
Glenda Alvarado, Ph.D.*


Compared to other communication technologies, computers have gone through extremely rapid changes. From the 30-ton ENIAC to the 3-pound laptop, information processing in a couple of hours to instant responses after a verbal command, personal computing devices have gone from “business only” to “everyone has one” in a matter of 50 years. Modern societies can’t imagine life without some type of computer, with all access, all the time.


What’s a computer? That’s the opening phrase in several editions of the textbook Introducing computers: concepts, systems, and application (Blissmer, 1991) from the early 1990s. It’s asked again decades later in a commercial for Apple’s iPad Pro (Miller, 2017). It is a valid question given the current state of personal computers. Ackerman (2018) reported from CES 2018 that the “long-predicted PC-phone convergence is happening, but rather than phones becoming more like computers, computers are becoming more like phones.” Perhaps we should be asking, “What’s NOT a computer?”


Blissmer (1991) traces the roots of computers back to the 1600s with the invention of logarithms that led to the development of slide rules and early calculators. Blaise Pascal and Gottfried von Leibniz led the computing pack with “mechanical calculators” but the industrial revolution was the driving force toward development of a system that could deal with large amounts of information (Campbell-Kelly, Aspray, & Wilkes, 1996). Increasingly elaborate desk calculators and then punch-card tabulating machines enabled the U.S. government to process the census data of 1890 in months instead of years. The punch-card system gained wide commercial application during the first few decades of the twentieth century and was the foundation of International Business Machines (IBM) (Campbell-Kelly et al., 1996).

Herman Hollerith won the contract for analyzing the 1890 census data and created the, Tabulating Machine Company (TMC) in 1896 (Swedin & Ferro, 2005). TMC leased or sold its tabulating machines to other countries for census taking, as well as making inroads to the private sector in the U.S. These computational machines were then put to use to compile statistics for railroad freight and agriculture (Swedin & Ferro, 2005). Through a series of mergers and a shift to focus on big leasing contracts over small office equipment, IBM was established by Thomas Watson in 1924 (Campbell-Kelly et al., 1996). Early computing machines were built with specific purposes in mind—counting people or products, calculating coordinates, breaking codes, or predicting weather.

Toward the end of World War II, general purpose computers began to emerge (Swedin & Ferro, 2005). The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) became operational in 1946 and the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) concept was published the same year (Blissmer, 1991). The first commercially available computer was the UNIVAC (UNIVersal Automatic Calculator). UNIVAC gained fame for accurately predicting the outcome of the 1952 presidential election (Swedin & Ferro, 2005). IBM and UNIVAC battled for commercial dominance throughout the 1950s. Smaller companies were able to participate in the computer business in specialized areas of science and engineering, but few were able to profitably complete with IBM in the general business market.

Until the 1970s, the computer market was dominated by large mainframe computer systems. The Altair 8800 emerged in 1974. It graced the cover of Popular Electronics in 1975, touted as the “World’s First Minicomputer Kit to Rival Commercial Models” (Roberts & Yates, 1975). The Altair had to be assembled by the user and was programmed by entering binary code using hand switches (Campbell-Kelly et al., 1996). This do-it-yourself model was the forerunner to the machines most people associate with computers today. Paul Allen and Bill Gates owe the success of Microsoft to the origins of the Altair 8800 (Swedin & Ferro, 2005). Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs founded Apple on April Fool’s Day in 1976, and their Apple II microcomputer was introduced in 1977. IBM did not join the microcomputer market until 1981 with the IBM PC (Swedin & Ferro, 2005).

Fast-forward to the twenty-first century and personal computing devices are commonplace in business and the private sector. In 1996, a home computer was considered by most a luxury item. By 2006, 51% of the adult public considered a home computer a necessity (Taylor, Funk, & Clark, 2006). In 2017, Blumberg and Luke reported that 80% of U.S. households contain either a desktop or laptop computer, and 23% have three or more computers. When considering all connected technology (smartphone, desktop/laptop, tablet, or streaming media device), 90% of households contain some form of personal computing device. The typical household contains five such devices (Blumberg & Luke, 2017), many of them the mobile variety. (The author confesses to eight devices in a three-person household.)

Mobile computing gained ground in the early 1990s with a hand-held device introduced by Hewlett-Packard (MacKenzie & Soukoreff, 2002). The firstgeneration models were primary operated with a stylus on a touchscreen or slate and had limited applications. Apple’s Newton (aka Apple MessagePad) emerged in 1993, but one of the most significant entrants to the mobile computing market was the release of the Palm™Pilot in 1996 (Swedin & Ferro, 2005). Microsoft launched the Pocket PC in 2000, with Bill Gates using the term “Tablet PC” during its trade show introduction (Atkinson, 2008). Apple’s iPad came to the consumer market in 2010 and changed the landscape of personal computing devices (Gilbert, 2011). For many school children in the United States, iPads are issued instead of textbooks, and homework is done online rather than with pen and paper.

Computer ownership levels have remained roughly the same for more than a decade; however allpurpose devices are taking the place of specialized components (music-players, game systems, electronic readers) (Anderson, 2015). The newest trends in portable computing combine features of devices that were previously sold as separate items. These hybrids, convertibles and 2-in-1s are emerging as crossover devices, which share traits of both tablets and laptops. Combined features include a touchscreen display designed to allow users to work in a tablet mode as well as a keyboard that can be removed or folded out of the way.

How a computer works

The technology ecosystem model presented in Chapter 1 starts with breaking down the hardware of a computer to its basic components. In simplest terms, a computer has four fundamental components—input, output, processing, and storage. Hardware elements or the physical components of which a computer is comprised have become smaller and more compact, but are essentially the same across platforms. These main pieces are the central processing unit (CPU), power circuits, memory, storage, input, and output. Software or application components determine how information or content is used and manipulated.

The CPU is the brain of the computer—a series of switches that are essentially either on or off—a binary system or string of ones and zeroes. Early processors were constructed using vacuum tubes that were hot, fragile, bulky and expensive. This meant that it took and entire room (or rooms) to accommodate a single computer. The 1940s-era ENIAC weighed 30 tons and contained 18,000 vacuum tubes with the tubes being run at a lower than designed capacity in an attempt to lessen their rate of failure (Swedin & Ferro, 2005). The EDVAC used a great deal less tubes (5,000) but the heat they generated caused technicians and engineers to work in their underwear during the summer months.

Computer development followed a path very similar to that of radio discussed in Chapter 8. As can be seen there, science and technological developments are often tied to war—military battling to best their foes. In 1947, Bell Telephone scientists invented “point-contact” transistors made out of a semiconductor material—much smaller, lighter and more durable than tubes (Swedin & Ferro, 2005). Military funding sped up this development of transistors that were key components in computers built throughout the 1950s. By the 1960s “integrated circuits” contained multiple tiny transistors on a single silicon “chip.” Continued miniaturization has enabled complex processing systems to be reduced from the size of a room to a single chip, often smaller than a pinkie fingernail.


Modern computers are built with a motherboard that contains all the basic electrical functions. A motherboard is the physical foundation for the computer. Additional “boards” can be tied into the mother to provide supplementary components—extra memory, high-resolution graphics, improved video, and audio systems. Memory of a computer determines how much information it can store, how fast it can process that information and how complex the manipulations can be.

For a computer to operate, the CPU needs two types of memory, random access memory (RAM) and storage memory. Most forms of memory are intended for temporary storage and easy access. RAM space is always at a premium—all data and programs must be transferred to random access memory before any processing can occur. Frequently run program data and information are stored in temporary storage known as cache memory; users typically access the same information or instructions over and over during a session. Running multiple programs at the same time creates a “RAM cram” (Long & Long, 1996) situation where there is not enough memory to run programs. That’s the reason many troubleshooting instructions include clearing “cache” memory before re-attempting an operation.

As of early 2018, new computers are being manufactured with approximately 4GB or 8GB RAM (“How much RAM do you need? It’s probably less than you think,” 2018). Budget tablets or PCs have around 2GB; 8GB is recommended for casual gamers and generalpurpose users. Computer professionals and hard-core gamers will be looking for machines with 16GB that provide optimal performance. High-end, specific purpose-built workstations can be obtained with 32GB RAM. Typically, the more complex an application or program, the more RAM that is used. However, more RAM does not necessarily mean better performance. RAM should be considered for immediate access, but not long-term storage. For large amounts of data, a hard drive or external storage device is more appropriate.

Most computers have built-in internal hard drives that contain its operating system and key software programs. External storage systems typically have high capacity and are used to back up information or serve as an archive. These systems connect to a computer using USB, thunderbolt, or firewire connection. Increasingly, additional memory is part of a “cloud,” or virtual network system that is digitally stored in a remote location.

Small-scale storage devices called flash drives or thumb drives allow users to share or transport information between computers or systems, especially when network connections are unreliable or not available. Other memory or storage devices include SD cards, CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs. SD cards are most often associated with digital cameras or other small recording devices. Information is easily deleted or can be transferred to a permanent location before the contents are erased and written over. CDs and DVDs are considered “optical discs” and are commonly associated with movies and music files—although some versions have read/write capacity, most are used for a single purpose or one time only. Information in this format is accessed using an optical disc drive that uses laser light to read and write to or from the discs. For many years, software programs were produced as a CD-ROM (Read Only Memory) version.

Manufacturers are building machines without optic drives to save space and lessen battery drain. Headphone jacks, USB sockets, and other input/output ports are being eliminated as laptops are being constructed less than 15mm in thickness. (Murray & Santo Domingo, 2017). USB-C ports are emerging as the industry standard connector for power and data. These ports are 2.6mm tall versus the 7.5mm of a standard USB. Murray and Santo Domingo (2017) tout USB-C as the emerging industry standard with no up/down or in/out orientation offering greater bandwidth for data transfer and reduced power consumption.

Input and output devices are the last pieces of the computer anatomy. Input devices include keyboards, mice, microphones, scanners, and touchpads. Sophisticated computer operators may also have joysticks, hand held controllers, and sensory input devices. Output options include printers, speakers, monitor, and increasingly, virtual reality headsets.

Most current computers or personal computing devices are also equipped with Bluetooth, a form of technology that uses short-range wireless frequencies to connect and sync systems. Users looking for a wireless experience enjoy the “uncabled” functionality of such systems. Wireless options are also available for input devices (mice and keyboards), often using radio frequency (RF) technology whereby the input item contains a transmitter that sends messages to a receiver that plugs into a USB port.


For all the sophistication and highly technical components of a computer, it is essentially useless without software. These are the programs that enable the computer to perform its operations. At the core of each computer is the operating system—the Windows versus Mac debate continues to rage, but user preference remains a personal choice. These systems have more similarities than differences at this point in time, however Windows is the most used operating system worldwide (Ghosh, 2017).

Operating systems control the look and feel of your devices—and to a certain extend how you connect your multiple-device households. One reason for the dominance of Windows is the ability to connect devices from a variety of manufacturers. Mac/Apple products tend to only connect with each other—although there are “compatible” technologies that adapt across platforms. Unfortunately for users, frequent updates or system changes can render software obsolete. MacOS allows users free and continual updates to its operating systems. Windows users lose the ability to get systems support or updates after operating systems are phased out. Business Insider suggests that there were at least 140 million computers still running the popular Windows XP (introduced in 2001) when support was ended in 2014 (Ghosh, 2017). Without support, users were forced to upgrade the operating system or purchase a new computer.

There are hundreds of thousands of individual programs and applications for use on either system. Users can write, calculate, hear, watch, learn, play, read, edit, control, and produce…virtually anything. Outside of a “computer” the most popular operating system for personal computing devices is Google’s Android platform (Simpson, 2017).

Recent Developments

Popular commentary (Barel, 2017; Pratap, 2017) suggests that the personal computer industry has been in a decline and smartphones are replacing traditional devices. Laptops and desktops continue to be the top choices for gamers, but large screen phones and tablets are the first choice for people looking to use a computer for entertainment purposes (Pratap, 2017). A desktop or laptop is still the device of choice for work-related tasks, but the rise of cloud-based computing has lessened the reliance on bulky equipment.

Figure 11.1
Number of Smartphone Users in the United States from 2010–2022

Source: Statista, 2018


Users can purchase a basic computer for less than $100—for many users in the U.S., this is their first interaction with computing technology as a toddler. Most tablets more closely resemble a cell phone than a computer. High-end tablets with more versatile and sophisticated operations are available for $900–1200, but the most popular models are $250–100. Entry-level laptops—perfect for younger families to use for homework, web surfing, and movie watching—can often be found in the same price range.

PC Magazine rated the best value ultraportable laptops for 2018 the Acer brand’s Swift models at $350-$400. For general purpose usage, Dell and HP earned the best reviews with a price tag ranging from $800-1200 (Santo Domingo, 2018). These new generation lightweight computers weigh three pounds or less. Budget-friendly Chromebooks offer a personal computing device option for students and casual users that spend most of their time in a web-browser. According to Murray (2018), this low-cost Windows alternative doesn’t have an impressive hardware system, but functionality beyond basic web-centric operations is being introduced. Touch and large screen displays and more Windows-like functionality will soon be options in high-end Chromebook versions (Murray, 2018).


Laptops and desktops have been trapped in a Windows or MacOS battle since the 80s. Even students who might otherwise be permanently attached to their phones are still likely to use a MacBook, Windows laptop, or Chromebook some of the time (Mossberg, 2017). Ackerman (2018) reported from the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show that tablets have been “subsumed” by large screen phones, and laptops are becoming more like phones with always-on LTE connectivity. Cloud computing—the delivery of on-demand computing resources via connection to the Internet—has eliminated the need for many people to purchase hardware and individual software programs. Storage and access are available for free or on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Common cloud computing examples include Microsoft’s Office 365 and OneDrive that marry local and online services; Google Drive—docs, sheets and slides that are purely online; and Apple’s iCloud—primarily storage, but offering cloud-based versions of popular programs (Griffith, 2016). Hybrid services like Box, DropBox, and SugarSync are considered cloud-based because they store synchronized information. Synchronization is the key to cloud computing, regardless of where or how information is accessed.

In short, with an online connection, cloud computing can be done anywhere, at any time with any number of devices. At least that’s how it impacts typical consumers—people at home or school, and small-to-medium office environments. For big business, a subscription (Software-as-a-service, SaaS) or custom application (Platform-as-a-service, PaaS) over the Internet might be used (Griffith, 2016). Tech industry giants Amazon, Microsoft, and Google also operate an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) that can be leased by other companies. As can be expected, cloud-computing services are moneymaking ventures. Griffith (2016) reported that $100 billion was generated in 2012 and the market is expected to reach $500 billion by 2020.

Current Status

Worldwide shipments of computing devices (computers, tablets, and phones) totaled 2.28 billion units in 2017 and are expected to increase 2.1% to 2.32 billion units in 2018 (van der Meulen & Bamiduro, 2018). Overall growth is expected in the mobile market and premium ultramobile market where thin, lightweight devices are in high demand. Researchers predict that Apple smartphone sales will increase by more than the market average due to release of new models. Shipments of traditional personal computers are expected to decline by 5–6% (van der Meulen & Bamiduro, 2018). A forecast from International Data Corporation (IDC) shows a decline of more than 2% for 2017 in global shipments of personal computers (Chou, et al., 2017). Additionally, the prediction of a 4% decline year-over-year for 2018 continues the five-year downward trend. Conversely, detachable tablets are expected to achieve double-digit growth over the five-year period through 2021.

The Apple HomePod went on sale in February 2018, aiming to compete with Amazon market-leading Echo (Richter, 2018). The smart-speaker market is a growing category among home internet-users and replaces phones for search and general entertainment purposes. Smart-speaker penetration among U.S. households rose from 8% in June to 11% in October 2017. It is expected to reach 15% during the first quarter of 2018 (Richter, 2017). Personal assistants are discussed in more detail in Chapter 12.

Technology stocks fell dramatically in early 2018 in what many investors viewed as an overdue market correction (Rabe, 2018). Alphabet (Google), Microsoft, and Apple all suffered losses in value after having posted steady growth since 2015. Kim (2018) reported that the losses totaled more than $90 billion, with Alphabet suffering the greatest drop at 5.1% or $39.5 billion. The report goes on to state that the tech stocks were still up for the year-to-date.

Education has outpaced other businesses in adoption of digital technology and computers. According to Gurr (2016), educational buildings hold nearly twice as many computers per square foot as other commercial buildings. The number of computers per square foot increased 71% between 1999 and 2012. Data collected by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) indicates that the report did not include information about smartphones, tablets or personally owned computers that were brought into buildings for periodic use (Gurr, 2016). The most recently completed survey included additional questions about computers and the EIA continues to monitor building energy usage patterns. New computers are generally more energy-efficient than older ones, but the increasing total number of devices plays a large role in energy consumption patterns.

Factors to Watch

Technological advances are targeting seniors. One such example is the grandPad—a tablet that utilizes a closed network system to help older people stay in touch (Kaye, 2017). Approximately two-thirds of seniors (those aged 65+) use the Internet at home and 42% now report owning smartphones (Anderson & Perrin, 2017). Baby boomers are the first wave of retirees that are comfortable with personal computing devices as a part of their daily lives. Tech savvy boomers are taking advantage of fitness trackers and home healthcare diagnostics. They expect technology to improve medical treatments, track outcomes, and reduce overall medical costs (Jain, 2018).

Income and education remain the major factors that predict device ownership. In 2016, 32% of seniors reported owning a tablet computer—a double digit increase since 2013 (Anderson & Perrin, 2017). For many low-income families, making less than $30K per year, a smartphone is the only Internet access in the household. This number has risen from 12% in 2013 to 20% in 2016 (Rainie & Perrin, 2017).

Artificial intelligence, immersive experiences, and adaptive security systems are the categories of expansion that should be watched. As noted in the opening paragraph, nearly every aspect of modern society is touched by computer technology. We are constantly connected and increasingly reliant on personal computing devices.

Getting a Job

The majority (85%) of Americans believe that understanding computer technology is one of the most important traits for workplace success (Rainie, 2016). The same report indicated that knowing a computer or programming language was more important that knowing a foreign language (64% v. 36%, respectively). “New collar” jobs (coined by IBM CEO Rometty) are emerging with apprenticeships and skills-centered training being favored over traditional four-year college degrees (CompTIA, 2018).


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* Visiting Assistant Professor of Marketing, School of Business, Claflin University (Orangeburg, South Carolina)

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