“In a fad-filled sales world that loves silver bullets, Tony Hughes gut-punches us with what’s real and what works. COMBO Prospecting addresses the challenges of prospecting with unflinching courage. Sales reps must master prospecting or starve. Companies must embrace prospecting or be run over by competitors who are not afraid to attack the top of the sales funnel. Tony doesn’t mince words in these pages. My advice: read it twice and apply its clear lessons daily. Your success will thank you.”

—CHRIS BEALL, CEO, ConnectAndSell, Inc.

“This is a manual for dealing with the biggest problem confronting business leaders, entrepreneurs, and salespeople today . . . not enough opportunity pipeline. Yet lack of closable deals is really a symptom of deeper issues, and you must not solely rely on others to generate the leads and opportunities needed for success. Instead, you must take control and step into the hard-core prospecting fight cage yourself . . . you’re not really a leader or a serious salesperson unless you do! This book explains how any business-to-business seller can transform results to become a knock-out success. It is filled with practical steps, real examples, and actionable insights. You’ll be able to create your own plan worthy of becoming a world champion in your industry.”

—JEB BLOUNT, bestselling author of Fanatical Prospecting

“Creating sales pipeline is one of the top issues facing sales organizations today and foundational for sales success. Combining proven sales strategies with modern methods of engagement is a winning combination for prospecting in today’s competitive marketplace. Tony’s book explains how to intelligently embrace technology to consistently deliver outstanding sales results.”

—TIFFANI BOVA, analyst, sales strategist,
and growth adviser, Salesforce

“Opening is the new closing because nothing happens with a sale unless you can first get in front of decision makers with the right agenda. Tony’s book nails what it takes to cut through all the noise facing executive buyers, and he understands the importance of human connection in a digital world.”

—ANTHONY IANNARINO, bestselling author
and transformational sales strategist

“Tony Hughes is one of the very few voices I listen to when it comes to pipeline creation and new business development—and you should, too! The sales world needed COMBO Prospecting and this book delivers exactly what you need to know and do to succeed creating your own sales opportunities. Read it and implement. Now.”

—MIKE WEINBERG, author of the AMACOM bestsellers
New Sales. Simplified. and Sales Management. Simplified.

“Tony Hughes is one of the most respected writers and speakers globally on the topic of business-to-business selling. COMBO Prospecting is an absolute must-read for anyone interested in delivering consistently high sales results in the real world of ferocious competition and difficult-to-win clients.”


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