The Overview—How This Book Is Structured

This book is divided into two parts, and that is for the following reason. Most books that focus on personal finance topics focus on the ramifications that personal finance and financial literacy can have on individuals, but that is only half of the battle. Obviously, the importance of having a well thought-out financial plan cannot be overstated, but for any budding entrepreneur (and who doesn’t have a side gig these days?) understanding your financials can mean the difference between profit and loss. More importantly, every entrepreneur and small business owner is, first and foremost, an individual—getting the money right starts with the individual and then also involves their business. Part I of this book focuses on finance and financial literacy for individuals, including references to some resources that I have found to be objective and without a sales aspect. Part II takes it one step further, and reviews some of the key financial concepts and information you should always watch as you are bootstrapping your startup. You might not have been a finance or accounting major, but that is no reason not to maximize these topics and information for your personal and business benefit.

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