Introducing another title within the numerous titles in the well-established area of Computer Architec-
ture and Organization may be considered a counter-productive effort; especially, when there are well-
reputed and most respected authors in this eld. For the last 15 years or so, I myself am one of the best
admirers of these authors and their titles. Therefore, I must explain wherefrom I gather the courage to
start working on such a manuscript.
During classroom interactions with my students, I did observe that no single book covers the existing
syllabi followed by different Indian universities in the area of Computer Architecture and Organization.
The second and an even more important observation is that a larger section of our students are unable
to follow the description and these descriptions need to be narrated at their own understanding level.
I must, therefore admit that I followed these well-established textbooks myself and converted their nar-
ration to tune to the frequency of our students. To put it in simple words, they feel uncomfortable with
Core2Duo architecture but remains comfortable with 8085- or 8086-related discussions.
My efforts to help my students would have remained con ned within my lecture notes, had there
been no invasion from a totally unexpected source. It was Thomas Mathew Rajesh of PearsonEducation
(India), who, one ne afternoon, suggested the idea of developing a manuscript on Computer Archi-
tecture and Organization, especially for our students. Very soon I found that Sachin Saxena of Pearson
India also joined Thomas and I was not able to sustain the pressure of 2:1 ratio. I started working on
the manuscript when I was in Pune and nished it when I shifted to Sikkim. It took a very long time in
referring to many existing reference materials and to maintain accuracy at various phases.
I frankly admit that this book is written for the majority of students of our country, whom I know
well, as I had the privilege to teach and interact with many students at various places of India and
who were at various levels of their learning abilities. I hope that I know, by now, what they can digest
easily and what they can digest with certain dif culties. That is the reason for adopting a simple and
easy-to-understand classroom language, placing diagrams and tables at appropriate places, present-
ing full-length solved examples on complex topics like ALU design or instruction set design, and also
concluding with a summary followed by points to remember. The set of exercises at the end of every
chapter includes three types of questions. Ten are multiple choice types with answers given at the end
of the book. Ten are easy to solve and their answers would be found within each chapters. The last 10
questions are a little thought-provoking type and need some contemplation on the subject matter. A
glossary and acronyms would help interested readers to quickly get the relevant information. All com-
ments and criticism related to this book would be thankfully acknowledged by me. I may be reached at
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