Operating System 365
Target the Correct Option
1. An operating system is a
(a) hardware (c) combination
(b) software (d) none of these
2. Imagine that you have ‘Gauss Elimination’
software within the pen-drive in your posses-
sion. After which of the following operations
it may be called a process?
(a) Copying to hard disc of a computer.
(b) Printing it through a printer
(c) Evoking an ‘execute’ command after attach-
ing the pen-drive with a host.
(d) none of these
3. For implementing multitasking, the operating
(a) must have multiple processors
(b) need not have multiple processors
(c) needs Intel Core2 Duo
(d) none of these
4. If a higher priority process (with a priority,
say, 1) waits for completion of a lower prior-
ity process (with a priority, say, 20), then the
method of scheduling adopted may be
(a) pre-emptive priority based
(b) non-pre-emptive priority based
(c) any one of the two
(d) none of these
5. Ef ciency of any scheduling algorithm is
generally judged by the
(a) average waiting time of processes
(b) average execution time of the processes
(c) average number of I/O waits
(d) none of these
6. To switch from one process to another, the
operating system takes the help of
(a) short term queue
(b) long term queue
(c) I/O queue
(d) none of these
7. Threads may be visualized as
(a) processes sharing same source codes
(b) processes sharing same data sets
(c) processes sharing same stack-area
(d) none of these
8. Which of the following algorithms is not used
to locate a suitable space within main mem-
ory to accommodate a new process?
(a) Best t
(b) First t
(c) Last t
(d) none of these
9. To locate a suitable place within main mem-
ory for accommodating a fresh process, which
of the following algorithms take minimum
amount of time?
(a) Best t
(b) First t
(c) Worst t
(d) none of these
10. Instead of using the main memory as a large
contiguous space, paging is used by operating
systems so that
(a) the wastage of memory area is kept at a
minimum level
(b) the time taken to find a suitable space
in the memory for a fresh process is
(c) both of above
(d) none of these
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366 Computer Architecture and Organization
Find in Few Seconds
1. Indicate all duties of an operating system.
2. In operating system, what is meant by the
term ‘process’?
3. What are the advantages of multitasking?
4. What are the major stages encountered by a
process during its complete life-cycle?
5. Why any scheduler should try to maintain a
balance between CPU-bound and I/O-bound
6. How the ef ciency of a computer is improved
by introduction of threads?
7. What is the utility of a critical section ?
8. What is the utility of semaphores?
9. What are the disadvantages of treating the
main memory as a large contiguous space?
10. What are the advantages of the worst t algo-
Spend Some Time Here
1. Can we utilize the completely assembled hard-
ware of a computer or a laptop without any
operating system loaded into it? Justify your
2. What is the utility of an operating system
when we can easily interact with any key-
board through the ‘read key’ command of any
high level language?
3. Will there be any problem if instead of mul-
titasking; the operating system is developed
around single-tasking environment? Justify
your answer.
4. Will an operating system fail or crash because
the computer is continuously used solely for
number-crunching problem solving, demand-
ing very little or no I/O at all? Justify your
5. What is the difference between pre-emptive and
non-pre-emptive scheduling? Why some sched-
uling methods are always non-pre-emptive?
6. ‘In SJF scheduling, the shortest process
would always be terminated rst than others.’
Do you agree with the statement? Justify your
7. What are the differences between overlays
and swapping?
8. Apart from error-handling routines of any
software, can you identify a few more types
of routines which may be subjected to swap-
ping by any operating system?
9. What are the input(s) and output(s) of (a) First
t, (b) Best t and (c) Worst t methods?
10. Explain the reason of fragmentation and the
method of defragmentation.
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