Intel Core2Duo 491
XADD Exchange and add
XCHG Exchange register/memory with register
XGETBV Get value of extended control register
XLAT/XLATB Table look-up translation
XOR Logical exclusive OR
XORPD Bitwise logical XOR for double precision oating point values
XORPS Bitwise logical XOR for single precision oating point values
XRSTOR Restore processor extended status
XSAVE Save processor extended status
XSETBV Set extended control register
There is no doubt that no reader would hesitate to agree that the above is an excellent example of
a really comprehensive instruction set for any processor. Attention of the reader may be drawn on the
instructions related to the processing of packed double precision and single precision values, which
form a major part of the Core2Duo instruction set.
Intel Core2Duo is different from Intel Dual core (also known as Core Duo). Core2Duo is a 64-bit
processor with two cores in a single die (package). It is based on Intel’s Core microarchitecture.
Externally, it offers 36 address lines and 64 data lines and capable of directly addressing 2
bytes of
external memory. Available in 775-land package, it offers 6 MB L2 cache for E8000 series and 3 MB
for E7000 series.
Core2Duo offers excellent power management features with its sleep, deep sleep and deeper sleep
power saving modes, controllable by hardware signals. Core2Duo is designed around super-scalar
architecture, supporting SIMD environment. It operates with a 14-stage pipeline and each execution
unit contains one oating point and two integer ALUs. It offers a very rich instruction set and provides
a number of instructions for number crunching and multimedia processing.
In earlier documentation of Intel and other manufacturers any active low signal was represented
by a bar sign (horizontal line) above the signal name. However, recently this norm had been modi-
fied and instead of a bar sign at top, a # symbol follows the signal name. To maintain uniformity in
this book we have followed the old convention of placing a bar sign above the name of any active
low signal. However, in the manufacturer’s data sheets of latest processors the reader will find
the # symbol following the active low signal’s name. The reader may make a mental note that
M/IO and M/IO# denote the same signal indicating a low state during I/O cycles.
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