About the Authors

Rick Lehtinen started his career in electronic communications, from installing two-way radios to building television stations and satellite uplink facilities. Frequent contribution of articles to the trade press led to a position as an editor at Broadcast Engineering magazine, as well as a sister publication, Video Systems, which was followed by nationwide travel promoting desktop video production as "Dr. Video". After relocating to Phoenix, Lehtinen researched and produced marketing information for the semiconductor industry. This lead to a survey of computers and networking, which field eventually became a passion. Lehtinen financed his studies by teaching and writing, and is on the adjunct faculty of several community colleges and vocational schools. As a course writer for the Cisco Network Academy, he has worked with materials from conception through post-production, including learner assessment and the creation of annoying multiple choice questions. Lehtinen holds certifications in computer security (CISSP), networking (CCNP, CCDP), and telecommunications design (BICSII RCDD) and is the author of Computer Security Basics, 2/E. His hobbies include spending time with his family, playing the tuba, and writing about complimentary/alternative medical technologies.

G.T. Gangemi, Sr., is Director of Wang Laboratories' Secure Systems Program. The Wang organization mirrors the structure of the U.S. government's Information Security (INFOSEC) program, encompassing computer security (COMPUSEC), communications security (COMSEC), TEMPEST, and physical access. Mr. Gangemi is responsible for all Wang security-related products designed for government and commercial use. He has previously held management positions at Wang in a variety of areas, including research and development, product management and marketing, account management, and business planning. He attended La Salle College and the Program for Senior Executives at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. He served in the U.S. Army and is a private pilot.

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