To my wife
and my daughter
who are still tolerating me even after my fth book.
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Brief Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Overview of Computer 14
Chapter 3 Fundamentals of Digital Logic Circuits 28
Chapter 4 Computer Arithmetic 58
Chapter 5 Processor Basics 94
Chapter 6 Instruction Set and Assembly Language
Programming 149
Chapter 7 The Memory System 198
Chapter 8 Input/Output Organization 237
Chapter 9 Microprogramming and Microarchitecture 267
Chapter 10 Control Unit Operation 301
Chapter 11 Operating System 345
Chapter 12 Pipelining 367
Chapter 13 Parallel Processing and Super-Scalar
Operation 391
Chapter 14 Embedded Systems 411
Chapter 15 Computer Peripherals 430
Appendix-A Number Systems 442
Appendix-B SPARC and Ultra-SPARC 449
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vi Brief Contents
Appendix-C Power PC 463
Appendix-D Intel Core2Duo 475
Appendix-E MIPS R4000 494
Appendix-F Project Bank 510
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Preface xxv
Acknowledgements xxvi
About the Author xxvii
1. Introduction 1
Chapter Objectives 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.1.1 Difference Between Architecture and Organization 2
1.1.2 Essential Architectural Features of a Computer 3
1.2 Historical Background 3
1.2.1 Mechanical Computers (Calculators) 3
1.2.2 First Generation (Vacuum Tubes) 4
1.2.3 Second Generation (Transistors) 6
1.2.4 Third Generation (Integrated Circuits) 6
1.2.5 Fourth Generation (VLSI) 7
1.3 Classi cation 8
1.3.1 Embedded Systems 8
1.3.2 Personal Computers (PCs) 9
1.3.3 Work Stations 9
1.3.4 Servers 9
1.3.5 Mainframes 10
1.3.6 Looking Forward 10
Summary 11
Points to Remember 11
Review Questions 12
2. Overview of Computer 14
Chapter Objectives 14
2.1 Basic Structure of Computer Hardware 14
2.2 Fundamental Units 15
2.2.1 HDD and SMPS 16
2.2.2 Motherboard 16
2.3 Basic Operational Concepts 18
2.3.1 Processor Clock 18
2.3.2 Program Counter 18
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