Intel Core2Duo 487
MULSS Multiply scalar single precision oating point values
MWAIT Monitor wait
NEG Two’s complement negation
NOP No operation
NOT One’s complement negation
O R Logical inclusive OR
ORPD Bit-wise logical OR of double precision oating point values
ORPS Bit-wise logical OR of single precision oating point values
OUT Output to port
OUTS/OUTSB/OUTSW/OUTSD Output string to port
PABSB/PABSW/PABSD Packed absolute value
PACKSSWB/PACKSSDW Pack with signed saturation
PACKUSDW Pack with unsigned saturation
PACKUSWB Pack with unsigned saturation
PADDB/PADDW/PADDD Add packed integers
PADDQ Add packed quad word integers
PADDSB/PADDSW Add packed signed integers with signed saturation
PADDUSB/PADDUSW Add packed unsigned integers with unsigned saturation
PALIGNR Packed align right
PAND Logical AND
PAUSE Spin loop hint
PAVGB/PAVGW Average packed integers
PBLENDVB Variable blend packed bytes
PBLENDW Blend packed words
PCMPEQB/PCMPEQW/PCMPEQD Compare packed data for equal
PCMPEQQ Compare packed Qword data for equal
PCMPESTRI Packed compare explicit length strings, return index
PCMPESTRM Packed compare explicit length strings, return mask
PCMPISTRI Packed compare implicit length strings, return index
PCMPISTRM Packed compare implicit length strings, return mask
PCMPGTB/PCMPGTW/PCMPGTD Compare packed signed integers for greater than
PCMPGTQ Compare packed data for greater than
PEXTRB/PEXTRD/PEXTRQ Extract byte/Dword/Qword
PEXTRW Extract word
PHADDW/PHADDD Packed horizontal add
PHADDSW Packed horizontal add and saturate
PHMINPOSUW Packed horizontal word minimum
PHSUBW/PHSUBD Packed horizontal subtract
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488 Computer Architecture and Organization
PHSUBSW Packed horizontal subtract and saturate
PINSRB/PINSRD/PINSRQ Insert byte/Dword/Qword
PINSRW Insert word
PMADDUBSW Multiply and add packed signed and unsigned bytes
PMADDWD Multiply and add packed integers
PMAXSB Maximum of packed signed byte integers
PMAXSD Maximum of packed signed Dword integers
PMAXSW Maximum of packed signed word integers
PMAXUB Maximum of packed unsigned byte integers
PMAXUD Maximum of packed unsigned Dword integers
PMAXUW Maximum of packed word integers
PMINSB Minimum of packed signed byte integers
PMINSD Minimum of packed Dword integers
PMINSW Minimum of packed signed word integers
PMINUB Minimum of packed unsigned byte integers
PMINUD Minimum of packed Dword integers
PMINUW Minimum of packed word integers
PMOVMSKB Move byte mask
PMOVSX Packed move with sign extend
PMOVZX Packed move with zero extend
PMULDQ Multiply packed signed Dword integers
PMULHRSW Packed multiply high with round and scale
PMULHUW Multiply packed unsigned integers and store high result
PMULHW Multiply packed signed integers and store high result
PMULLD Multiply packed signed Dword integers and store lolw result
PMULLW Multiply packed signed integers and store low result
PMULUDQ Multiply packed unsigned double word integers
POP Pop a value from the stack
POPA/POPAD Pop all general purpose registers
POPCNT Return the count of number of bits set to 1
POPF/POPFD/POPFQ Pop stack into EFLAGS register
POR Bit-wise logical OR
PREFETCH h Prefetch data into caches
PSADBW Compute sum of absolute differences
PSHUFB Shuf e packed bytes
PSHUFD Shuf e packed double words
PSHUFHW Shuf e packed high words
PSHUFLW Shuf e packed low words
PSHUFW Shuf e packed words
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Intel Core2Duo 489
PSLLDQ Shift double quad word left logical
PSLLW/PSLLD/PSLLQ Shift packed data left logical
PSRAW/PSRAD Shift packed data right arithmetic
PSRLDQ Shift double quad word right logical
PSRLW/PSRLD/PSRLQ Shift packed data right logical
PSUBB/PSUBW/PSUBD Subtract packed integers
PSUBQ Subtract packed quad word integers
PSUBSB/PSUBSW Subtract packed signed integers with signed saturation
PSUBUSB/PSUBUSW Subtract packed unsigned integers with unsigned saturation
PTEST Logical compare
PUSH Push word, double word or quad word onto the stack
PUSHA/PUSHAD Push all general purpose registers
PUSHF/PUSHFD Push EFLAGS register onto the stack
PXOR Logical exclusive OR
RCPPS Compute reciprocals of packed single precision FP values
RCPSS Compute reciprocals of scalar single precision FP values
RDMSR Read from model speci c register
RDPMC Read performance monitoring counters
RDTSC Read time stamp counter
RDTSCP Read time stamp counter and processor ID
REP/REPE/REPZ/REPNE/REPNZ Repeat string operation pre x
RET Return from procedure
ROUNDPD Round packed double precision oating point values
ROUNDPS Round packed single precision oating point values
ROUNDSD Round scalar double precision oating point values
ROUNDSS Round scalar single precision oating point values
RSQRTPS Compute reciprocals of square roots of packed single precision
oating point values
RSQRTSS Compute reciprocals of square roots of scalar single precision oating point values
SAHF Store AH into ags
SBB Integer subtraction with borrow
SETcc Set byte on condition (Condition = cc)
SFENCE Store fence
SGDT Store global descriptor table register
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490 Computer Architecture and Organization
SHLD Double precision left shift
SHRD Double precision right shift
SHUFPD Shuf e packed double precision oating point values
SHUFPS Shuf e packed single precision oating point values
SIDT Store interrupt descriptor table register
SLDT Store local descriptor table register
SMSW Store machine status word
SQRTPD Compute square roots of packed double precision oating point values
SQRTPS Compute square roots of packed single precision oating point values
SQRTSD Compute square roots of scalar double precision oating point values
SQRTSS Compute square roots of scalar single precision oating point values
STC Set carry ag
STD Set direction ag
STI Set interrupt ag
STMXCSR Store MXCSR register state
STR Store task register
SUB Subtract
SUBPD Subtract packed double precision oating point values
SUBPS Subtract packed single precision oating point values
SUBSD Subtract scalar double precision oating point values
SUBSS Subtract scalar single precision oating point values
SWAPGS Swap GS base register
SYSCALL Fast system call
SYSENTER Fast system call
SYSEXIT Fast return from fast system call
SYSRET Return from fast system call
TEST Logical compare
UCOMISD Unordered compare scalar double precision oating point values and set EFALGS
UCOMISS Unordered compare scalar single precision oating point values and set EFALGS
UD2 Unde ned instruction
UNPCKHPD Unpack and interleave high packed double precision oating point values
UNPCKHPS Unpack and interleave high packed single precision oating point values
UNPCKLPD Unpack and interleave low packed double precision oating point values
UNPCKLPS Unpack and interleave low packed single precision oating point values
VERR/VERW Verify a segment for reading or writing
WBINVD Write back and invalidate cache
WRMSR Write to model speci c register
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