Seeing and Hearing

The rest of this book is about practical compression issues, but it’s important to first understand how the human brain perceives images and sounds. Compression is the art of converting media into a more compact form while sacrificing the least amount of quality possible. Compression algorithms accomplish that feat by describing various aspects of images or sounds in ways that preserve details important to seeing and hearing while discarding aspects that are less important.

Understanding how your brain receives and interprets signals from your auditory and visual receptors (your ears and eyes) is very useful for understanding how compression works and which compression techniques will work best in a given situation.

It’s not necessary to read this chapter in order to be able to run a compression tool well, but understanding these basics is very helpful when it comes to creating content that will survive compression and understanding how best to tune the tradeoffs in compression. Even if you skip it the first time you’re flipping through the book, it’s probably worth it to loop back the second time around.


What Light Is

Without getting overly technical, light is composed of particles (loosely speaking) called photons that vibrate (loosely speaking) at various frequencies. As the speed of light is a constant, the higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength. Visible light is formed by photons with wavelengths between 380 to 750 nanometers, known as the visible light spectrum (x-rays are photons vibrating at much higher frequency than the visible spectrum, while radio waves are much slower). This visible light spectrum can be seen, quite literally, in a rainbow. The higher the frequency of vibration, the further up the rainbow the light’s color appears, from red at the bottom (lowest frequency) to violet at the top (highest frequency).

Some colors of the visible light spectrum are known as black-body colors (Color Figure C.1 in the color section). That is, when a theoretically ideal black object is heated, it takes on the colors of the visible spectrum, turning red, then yellow, warm white, on through bluish-white, as it gets hotter. These colors are measured in degrees Kelvin, for example 6500 K. What about colors that don’t appear in the rainbow, such as purple? They result from combining the pure colors of the rainbow. Everything you can see is made up of photons in the visible light spectrum.

The frequency of the light is measured in terms of wavelength. Visible light’s wavelength is expressed in nanometers, or nm. Unless you’re looking at something that radiates light, you’re actually seeing a reflection of light generated elsewhere—by the sun, lights, computer monitors, television sets, and so on.

What the Eye Does

There’s quite a lot of light bouncing around our corner of the universe. When some of that light hits the retina at the back of our eyes, we “see” an image of whatever that light has bounced off of. The classic metaphor for the eye is a camera. The light enters our eye through the pupil, and passes through the lens, which focuses the light (Figure 1.1). Like a camera, the lens yields a focal plane within which things are in focus, with objects increasingly blurry as they get closer or farther than that focal plane. The amount of light that enters is controlled by the iris, which can expand or contract like a camera’s aperture. The light is focused by the lens on the back of the retina, which turns the light into nerve impulses. The retina is metaphorically described as film, but it’s closer to the CCD in a modern video or digital still camera, because it continually produces a signal. The real action in the eye takes place in the retina.

Figure 1.1 A technical drawing of the human eye.


In high school biology, your teacher probably yammered on about two kinds of light-receptive cells that reside in the retina: rods and cones. We have about 120 million of these photoreceptors in each eye, 95 percent of which are rods. Rods are sensitive to low light and fast motion, but they detect only luminance (brightness), not chrominance (color). Cones detect detail and chrominance and come in three different varieties: those sensitive to blue, red, or green. Cones don’t work well in very low light, however. This is why people don’t see color in dim light. In 2007, scientists discovered a third photoreceptor type, unpoetically named the “photosensitive ganglion cell” (PGC), that responds to the amount of light available over a longer period.

The good news is you can safely forget about rods and PGCs for the rest of this book. Rods are principally used for vision only when there isn’t enough light for the cones to work (below indoor lighting levels)—much lower levels than you’ll get out of a computer monitor or television. And the PGCs are involved in wholesale changes of light levels; again, not something that happens during conventional video watching. At normal light levels, we see with just the cones.

Still, the rods make a remarkable contribution to vision. The ratio between the dimmest light we can see and the brightest light we can see without damaging our eyes is roughly one trillion to one! And the amazing thing is that within the optimal range of our color vision, we aren’t really very aware of how bright light in our environment is. We see relative brightness very well, but our visual system rapidly adjusts to huge swings in illumination. Try working on a laptop’s LCD screen on a sunny summer day, and the screen will be almost unreadably dim even at maximum brightness. Using that same screen in a pitch-black room, even the lowest brightness setting can seem blinding.

There are also some interesting effects when light is in the “mesopic” range, where both rods and cones are active. Rods are most sensitive to blues, which is why colors shift at dawn and dusk.

Folks with normal vision have three different types of cones, each specific to a particular wavelength of light, matching red, green, and blue (as in Figure 1.2, also Color Figure C.2). We’re not equally sensitive to all colors, however. We’re most sensitive to green, less to red, and least of all to blue. Really. Trust me on this. This is going to come up again and again, and is the fundamental reason why we use green screens for “blue screen” video these days, and why red subtitles can get so blocky when going out to DV tape.

Figure 1.2 (also Color Figure C.2) Relative sensitivity of the eye’s receptors to the different colors. The solid black line is the rods; the other lines are the three cones.


Late-Night College Debate Settled Once and for All!

So, if you were prone to senseless philosophizing at late hours as I once was (having children and writing books seem to have effectively displaced that niche in my schedule), you’ve no doubt heard speculation ad nauseam as to whether or not what one of us calls “red” could be what another perceives as “blue.”

Kudos if you’ve never thought about this, because Color Figure C.2 shows that what you see as red is what every other person with normal version perceives as red. In every culture in the world, in any language, if you ask what the most “red” color is and offer a bunch of samples, almost everyone picks the sample at 564 nm. Thus what you see as red, I see as red, and so does everyone else. The same is true for green and blue. I find it rather pleasing when something that once seemed abstract and unknowable turns out to have an extremely concrete answer like this. I’ll be calling out other examples of life’s mysteries answered by compression obsession throughout the book.

Also, not everyone has all three types of cones. About seven percent of men (and a much smaller percentage of women) have only two of the three cone types, causing red-green color blindness, the most common type (see Color Figure C.3). Dogs and most other mammals also have only two cone types. Not that it’s that much of a problem—many people with red-green color blindness don’t even know until they get their vision tested for a driver’s license. Red-green color blindness is also why my dad wears rather more pink than he realizes. It’s not all bad news, though. People with red-green color blindness are much better at seeing through color camouflage that confuses the three-coned among us.

Another aspect of the retina is that most of the detail we perceive is picked up within a very small area of what the eye can see, in the very center of the visual field, called the fovea. The outer portion of the retina consists mainly of rods for low-light and high-speed vision. The critical cones are mainly in the center of the retina. Try staring directly at a specific point on a wall without letting your eyes move around, and notice how small a region is actually in focus at any given time. That small region of clear vision is what the fovea sees – it covers only 1% of the retina, but about 50% of the visual parts of the brain are devoted to processing information from the fovea. Fortunately, our eyes are able to flick around many times a second, pointing the fovea at anything interesting. And we’ve got a big chunk of brain that’s there for filling in the gaps of what we aren’t seeing. At any given time, much of what we think we’re seeing we’re actually imagining, filling in the blanks from what our brain remembers our eyes were looking at a fraction of a second ago, and guessing at what normally would happen in the environment.

How the Brain Sees

It’s hard to draw a real mind/body distinction for anything in neuroscience, and this is no less true of vision. What we call “seeing” takes place partially in the retina and partially in the brain, with the various systems interacting in complex ways. Of course, our sense of perception happens in the brain, but some basic processing such as finding edges actually starts in the retina. The neuroscience of vision has been actively researched for decades, but it’s impossible to describe how vision works in the brain with anywhere near the specificity we can in the eye. It’s clear that the visual system takes up about a quarter of the total human brain (that’s more than the total brain size of most species). Humans have the most complex visual processing system of any animal by a large margin.

Under ideal circumstances, humans can discriminate between about one million colors. Describing how might sound like advanced science, but the CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage—French for International Commission on Illumination) had it mostly figured out back in 1931. The CIE determined that the whole visible light spectrum can be represented as mixtures of just red, green, and blue. Their map of this color space (Color Figures C.4 and C.5) shows a visible area that goes pretty far in green, some distance in red, and not far at all in blue. However, there are equal amounts of color in each direction; the threshold between a given color and black shows how much color must be present for us to notice. So we see green pretty well, red so-so, and blue not very well. Ever notice how hard it is to tell navy blue from black unless it’s viewed in really bright light? The reason is right there in the CIE chart.

Another important concept that the CIE incorporated is “luminance”—how bright objects appear. As noted previously, in normal light humans don’t actually see anything in black and white; even monochrome images start with the three color receptors all being stimulated. But our brain processes brightness differently than it does color, so it’s very important to distinguish between them. And optimizing for that difference is central to how compression works, and even how color television was implemented a half-century ago. We’ll be talking about how that difference impacts our media technologies throughout the book.

Software sometimes turns RGB values into gray by just averaging the three values. However, this does not match the human eye’s sensitivity to color. Remember, we’re most sensitive to green, less to red, and least to blue. Therefore, our perception of brightness is mainly determined by how much green we see in something, with a good contribution from red, and a little from blue.

For math fans, here’s the equation. We call luminance Y because…I really don’t know why.


Note that this isn’t revealing some fundamental truth of physics; it’s an average based on testing of many human eyes. Species with different photoreceptors would wind up with different equations, and there can be some variation between individuals, and quite a lot between species.

Encoding images requires representing analog images digitally. Given our eyes’ lack of sensitivity to some colors and our general lack of color resolution, an obvious way to optimize the data required to represent images digitally is to tailor color resolution to the limitations of the human eye.

Color vision is enormously cool stuff. I’ve had to resist the temptation to prattle on and on about the lateral geniculate nucleus and the parvocellular and magnocellular systems and all the neat stuff I learned getting my BA in neuropsychology. (At my fifteenth reunion, I bumped into the then and still Dean of Hampshire’s School of Cognitive Science. He asked why I’d left academic neuropsychology for something so different as putting video on computers. My defense?: “Video compression is just highly applied neuropsychology.”)

How We Perceive Luminance

Even though our eyes work with color only at typical light levels, our perception is much more tuned for luminance than color. Specifically, we can see sharp edges and fine detail in luminance much better than we can in color. We can also pick out objects moving in a manner different from other objects around them a lot more quickly, which means we can also notice things that are moving better than things standing still. In optimal conditions with optimal test material, someone with good vision is able to see about 1/60th of a degree with the center of their fovea—the point where vision is most acute. That’s like a dot 0.07 inches across at a distance of 20 feet.

A lot of the way we see is, fundamentally, faking it. Or, more gracefully put, our visual system is very well attuned to the sort of things bipedal primates do to survive on planet Earth, such as finding good things to eat without being eaten ourselves. But given images that are radically different from what exists in nature, strange things can happen. Optical illusions take advantage of how our brains process information to give illusory results—a neuropsychological hack, if you will. Check out Figure 1.3. Notice how you see a box that isn’t there? And how the lines don’t look quite straight, even when they are?

Figure 1.3 Kanizsa Square. Note how the inner square appears brighter than the surrounding paper.


How We Perceive Color

Compared to luminance, our color perception is blurry and slow. But that’s really okay. If a tiger jumped out of the jungle, our ancestors didn’t care what color stripes it had, but they did need to know where to throw that spear now. Evolutionarily, color was likely important for discriminating between poisonous and yummy foods, an activity that doesn’t need to happen in a split second or require hugely fine detail in the pattern of the colors themselves.

For example, look at Color Figure C.6. It shows the same image, once in full range, once without color, and once without luminance. Which can you make the best sense of? Bear in mind that there is mathematically twice the amount of information in the color-without-luminance image, because it has two channels instead of one. But our brains just aren’t up to the task of dealing with color-only images.

This difference in how we process brightness and color is profoundly important when compressing video.

How We Perceive White

So, given that we really see everything as color, what’s white? There are no white photons in the visible spectrum; we now know that the absence of colored light is the same as no light at all. But clearly white isn’t black—if it was, there wouldn’t be zebras. White is the color of a surface that reflects all visible wavelengths, which our vision detects even as illumination changes. In different circumstances, the color we perceive as white varies quite a bit, depending on what’s surrounding it. The “color” white can be measured by black-body temperature. As mentioned previously, for outdoors on a bright but overcast day, white is about 6500 K, the temperature of the sun. Videographers know that 6500 K is the standard temperature of white professional lights. But indoor light with incandescent light bulbs will be around 3000 K. CRT computer monitors default to the very high, bluish 9300 K, and many LCDs ship out of the box with that bluish tinge. I prefer to run my displays at 6500 K, as that’s what most content is color corrected for.

As you can see in Color Figure C.7, our perception of what white is varies a lot with context. It also varies a lot with the color of the ambient light that you’re looking at the image in.

We aren’t normally aware of the fact that white can vary so much. Our brains automatically calibrate our white perception, so that the same things appear to have the same color under different lighting, despite the relative frequencies of light bouncing off them and into our eyes varying wildly. This is one reason why white balancing a camera manually can be so difficult—our eyes are already doing it for us.

How We Perceive Space

Now you understand how we see stuff on a flat plane, but how do we know how far things are away from us? There are several aspects to depth perception. For close-up objects, we have binocular vision, because we have two eyes. The closer an object is to us, the more different the image we see with each eye, because they’re looking at the object at different angles. We’re able to use the degree of difference to determine the distance of the object. But this works only up to 20 feet or so. And you can still have a good idea of where things are even with one eye covered. Binocular vision is important, but it isn’t the whole story.

Alas, we don’t know all of the rest of the story. There are clearly a lot of elements in what we see that can trigger our perception of space. These include relative size, overlapping, perspective, light and shading, blue shading in faraway objects, and seeing different angles of the object as you move your head relative to the object. See Figure 1.4 for how a very simple image can yield a sense of perspective and Figure 1.5 (also Color Figure C.8) for how a combination of cues can. You don’t need to worry about elements that contribute to our depth perception too much for compression, except when compression artifacts degrade an element so much that the depth cues are lost. This is mainly a problem with highlights and shadows in the image.

Figure 1.4 This simple grid provides a powerful sense of perspective.


Figure 1.5 (also Color Figure C.8) Paris Street: A Rainy Day by Gustave Caillebotte. This painting uses both shading and converging lines to convey perspective.


How We Perceive Motion

Our ability to know how things are moving in our environment is critical, and it’s crucial to staying alive. We have a huge number of neurons in the brain that look for different aspects of motion around us. These ensure we can notice and respond very quickly. These motion sensor cells are specifically attuned to noticing objects moving in one direction in front of a complex background (like, say, a saber-toothed tiger stalking us along the tree line).

We’re able to keep track of a single object among a mass of other moving objects—it isn’t hard to pick out a woman with a red hat at a crowded train station if that’s who you’re looking for. As long as we can focus on some unique attributes, like color or size or brightness, we can differentiate a single item from a huge number of things.

One important facet of motion for compression is persistence of vision. This relates to how many times a second something needs to move for us to perceive smooth motion, and to be something other than a series of separate unrelated images. Depending on context and how you measure it, the sensation of motion is typically achieved by playing back images that change at least 16 times per second or, in film jargon, 16 fps (for frames per second); anything below that starts looking like a slide show.

However, motion has to be quite a bit faster than that before it looks naturally smooth. The original “talkie” movie projectors running at 24 fps had far too much flicker. They were quickly modified so the lamp in the film projector flashes twice for each film frame at 48 Hertz (Hz) to present a smoother appearance. And most people could see the difference between a CRT computer monitor refreshing at 60 Hz and 85 Hz.A higher setting doesn’t improve legibility, but a higher refresh rate eventually makes the screen look much more “stable” (it takes at least 100 Hz for me). Modern LCD displays display a continuous image without the once-a-frame blanking of a CRT, and so don’t have any flicker at 60 fps.


We often forget about audio when talking about compression; we don’t see “web video and audio file.” But it’s important not to forget the importance of sound. For most projects, the sound really is half the total experience, even if it’s only a small fraction of the bits.

What Sound Is

Physically, sound is a small but rapid variation in pressure. That’s it. Sound is typically heard through the air, but can also be heard through water, Jell-O, mud, or anything elastic enough to vibrate and transmit those vibrations to your ear. Thus there’s no sound in a vacuum, hence the Alien movie poster tag line: “In space, no one can hear you scream.” Of course, we can’t hear all vibrations. We perceive vibrations as sound only when air pressure raises and falls many times a second. How rapidly the air pressure changes determines loudness. How fast the pressure changes determines frequency. And thus we have amplitude and frequency again, as we did with video. As with light, where you can have many different colors at the same time, you can have many different sounds happening simultaneously.

Different audio sources exhibit different audible characteristics, which we call timbre (pronounced “tam-ber”). For example, an A note played on a piano sounds very different than the same note played on a saxophone. This is because their sound-generating mechanisms vibrate in different ways that produce different sets of harmonics and other overtones.

Say what? When discussing pitch as it relates to Western musical scales—for example, when someone asks to hear an A above middle C—they’re asking to hear the fundamental pitch of that A, which vibrates at a frequency of 440 cycles per second, or 440 Hz. However, almost no musical instrument is capable of producing a tone that vibrates at just 440 Hz. This is because the materials used to generate pitch in musical instruments (strings of various types, reeds, air columns, whatever) vibrate in very complex ways. These complex vibrations produce frequencies beyond that of the fundamental.

When these so-called overtones are whole number multiples of the fundamental frequency, they’re called harmonics. The harmonics of A-440 appear at 880 Hz (2 × 440), 1320 Hz (3 × 440), 1760 Hz (4 × 440), 2200 Hz (5 × 440), and so on. The relative way the volumes of each harmonic change over time determines the timbre of an instrument. Overtones that are not simple whole number multiples of the fundamental are said to be enharmonic. Percussion instruments and percussive sounds such as explosions, door slams, and such contain enharmonic overtones. As you’ll learn later, enharmonic overtones are a lot more difficult to compress than harmonic overtones, which is why a harpsichord (fewer overtones) compresses better than jazz piano (very rich overtones).

To achieve a “pure” fundamental, folks use electronic devices—oscillators—that produce distortion-free sine waves (a distorted sine wave has harmonics). Clean sine waves are shown in Figure 1.6 (check the DVD-ROM or the web site to hear them as well).

Figure 1.6 The sine wave of a perfectly pure 440 Hz tone.


Of course, air doesn’t know about overtones or notes or fundamentals or any of that. Sound at any given point in space and time is a change in air pressure. Figure 1.7 shows what the same frequency looks like with piano-like overtones.

Figure 1.7 This is the waveform of a single piano note at 440 Hz.


When an electronic oscillator is used to produce a square wave (a sine wave with a distortion pattern that makes it look squared off hence its name), it produces a timbre containing the maximum possible number of overtones. It looks like Figure 1.8—and sounds pretty cool, too. When there are notes played simultaneously, even if they’re just simple sine waves, their waveform produces something like Figure 1.9. It may look like a mess, especially with overtones, but it sounds fine.

Figure 1.8 A 440 Hz square wave. Even though it looks very simple, acoustically it’s the most loud and complex single note that can be produced.


Figure 1.9 A full piano A—major chord at 440 Hz. Note how much more complex it is, but the 440 Hz cycle is still very clear.


Though tonal music is a wonderful thing—and a big part of what we compress—it’s far from the only thing. Percussive sounds (drums, thunder, explosions) are made up of random noise with enharmonic spectra. Because there is so little pattern to them, percussive sounds prove a lot more difficult to compress, especially high-pitched percussion instruments like cymbals (Figure 1.10).

Figure 1.10 The waveform of a rim shot. Note how random the pattern seems.


How the Ear Works

In the same way the eye is something like a camera, the ear is something like a microphone (Figure 1.11). First, air pressure changes cause the eardrum to vibrate. This vibration is carried by the three bones of the ear to the basilar membrane, where the real action is. In the membrane are many hair cells, each with a tuft of cilia. Bending of the cilia turn vibrations into electrical impulses, which then pass into the brain. We start life with only 16,000 of these hair cells, and they are killed, without replacement by excessively loud sounds. This damage is the primary cause of hearing loss.

Figure 1.11 The anatomy of the ear.


Like the rods and cones in our retina, cilia along the basilar membrane respond to different frequencies depending on where along the cochlea they reside. Thus, cilia at specific locations respond to specific frequencies. The cilia are incredibly sensitive—moving the membrane by as little as the width of one atom can produce a sensation (in proportion, that’s like moving the top of the Eiffel tower a half inch). They can also respond to vibrations up to 20,000 Hz. And if that sounds impressive, some whales can hear frequencies up to 200,000 Hz!

What We Hear

As Discovery Channel aficionados know, there are plenty of sounds that humans can’t hear but other species can. As with visible light, there is a range of vibrations that are audible. Someone with excellent hearing can hear the range of about 20 to 20,000 Hz, or 20 to 20,000 cycles per second. The maximum frequency that can be heard gets lower with age and hearing damage from loud noises. Attending a few thundering rock concerts can dramatically lower your high-frequency hearing (wear your earplugs!). Below 30 to 20 Hz, we start hearing sound as individual beats (20 Hz is the same as 1,200 beats per minute, or bpm—hardcore techno, for example, goes up to around 220 bpm). Below 80 Hz, we feel sound more than we hear it. We hear best in the range of 200 to 4000 Hz, pretty much the range of the human voice. Evolutionarily, it isn’t clear whether our speech range adapted to match hearing or vice versa; either way, our ears and brain are highly attuned to hearing human voices well. Hearing loss typically most impacts the 3000–4000 Hz range, overlapping with the higher end of the human speech range. This is a big reason why people with hearing loss have trouble understanding small children—their smaller throats make for higher-pitched voices, and so more of their speech falls into the impaired range.

Sound levels (volume) are measured in decibels (dB). Decibels are expressed in a logarithmic scale, with each increase of 10 dB indicating a tenfold increase in volume. The range between the quietest sound we can hear (the threshold of hearing for those with great ears goes down to about 0 dB) and the loudest sound that doesn’t cause immediate hearing damage (120 dB) is roughly 1 trillion to one (interestingly enough, the same ratio as that between the dimmest light we can see and the brightest that doesn’t cause damage to the eye).

Less is known about how the brain processes audio than how it processes vision. Still, our auditory system is clearly capable of some pretty amazing things—music, for one huge example. Music is arguably the most abstract art form out there—there’s nothing fundamental about why a minor chord sounds sad and a major chord doesn’t. And the seemingly simple act of picking out instruments and notes in a piece of music is massively hard for computers to accomplish. A few pieces of music software are capable of transcribing a perfectly clear, pure-tone monophonic (one note at a time) part played on a single instrument fairly well these days. But throw chords or more than one instrument in the mix, and computers can’t figure out much of what they’re “hearing.”

We’re also quite capable of filtering out sounds we don’t care about, like listening to a single conversation while ignoring other sounds in a crowded room. We’re also able to filter out a lot of background noise. It’s always amazing to me to work in an office full of computers for a day, and not be aware of the sound—keyboards clacking, fans whirring. But at the end of the day when things are shut off, the silence can seem almost deafening. And with all those things off, you can then hear sounds that had been completely masked by the others—the hum of fluorescent lights, birds chirping outside, and such.

We’re able to sort things in time as well. For example, if someone is talking about you at a party, you’ll often “hear” their whole sentence, even the part preceding your name, even though you wouldn’t have noticed the previous words if they hadn’t been followed by your name. This suggests to me that the brain is actually listening to all the conversations at some level, but only bringing things to our conscious attention under certain circumstances. This particular example is what got me to study neuroscience in the first place (although scientists still don’t know how we’re able to do it).


Although our hearing system is enormously well-suited to some tasks, we still aren’t able to use all our sensitivity in all cases. This is critically important to doing audio compression, which is all about not devoting bits to the parts of the music and sound we can’t hear, saving bits for what we can. For example, two sounds of nearly the same pitch can sound just like a single note, but louder than either sound would be on its own. In the center of our hearing range, around 200–2000 kHz, we can detect very fine changes in pitch—for example, a 10 Hz shift up or down in a 2 kHz tone. Sounds can also be masked by louder tones of around the same frequency.


And that was a quick survey of how light becomes seeing and sound becomes hearing. In the next chapter, we dive into the mathematical representation of light and sound in cameras and computers.

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