the PUT function and the picture format TIMECHAR, which writes out the value in a way that can be read by the TIMEn. function. Assign a valid SAS time value to the corresponding element in TIMES by reading the value of intermediate variable TEMP2 with the TIME11. informat.

proc format;
  picture timechar other='99:99:99.99';
data incident_times;
  set incidents;
  drop temp1 temp2 i;
  format time_in time_resp time11.2;

  array noted{2} $ in_noted resp_noted;
  array times{2} time_in time_resp;

  do i=1 to dim(noted);




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